Act - 14: ''A Meeting with Divinity''

As night settled in, Aria bid farewell, leaving me to take charge of the kitchen. I rolled up my sleeves, ready to tackle the dishes and tidy up the space. The clatter of plates and running water filled the air as I set about washing and arranging everything meticulously.

Once the kitchen gleamed, I turned my attention to cooking. The fragrant aroma of Thai green curry began to fill the air as I prepared rice and simmered the curry to perfection. It was a dish I knew my mom would appreciate after a long day.

Just as I finished plating up, the doorknob turned, and my mom entered the kitchen. Her eyes lit up at the inviting aroma wafting through the air.

"Oh, something smells delicious in here," she exclaimed, following the scent to where I was setting the table.

"Welcome back, Mom. Sit down, relax, and enjoy," I greeted her warmly, gesturing for her to take a seat.

With a grateful nod, my mom settled at the table, ready to savor the meal I had prepared. "Wow, this looks amazing, Dio. Did you really make this?" she asked in surprise, already enjoying the aroma and appearance of the dish.

I grinned, a hint of mischief in my eyes. "Of course, Mom. Do you think Aria can cook?" I teased, knowing well Aria's culinary prowess was limited.

Both of us chuckled, the warmth of our bond palpable as we enjoyed each other's company over the meal.

After we finished eating, I insisted my mom relax while I took care of the dishes. She protested lightly but eventually relented, leaving me to tidy up as she enjoyed a well-deserved break.

"Are you heading out tomorrow?" my mom asked, curiosity piqued by my mention of visiting a friend.

I nodded casually. "Yeah, I'm going to visit a friend, and Aria is coming with me, so you don't have to worry."

Surprised, my mom raised her eyebrows. "Oh, that's nice. How are you getting there? Taking public transport?"

I hesitated briefly, feeling a pang of nerves. "Actually, my friend's dad will pick us up," I admitted, hoping she wouldn't press for more details.

Moms being moms, she prodded gently, "Oh, really? Tell me more about your friend and how you met."

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts as I began recounting how I met Emilia and her family. "Mom, remember when we arrived at the airport in Norway?" I started, trying to ease into the conversation.

"Yeah, I remember," my mom nodded, listening intently. "So, they're the ones you're going to visit?"

I nodded. "Exactly. Aria and I met them at the airport, and it turns out they live nearby. Their daughter, Emilia, is around my age, and we really hit it off. They invited us over to their place tomorrow."

A smile spread across my mom's face as she absorbed the news. "That's wonderful, Dio. I'm glad you've made friends so quickly here."

Relief washed over me at her response. "Thanks, Mom. Yeah, they're really nice people. I think it'll be a fun visit."

With that settled, I finished up the dishes, grateful for my mom's understanding and support as I looked forward to the upcoming visit with Emilia and her family.

As the conversation wound down, my mom glanced at the clock and realized how late it had gotten. With a firm tone, she instructed me to head to bed.

"Off you go, young man. You have an early start tomorrow," she said, her voice tinged with authority.

I nodded obediently, but as I turned to leave, a pang of bittersweet emotion washed over me. It wasn't just the late hour or the prospect of an early morning that made my heart ache; it was the absence of something I had taken for granted in my past life.

In that moment, I realized how much I had missed her scolding, her reminders, her presence. Guilt gnawed at me as I remembered how many times I had ignored her calls to come home or rushed out without a word of goodbye.

In my old life, I had been too preoccupied with my own ambitions and desires to fully appreciate the simple moments with my mom. But now, with the gift of a second chance, I vowed to cherish every moment, to never take her love and guidance for granted again.

As I hugged her goodnight and retreated to my room, the weight of my past mistakes hung heavy on my heart, driving me to make amends and treasure the time I had with her in this new life.

Alone in my room, I turned my attention to my collection of Gogimon cards. Carefully sorting through them, I marveled at the rarity of some of my finds. Opening a new pack, I was thrilled to discover five legendary cards nestled inside.

Handling them delicately, I placed them on my bookcase with reverence, knowing their potential value in the years to come. As I gazed at them, a sense of excitement and anticipation bubbled within me. These cards weren't just pieces of paper; they were symbols of opportunity and possibility, representing a future I was determined to seize.

With a plan forming in my mind, I scanned through my collection, searching for some basic duplicates that I could use to execute my strategy. Each card held promise, each move a step closer to realizing my ambitions in this new chapter of my life.

Spotting a few identical ones, I grinned mischievously. These would be perfect for my scheme.

Carefully, I retrieved the cards and fetched some glue from my desk drawer. With practiced hands, I applied a thin layer of adhesive to the backs of the cards, ensuring they were aligned perfectly. As I pressed them together, a surge of excitement coursed through me. This simple act had the potential to yield significant rewards.

Once the glue had dried, I inspected my handiwork with satisfaction. The cards looked identical, indistinguishable from the originals. It was the perfect deception, one that would undoubtedly catch some unsuspecting kid off guard.

Tucking the modified cards into my pocket, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. But I quickly pushed the feeling aside, reminding myself that this was just a strictly business scheme. Besides, it was all part of the game in the world of Gogimon, where deception was just another strategy to outsmart your opponent. And I was determined to be the best.

As I lay down, my thoughts began to drift. I knew that starting my own empire wouldn't be easy. I needed to scout out people who were honorable, passionate, and ambitious. Allies I could trust were essential, as was securing a larger capital.

Then, I noticed a peculiar option on the system that I hadn't seen before. It asked if I wanted to skip my childhood and move straight to my teenage years or something along those lines. Oddly enough, there was a timer attached to it, a week to make the decision.

The idea gave me pause. Skipping my childhood would mean bypassing the formative years where I could learn valuable lessons and build crucial relationships. But on the other hand, it would accelerate my journey towards my goals.

Contemplating the decision, I weighed the pros and cons. Would skipping ahead give me an advantage, or would I miss out on vital experiences that could shape my future?

I decided to hold off on rushing my decision. With a week's time still on the clock, I had the opportunity to carefully consider all the implications. This wasn't a choice to be taken lightly—it was a pivotal moment that could shape the course of my life.

As I mulled over the options, I realized that there were still aspects of my childhood that held value. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, those years had provided me with invaluable experiences and lessons that had helped shape who I was becoming.

So, for now, I resolved to take my time. I would use the remaining days to reflect on my goals, assess my strengths and weaknesses, and weigh the potential outcomes of either choice. Rushing into a decision could have far-reaching consequences, and I wasn't willing to gamble with my future.

With a clear mind and a determined spirit, I set out to make the most of the time I had left. Whether I ultimately chose to skip ahead or not, I would do so with confidence, knowing that I had given the decision the careful consideration it deserved.

As my eyes grew heavy with sleep, I found myself slipping into the realm of dreams. But instead of the usual fragmented images and chaotic scenes, I was greeted by a warm, comforting light. A familiar yet indistinct voice echoed through the space, reaching out to me with gentle words.

"My child, I hope you use this opportunity to live a more fulfilling life," the voice said, its tone soothing and reassuring.

Confused but intrigued, I hesitated before responding. "Who are you?" I asked, my voice echoing softly in the ethereal realm.

The blurry shape before me seemed to shimmer, as if struggling to maintain its form. "I guess you can call me... God," came the reply, the words resonating with a quiet power.

My mind raced with questions, but before I could voice them, the enigmatic figure continued. "I only ask you to do one thing," it said, its voice echoing with a sense of gravity.

"To balance out the power of the world."

With those cryptic words hanging in the air, I felt a strange sense of purpose wash over me. Though I didn't fully understand the task set before me, I sensed that it would shape the course of my journey in ways I couldn't yet comprehend.

As the dream faded and I drifted further into slumber, I carried with me a newfound sense of determination, ready to embark on whatever path lay ahead.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 5

Skill Count: 1 (Key selling point analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 0 krone

Associate - 0

Asset - 10 (Gogimon pack)

Digital Asset - 0

Goons - 0

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Company - 0