Act - 20: ''A Dangerous Mistake''

Inside Mr. Bigdalen's office, the atmosphere was serene. He was lounging in his chair, enjoying a relaxing massage, when suddenly, his assistant barged in, shattering the tranquility.

"Sir, Dio just got arrested!" the assistant blurted out, urgency evident in his voice.

Mr. Bigdalen's peaceful moment was shattered. He sat up quickly, his brow furrowing. "Do you know why?" he asked sharply.

The assistant shook his head, unable to provide any details.

Mr. Bigdalen sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Prepare me a car and a lawyer, just in case. I'm going to talk to the boy myself," he said, his voice steady but filled with concern.

Back to my unfortunate state as the cops escorted me out of the toilet, the crowd's eyes bore into me with judgment. But I didn't care. My heart and soul were consumed by rage and sorrow upon learning about Emilia.

Instead of taking me to their car, the police threw me into a dark room. Without warning, a steel bat struck me, and the officers mercilessly beat me.

"You think you're tough, huh?" one officer sneered, landing a heavy punch on my ribs.

"Just another punk who thinks he's above the law," another mocked, kicking me in the stomach.

Pain radiated through my body, and despair gnawed at my spirit.

It was in this moment that something inside me switched completely, it was as rage consumed whole. I also realized that playing nice would never guarantee that others would do the same. I felt utterly powerless, and an unyielding determination took root in my heart.

From this day forth, I vowed to shake this entire corrupt system and make them bleed for this.

The system chimed in, a digital display flickering before my eyes.

"Level Up! Level Up! Level Up!"

The notifications continued until, finally, it displayed:

"Level 10 Achieved."

I felt a surge of power, a sense of achievement mingled with the pain and anger from the beating.

I accessed the upgrade menu and chose to spend 50 upgrade points.

The system chimed in, a digital display flickering before my eyes.

"Level Up! Level Up! Level Up!"

The notifications continued until, finally, it displayed:

"Level 10 Achieved."

I felt a surge of power, a sense of achievement mingling with the pain and anger from the beating. Accessing the upgrade menu, I decided to allocate my 50 upgrade points with careful consideration.

Strength: 32

I knew that physical power was essential. After what I had just experienced, I wanted to ensure that I could defend myself against any future threats. Allocating 10 points to Strength would give me the edge I needed.

Agility: 22

Speed and reflexes were crucial for both offense and defense. I needed to be quick enough to dodge attacks and strike back effectively. I added 7 points to Agility, boosting my ability to move swiftly and gracefully.

Intelligence: 11

While brute force was important, I couldn't neglect my mental acuity. Intelligence would help me strategize and outsmart my opponents. I allocated 3 points to Intelligence, knowing that a sharp mind was a powerful weapon.

Endurance: 19

Endurance was vital for withstanding prolonged physical activity and recovering from injuries. The beating I had taken highlighted the need for greater resilience. I added 11 points to Endurance, strengthening my ability to endure hardships.

Charm: 26

Charm could be a subtle yet powerful tool. Influencing others and gaining allies would be crucial in navigating the corrupt system. I allocated 9 points to Charm, enhancing my ability to persuade and connect with people.

As the points were distributed, I felt a transformation within me.

Power, agility, intelligence, endurance, and charm.

The system then asked me to pick a skill.

I pushed the "Draw" button, and the cards began to shuffle.

This time, the card was gold.

"That's new," I thought to myself.

The card revealed a skill: Analyze.

A detailed description appeared:

Analyze: This skill allows you to see the good and bad in people. It reveals personal information such as strengths, weaknesses, and intentions. This skill is super handy for assessing allies and enemies alike, giving you an edge in any situation.

As I absorbed this new ability, I couldn't help but smirk at the potential it offered. Now, not only was I physically and mentally stronger, but I also had a tool to navigate the murky waters of human behavior. This would be incredibly useful in dismantling the corrupt system and protecting those I cared about.

In the dark, a voice came from the other room.

"You are one lucky guy, boy. Looks like you've got some important people looking out for you. Now, let this be a lesson for you to learn to behave."

I laughed maniacally, feeling blood drip down my pulp face. The voice continued, "You are free to go for now, if you can find your way out, that is. Oh, and we'll be confiscating the cash you had on you as a lesson fee. One last thing, boy—you don't belong in this country. If I were you, I'd pack up and leave."

The echo of his words lingered in the darkness, fueling my resolve even further. Despite the pain and humiliation, a fiery determination burned within me. This wasn't the end—it was just the beginning.

In the dim room, my mind raced. Who was it that intervened? Mr. Johan?

I struggled to piece together the puzzle. The timing, the sudden change in the officers' demeanor—it all pointed to someone with significant influence pulling strings. Mr. Johan was a possibility, but I couldn't be sure. Regardless of who it was, their intervention had saved me, but their motives remained a mystery.

Still, I couldn't dwell on that now. I had to focus on getting out of here and planning my next move. The system was corrupt, and I had to be smarter, stronger, and more cunning to bring it down

In this moment a realization dauted on me, just how naive I had been. I had no influence, no real power to control this situation. The events of today had exposed my vulnerabilities and limitations.

My mind was made up: I needed to contact Mr. Johan and ask about the auction. That would be the starting point for my plan. These rich bastards had grown to comfortable in their positions of power.

Today, they made a critical mistake. They really think they are untouchable, and by letting me live, they have no idea what they've set in motion. The butterfly effect is a powerful force; a single, seemingly insignificant act can ripple through time, causing monumental changes. By sparing me, their destiny has just shifted to a dark turn. The Norway elite group and the corrupt will not see the storm that will engulf them.

Their arrogance has blinded them to the consequences of their actions. They believe their power and influence shield them from any repercussions. But they underestimate the fury of someone pushed to the brink, someone who has live two lifetime of struggle. This single act of mercy, intended to teach me a lesson, will be their undoing.

Still, I couldn't dwell on that now. I had to focus on getting out of here and planning my next move. The system was corrupt, and I had to be smarter, stronger, and more cunning to bring it down. 

As blood dripped from my battered face, a fierce resolve hardened within me. I would use every resource, every opportunity, to tear down this corrupt system. They thought they could intimidate and break me, but they had only fueled my determination. This was only the beginning, and I would make them regret underestimating me.

I struggled to stand, my legs trembled, barely able to support my weight. I didn't know how long I had been left alone in this dark room, but it felt like an eternity. My vision blurred, and I couldn't see anything clearly. The darkness pressed in on me, suffocating and relentless.

Suddenly, the creak of a door echoed through the room. A voice, filled with urgency, pierced the silence. "I found him over here!"

I looked up, my vision clearing just enough to make out a figure standing in the doorway. It was like looking at an angel. A beautiful girl with long blonde hair and tear-streaked cheeks rushed towards me. Her presence seemed to light up the darkness, offering a glimmer of hope.

She knelt beside me, her voice trembling with emotion. "Dio, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

I tried to respond, but my body was too weak. The pain and exhaustion overwhelmed me, and I felt my consciousness slipping away. Her voice became a distant echo as I collapsed into her arms, my last thoughts lingering on her angelic face before everything went black.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 10

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 0 krone

Associate - 1

Asset - 10 (Gogimon pack)

Digital Asset - 0

Goons - 0

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Company - 0