Act - 21: ''Nova Enterprises Founded''

Mr. Bigdalen paced back and forth, his voice raised in agitation as he argued into his phone.

"I don't care about excuses! I want names, and I want them now. Who the hell do they think they are, attacking a kid like that?"

A nurse, clearly exasperated, approached him with a stern look.

"Sir, you need to keep it down. This is a hospital, and there are patients who need rest."

Mr. Bigdalen waved her off impatiently but lowered his voice. "Yes, yes, fine. Just get me the information. I want those responsible found and dealt with." He ended the call with a huff, shoving his phone into his pocket.

In the hospital bed, I groaned as I slowly regained consciousness. Pain radiated from every part of my body, bandages covering my wounds. My eyes fluttered open, struggling to adjust to the harsh light of the room. "Where am I?" I croaked, my voice weak and raspy.

Then I saw her, the same angelic face I had glimpsed before passing out. Her long blonde hair framed her tear-streaked cheeks as she leaned over me. For a moment, I thought I was dreaming. "Am I in heaven?" I whispered, confusion and relief mingling in my eyes.

The girl's tears flowed more freely as she shook her head, smiling through her emotion. "Dad! Dio is awake!"

Mrs. Johan rushed to my side, gently brushing the hair from my forehead. "It's okay, Dio. We're all here. You're safe."

Aria stood by the door, her eyes filled with concern. "You need to rest, Dio. You've been through a lot."

As I tried to process everything, Mr. Johan entered the room, his presence commanding attention. He walked over to my bedside, his expression stern yet tinged with regret. "Dio," he said, his voice low and serious, "I owe you and your mother an apology. I failed to protect you."

I looked up at Mr. Johan, surprised by the man's contrition. "Mr. Johan... I..."

Mr. Johan raised a hand to stop me. "No, Dio. Let me finish. I take full responsibility for what happened. I promise you, those responsible will be brought to justice."

I nodded slowly, the weight of Mr. Johan's words sinking in. A mix of emotions swirled within me—relief, anger, determination—but above all, a renewed sense of resolve. "Thank you," I said quietly. "But this isn't over. They made a mistake by letting me live, and I won't rest until they pay for what they've done."

Mr. Johan and Mr. Bigdalen exchanged a glance. Then Mr. Johan asked, "Who are they, Dio?"

I looked around the room, a flicker of paranoia in my eyes. "Can everyone leave the room for a bit? Except Mr. Johan and Mr. Bigdalen."

Mrs. Johan, Aria, and my aunt exchanged worried looks but complied, quietly leaving the room. Once the door clicked shut, I turned back to the two men, my expression now deadly serious. The tension grew thick in the silence that followed.

I took a deep breath, then began to speak, my voice low and measured. I told them everything—about Hugo, the threats, the brutal beating, and the disturbing revelation about Emilia. As my words left my mouth, the atmosphere in the room shifted dramatically.

Mr. Bigdalen's eyes became bloodshot with rage, his face turning a deep shade of red. He clenched his phone so hard it snapped in his hand, pieces falling to the floor. "Those bastards," he growled, his voice trembling with fury. "They think they can get away with this?"

Mr. Johan's face was equally grim, his jaw set in determination. "We'll make sure they don't, Dio. This goes far beyond what we initially thought. We need to be meticulous and strategic."

I raised a hand to calm them, my eyes intense. "I have a plan, but we need to be patient. If we act now, we'll lose. Even combining our wealth and power, we're facing our own government. We need to lay low and build up our power. Just give me two years. In that time, I promise you, I'll shake this country to its core. But for now, I need you both to do the hardest thing—especially you, Mr. Bigdalen."

Mr. Bigdalen nodded, albeit reluctantly, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. Mr. Johan placed a hand on his shoulder, offering silent support. The room fell into a contemplative silence as we all steeled ourselves for the long battle ahead.

Mr. Bigdalen's gaze locked onto me, his anger palpable. "What do you need me to do?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid, like I did," I said, my tone steady and commanding. "Swear by your honor that you'll give me the time I need. I swear to you, I will make their lives a misery."

Mr. Bigdalen looked into my eyes, seeing the fierce determination and raw anger that burned within them. This boy, he thought, he really means it. With a heavy sigh, he gritted his teeth and extended his hand. "I promise, Dio. By my honor as a man, I won't act rashly. I'll give you the time you need."

I shook Mr. Bigdalen's hand firmly, sealing our pact. Mr. Johan nodded in agreement, his face resolute. "We'll support you, Dio. Whatever you need."

I took a deep breath, the adrenaline from the intense conversation still pumping through my veins. I turned to Mr. Johan with a new determination in my eyes. "Mr. Johan, how did the auction go?"

Mr. Johan handed me a piece of paper. "Every Gogimon card sold out," he said with a hint of pride. "And here," he continued, holding up a check, "is the result. Two million krone."

My eyes widened as I took the check. I looked up at Mr. Johan, a grin spreading across my face. "Excellent. I want you to create a company for me. Find someone trustworthy who can act as my puppet CEO. Also, start looking for office spaces for a call center. My first step towards my goal begins now."

Mr. Johan nodded, impressed by my decisiveness. "I'll get right on it. Do you have a name in mind for the company?"

I paused, considering for a moment. "Yes, let's call it 'Nova Enterprises.' It signifies a new beginning, a bright future."

Mr. Bigdalen, still seething with controlled rage, spoke up. "Dio, are you sure you're ready for this? You're taking on a lot."

I met his gaze, unwavering. "I'm ready. This is just the beginning."

As Mr. Johan and Mr. Bigdalen left the room to begin the preparations, I lay back in my bed, clutching the check. The pain in my body was a reminder of what I had endured, but it also fueled my resolve. I closed my eyes, allowing myself a moment of rest. The image of Emilia's tear-streaked face flashed in my mind, reinforcing my determination. This fight wasn't just for my personal revenge; it was for everyone who had been wronged by the corrupt system and stepped on by the elite.

As I drifted into a restless sleep, I knew that Nova Enterprises was just the first step. The real battle was yet to come, and I was prepared to do whatever it took to bring down those who had underestimated me.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 10

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 2 million kroner

Associate - 2

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 0

Goons - 0

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Company - 0