Act - 26: "The Salesman's Promise"

I sat at home, my laptop open in front of me, scrolling through various products and services, trying to decide what to offer through my call center. Mobile subscriptions, perhaps? Or maybe something else entirely?

As I continued my search for the ideal product, a new company caught my eye. They offered a cutting-edge solution in the realm of internet and broadband services, looking to revolutionize the industry. With excitement coursing through me, I quickly drafted an email requesting a meeting, eager to explore the potential partnership.

Subject: Exploring Partnership Opportunities with Sentech Solutions 

Dear Sentech Solutions Solutions,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Dio, and I am the Sales Manager at Nova Enterprises, a company dedicated to delivering innovative up sale telecommunications solutions. I recently discovered your company, Sentech Solutions, and was impressed by your groundbreaking work in internet and broadband services.

Your cutting-edge internet and broadband solution has caught our attention, and we believe it aligns perfectly with our commitment to providing top-quality sale team to get you 500 customers monthly basis minimum. We are eager to explore potential partnership opportunities between our companies to grow together to be a conglomerate expanding globally.

At Nova Enterprises, we value quality and quantity.

We believe that by combining our strengths, we can deliver unparalleled value to our customers and drive positive change in the industry.

I would welcome the chance to join in this to discuss how we can work together to capitalize on our synergies. Please let me know a convenient time for you to meet or schedule a call to further explore this exciting possibility.

Thank you for considering this partnership opportunity.

I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with Sentech Solutions and contributing to our mutual success.

Warm regards,

Dio Sales Manager, Nova Enterprises

Contact Information: Email: Phone: +47 (555) 123-4567

As I prepared to send the email, I decided to put my skill to the test. Key Selling Point, the skill allowed me to identify the most compelling aspects of a product or service and tailor my pitch accordingly.

First and foremost, the customer satisfaction rating was exceptionally high, indicating that the majority of users were highly pleased with the product. This was a significant selling point, as positive feedback from satisfied customers could greatly influence potential clients.

Furthermore with it highlighted minimal downtime and consistent performance, customers could trust that their connectivity needs would be met reliably and efficiently.

Additionally, the innovative technology offered by the product stood out as a key selling point. Its cutting-edge features provided users with a superior internet experience, surpassing traditional broadband services in speed, efficiency, and overall performance.

Armed with this valuable information, I felt confident in my ability to pitch the product effectively to potential clients. By emphasizing its exceptional customer satisfaction rating and innovative technology, I could showcase the product's superiority in the market and secure valuable partnerships for my business.

As I hit send, anticipation swirled within me. This could be the breakthrough I'd been waiting for, a chance to offer customers something truly innovative and valuable.

With the email sent and the wheels in motion, I turned my attention to other matters. It had been a while since I'd caught up with Jaken, a friend I'd stayed in touch with over the years. He'd been busy lately, but I hoped to reconnect soon.

Feeling restless, I decided to clear my mind with a jog. Stepping outside, I breathed in the crisp air, letting the rhythmic pounding of my feet against the pavement ease my thoughts.

As I jogged through the familiar streets, my thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Lars rushing out of his house. His usually jovial demeanor was replaced by a solemn expression, and I could hear his mom's voice raised in anger from inside the house. It was a side of Lars I hadn't seen before.

Concerned, I slowed my pace and approached him casually. "Yo, Lars, what's up? You good?" I called out, trying to sound laid-back.

Lars turned towards me, his eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and sadness. "Hey, Dio," he replied, his tone subdued. "Yeah, just... family stuff."

I shrugged. "Family drama, huh? Happens to the best of us. Anything serious?"

Lars sighed, looking down. "My dad gambled away all our savings. We're in deep debt, and I might have to quit school to find work. We could be homeless soon."

I raised an eyebrow, feeling a surge of determination to help. "Is it money problems? I got you!"

Lars looked up, desperation in his eyes. "What do you mean, you do? i mean i have tried, but finding a job fulltime but no one is willing to take me seriously enough to give me a chance and time is running out to find a high-paying job's like who gonna hire a 16-year-old."

I smirked, feeling the urge to help my friend. "Hold up, I might have something for you. Let me check something first." I activated my skill.

Analyzing Lars Jensen...

Name: Lars Jensen

Age: 16

Occupation: Student, Potentially Transitioning To Salesman

Skills: Fast thinking, Outgoing, Quick learner, Ambitious

Attributes: Likable Personality, Trustworthy

Goal: Achieving Financial Freedom

Financial Status: Poor

Potential: B+

Background: Lars is a high school student facing financial difficulties due to his family's debt. His father's gambling addiction has put their savings at risk, leaving Lars feeling overwhelmed and unsure of his future.

Despite his current challenges, Lars is known among his peers for his charmful witty humour and but he can be fully trusted due to his view of you like a brother.

He definitely has the potential to excel in a sales role with the right guidance and support.

I looked at Lars, a plan forming in my mind. "Alright, listen bro. I'm now currently building a sales team, and you'd be perfect for it.

You've got the drive and fast-thinking ability. I'll start your salary guaranteed at 20,000 krone base pay, plus bonuses for every sale.

How's that sound?"

Lars blinked, processing the offer. "You serious? that much for Me, as salesman what if i fail to make sale man?"

I clapped him on the shoulder. "I know you won't, and iknow you wont regret this decision either in some months. You're gonna succeed so hard, bro. They all gonna compare themselves to you. Trust me on this."

A grin spread across Lars's face, the hope returning to his eyes. "If you say it like that, let's do it. I'm sold."

I laughed. "I knew you would. We will start in two days, once the office is ready. I'll hit you up."

Lars walked away, a bounce in his step. "Thanks, man. I appreciate it."

"Don't mention it bro welcome to Nova Enterprise.

," I called after him. "I got you."

Lars: Sheeesh

With that, Lars headed home, a newfound sense of purpose guiding his steps.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 10

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - (Dio spent 100000 krone on this chapter) 1.4million krone remaining.

Associate - 1: Mr. Johan 2: Mr. Big Dalen 3:Oni

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 250 BTC

Goons - 0

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Employers - 1

Company - 1