Act - 27: ''Jaken Arrival''

Airport Time: 04.49 Date: June.06.2015 Location: Gardemoen 

At Gardemoen Airport, ten East Asian warrior looking men walked out of the AirFly plane, each carrying a gym bag. As they continued towards customs, they conversed in Thai.

"Do you know how to find Dio?" one of them asked, concern evident in his voice.

Jaken, looking slightly dumbfounded, replied, "Boss, you brought us all here with no plan. I know you paid for everything, but how are we going to find him?"

Trying to save face in front of his underlings, Jaken said, "Relax, I got it." He then pretended to speak in Norwegian, hoping to reassure them. Some of them bought it, but his right-hand man, Tabaguchi, facepalmed himself, clearly unimpressed.

As they stood there, unsure of their next move, an older Thai lady, who had been living in Norway for years, overheard their conversation. She stepped in, introducing herself with a warm smile. "Sawasdee ka, gentlemen. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. My name is Anong. Are you looking for someone?" she said in fluent Thai, surprising them with her familiarity. "I couldn't help but overhear. If you need a place to stay, I have a small house not far from here."

Jaken, grateful for her offer, replied in Thai, "That would be very kind of you. We appreciate your hospitality."

The elderly lady nodded and gestured for them to follow her. Speaking in Thai, she arranged for a taxi to take them to her house. "The taxi will be here shortly," she assured them, her hospitality putting the group at ease despite their initial uncertainty.

Upon arrival at the mansion farm, greeted by the elderly Thai lady's husband:

Elderly Thai Lady: "Welcome, welcome! Please, come in. My husband and I are so glad you're here."

Jaken led his companions through the sprawling grounds of the mansion farm, where they were greeted warmly by the elderly Thai lady's husband, a tall and kind-hearted man with a weathered smile.

"Boss, this is where we're supposed to meet Dio's childhood friend," Jaken explained, his tone a mix of relief and anticipation. "I booked the tickets after hearing Dio got hospitalized."

The elderly Thai lady, bustling with energy, welcomed them with open arms. "Welcome, welcome! Please, come in. My husband and I are so glad you're here," she said with genuine warmth, leading them into the cozy kitchen filled with the aromas of spices and fresh herbs.

As they settled around the rustic dining table, laughter filled the air as jokes were exchanged in a blend of Thai and broken Norwegian. The elderly lady, whose name they learned was Khun Ying, showcased her culinary prowess, preparing a feast fit for royalty.

"We have Gaeng Keow Wan (Green Curry) with tender chicken, aromatic, Som tam(spicy papaya salad), Tom Yum Goong (Spicy Shrimp Soup), and fragrant Pad Thai with fresh prawns," Khun Ying announced proudly, laying out the dishes one by one. "And don't forget the crispy spring rolls and Satay skewers with peanut sauce!"

Jaken and his companions marveled at the spread before them, their mouths watering in anticipation. Amidst the chatter and camaraderie, Khun Ying fired up the barbecue outside, grilling succulent pork and chicken skewers to perfection.

As they savored each bite, Khun Ying shared stories of her life in Thailand and Norway, bridging the gap between cultures with her infectious enthusiasm. The evening passed in a blur of laughter, good food, and newfound friendships, as they awaited news from Dio's hospital room.

Under the stars, amidst the tranquil surroundings of the mansion farm, a bond of trust and kinship formed among the unlikely group. They knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united by the threads of fate that had brought them to this moment.

And as they retired to their rooms that night, hearts full and spirits lifted, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the kindness of strangers who had become family in a land far from home.

The morning sun rose over the sprawling mansion farm, casting long shadows across the fields. After a hearty feast prepared by Anong, featuring mouthwatering Thai dishes like pad thai, green curry, tom yum soup, and mango sticky rice, Jaken and his men felt reenergized and ready to train.

They set up a makeshift training ground near the barn, an area surrounded by lush greenery and the distant hum of tractors. The men lined up, their gym bags now replaced with Muay Thai gear. The rhythmic sound of gloves hitting pads filled the air as they began their warm-up.

Jaken led the session, demonstrating powerful kicks and swift punches with precision. His movements were fluid, a blend of strength and grace honed over years of practice. His men followed suit, their bodies moving in unison as they mirrored his techniques.

"Focus on your form!" Jaken called out, his voice steady and commanding. "Power comes from precision."

The men responded with a chorus of grunts, their determination evident in each strike. Sweat glistened on their brows as they executed roundhouse kicks, knee strikes, and elbow blows, the fundamentals of Muay Thai.

Tabaguchi, Jaken's right-hand man, was particularly impressive, his strikes landing with a force that echoed across the farm. He moved with a fierce intensity, every blow a testament to his skill and dedication.

Jaken paused to correct one of the newer fighters, adjusting his stance and demonstrating the correct way to pivot for maximum impact. "Remember, it's not just about strength. It's about technique and control."

As the session progressed, the pace quickened. They paired up for sparring, testing their skills against one another. The sound of fists meeting pads and the occasional thud of a successful hit punctuated the otherwise serene morning.

Despite the rigorous training, there was an underlying sense of camaraderie. Laughter occasionally broke through the intense focus, and words of encouragement were exchanged.

After an hour of intense practice, Jaken called for a break. The men collapsed onto the grass, breathing heavily but smiling. The training had not only sharpened their skills but also reinforced their bond as a team.

"Good work, everyone," Jaken said, nodding approvingly. 

Let's go find Dio.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 10

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 1.4million krone remaining.

Associate - 1: Mr. Johan 2: Mr. Big Dalen 3:Oni

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 250 BTC

Goons - 0

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Employers - 1

Company - 1