Act - 28: ''Unexpected Visitors''

I was engrossed in organizing some documents when my phone buzzed, displaying an unfamiliar number. Curiosity piqued, I answered.

"Hello?" I greeted, unsure of who was on the other end.

"Hi there, this is Chris from Sentech," came the brisk reply. "I received your email, and I must say, it piqued our interest. I'd like to learn more about your plans."

A rush of excitement filled me as I realized this was about the proposal I'd sent out recently. "Absolutely, Chris," I replied, eager to discuss further. "I'm glad to hear you found it intriguing. How about we meet at my office tomorrow at 11:00 AM? It's still getting set up, but it should be ready by then."

"11:00 AM sounds perfect," Chris agreed. "Looking forward to our discussion."

With the meeting scheduled, I hung up, a surge of anticipation coursing through me. This unexpected call was shaping up to be a pivotal moment in advancing our business goals.

As I wrapped up the call with Chris from Sentech, finalizing plans for our meeting the next day, my doorbell rang sharply through the house. Before I could even process who it might be, my mom's voice rang out with a note of urgency from downstairs.

"Dio, you've got a visitor!" Her voice carried a hint of panic, unusual for our usually calm household.

I sighed inwardly, weary from the constant demands of work and the relentless pace of building my business. "Who could it be now?" I mused silently, pushing myself up from my desk and making my way downstairs.

As I descended, I prepared myself for the unexpected. Opening the door, I was met with a sight that surprised me—a familiar face I hadn't seen in years, standing there with a tentative smile.

"What are you doing here, Jaken?" I exclaimed, a mix of relief and curiosity in my voice.

Jaken grinned broadly, a hint of pride in his eyes. "I heard you got hospitalized, bro. Ain't no one messes with my bro without me showing up," he declared, his tone resolute.

I chuckled, touched by his loyalty. "Enough said, man," I replied warmly, stepping forward to greet him and his companions. "Mom, they're all friends," I called back, reassuring her as she invited them into the apartment.

Jaken stepped forward, a wide grin on his face. ''These are my guys," he began, gesturing towards each of them in turn. "This is Tabaguchi," he said, indicating a stoic-looking man with a tattoo peeking from under his collar. "He's my right-hand man, keeps everything running smooth."

Tabaguchi nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze steady and serious.

Jaken continued with introductions, pointing out each man by name and a brief description of their roles. "And this crew here," he added, sweeping his hand towards the group, "they're my brothers from the gym. We go way back."

I nodded, shaking hands with each of them as they introduced themselves with nods and smiles, their presence calming my initial surprise.

Inside, amidst laughter and introductions, Jaken couldn't contain his curiosity. "So, what happened, Dio? You told me briefly but it seems you've been through a lot," he asked, concern and interest evident in his voice.

I took a deep breath, recounting the whole story of Emilia and Hugo, the challenges, and the powerful adversaries I now faced. As I spoke, Jaken's expression shifted from curiosity to pride.

"You handled that like a boss, Dio," he remarked, nodding approvingly. "Taking on powerful people ain't easy, but you got guts."

"Yeah, but barging in now would be stupid," I admitted, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I've got a plan though."

Jaken raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Tell me."

I outlined my strategy, explaining step by step how I intended to navigate the murky waters of business intrigue and legal battles. Jaken listened intently, occasionally nodding in agreement or asking insightful questions.

"Smart move, bro," he finally said, impressed by the thoroughness of my plan. "You've always been the strategic one."

As we continued talking late into the evening, I felt a renewed sense of confidence. The atmosphere was warm, filled with camaraderie and shared history. Eventually, amidst the laughter and serious discussions, I turned to Jaken with a concerned look.

"So, how have you been, Jaken?" I asked, trying to sound casual but genuinely curious. "And how's your mom doing?"

Jaken's expression faltered for a moment, a shadow passing over his features before he quickly composed himself. "Oh, you know," he replied with a forced smile, "everything's fine. Mom's doing okay."

His men, who had been listening intently to our conversation, shifted uncomfortably. It was clear they knew more than they were letting on, their nervous glances betraying their concern for Jaken.

Sensing their unease, I changed the subject, steering the conversation back to lighter topics. Jaken appreciated the gesture, and soon we were back to trading stories and reminiscing about old times.

"It's getting late," Jaken finally interjected, checking his watch. "And you've got big plans tomorrow. But if you need me, just holla. Me and my boys got you."

I nodded gratefully. "Thanks, Jaken. I appreciate it."

As he got up to leave, I hesitated for a moment. "Hey, do you have a place to stay tonight?"

Jaken grinned mischievously. "Don't worry about me, bro. I'm a man of many ways."

With that cryptic remark, he bid my mom and me farewell. "See you, Dio. I'm in Norway for three months. Show me around when you got time."

His men bowed respectfully to both of us before following Jaken out of the door, disappearing into the night.

As I closed the door behind them, I couldn't help but smile. Tomorrow was no longer just another day but a chance to forge alliances, explore opportunities, and make a mark in the competitive business landscape. I was eager to seize the moment and continue building on the momentum that had sparked in my me.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation, eager to see where my plans would lead me next. 

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 10

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 1.4million krone remaining.

Associate - 1: Mr. Johan 2: Mr. Big Dalen 3:Oni 4:Jaken

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 250 BTC

Goons - 10

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Employers - 1

Company - 1