Act - 29: ''Nova Enterprise I''

I stood in front of the mirror, meticulously adjusting my tie. The reflection staring back at me was a mixture of determination and anticipation. Today was the first day of my new business venture, a day that held the promise of new beginnings and the weight of expectations.

As I fixed my tie one last time, my mom walked into the room, her eyes filled with both pride and concern. "How do you feel about your first day, honey?" she asked, her voice gentle but probing.

I turned to her, meeting her gaze with conviction. "Don't worry, Mom," I said confidently. "I know it's not going to be easy, but I'm ready for this. I won't give up."

She smiled, the worry lines on her face softening slightly. "I believe in you, Dio. You've always been so determined. Just remember, no matter what happens, I'm proud of you."

I nodded, her words fueling my resolve even further. "Thanks, Mom. That means a lot. I promise, I'll make this work."

With a final look in the mirror, I took a deep breath and straightened my suit jacket. This was it. The culmination of months of planning and hard work. As I walked out of my room, I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness, but above all, a sense of readiness.

Mom walked with me to the door, giving me a reassuring hug. "Good luck, Dio. Go show them what you're made of."

I smiled, hugging her back. "I will, Mom. I promise."

As I stepped outside, the crisp morning air filled my lungs, invigorating me.

Balancing work and education was a challenge I had accepted with open arms. Given the demands of my full-time job, I had been granted part-time homeschooling. It allowed me to dedicate the necessary hours to my business while continuing my education at a pace that suited my new responsibilities.

It wasn't the traditional path, but then again, nothing about my life had ever been conventional. My days were split between managing my new business and studying, a juggling act that required focus and discipline. Yet, the flexibility of part-time homeschooling gave me the opportunity to pursue my dreams without sacrificing my education.

Outside, a car engine rumbled, signaling the start of a new day. Waiting for me were Mr. Johan and Onio.

"Are you ready for the meeting?" Mr. Johan asked, his tone serious but encouraging. "The Sentech Solution negotiation team is coming in an hour. Let's go."

Onio nodded, giving me a reassuring smile. "You've got this, Dio. Let's make it happen."

I sat in the car and let out a sigh. Mr. Johan noticed and turned to me, a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Having a fun time, huh?" he asked, his tone a mix of empathy and curiosity.

I then replied, "Yeah, so fun I almost have no time to sleep, coffee has been my go to these past few days." I then changed the topic, trying to keep my mind off the stress. "Anyway we got a lot to do and to be honest i need four more sales consultants for our company, and I need to contact a human resource agency for that. Do you guys have any recommendations?"

Onio pondered for a while before grinning happily. "I know just the guy to contact, but he can be a pain to deal with. If you don't mind, I can schedule a call meeting right away."

I said, "Thank you, Onio. I would appreciate that."

The car stopped, revealing our new office. From the outside, it didn't look like much—just another building in the business district. But stepping inside was a different story. The interior was sleek and modern, with black and white decor creating a professional atmosphere. Strategically placed plants added splashes of bright color, giving the space a lively feel. It looked like a proper office, ready for the intense battles ahead.

"Dio, how do you like it?" Mr. Johan asked, gesturing around the office with pride. "I had a favor turned in to arrange this for you, free of cost."

I smiled gratefully. "Wow, this is just amazing, Mr. Johan. Thank you."

As we walked around, admiring the sleek black and white interior with its vibrant plants, I turned to Onio. "For the meeting today, Onio, leave the talking to me and Mr. Johan. Just look important," I instructed with a reassuring smile.

Onio replied with a grin, "That's what I get paid to do, right?" He winked, exuding confidence as we prepared for the upcoming meeting.

The doorbell buzzed as I pressed the unlock button, allowing the people from Sentech Solutions to enter. Chris, with his million-dollar smile, stood to the right, exuding confidence and professionalism. Beside him was Thalia, his assistant, a serious-looking brunette in a sharp suit and a tight skirt with black leggings. I extended my hand to greet them, and Mr. Johan and Onio did the same, forming a welcoming reception in our new office.

"Would you like anything to drink before we start?" I asked, extending the courtesy.

Chris smiled warmly and replied, "A coffee would be great, thank you."

Thalia, with a thoughtful expression, hesitated for a moment before speaking up, "Actually, do you have a chai latte with almond milk? And if possible, a shot of vanilla syrup?"

I nodded, noting her specific request. "Sure, I'll get that for you. Mr. Johan, could you please guide them to the meeting room? I'll prepare the beverages."

Mr. Johan, always composed, led Chris and Thalia down the hallway towards the meeting room as I headed to the kitchenette. The task ahead seemed straightforward, yet the complexity of Thalia's order hinted at the meticulous nature of the negotiations to come.

As I busied myself preparing Thalia's chai latte with almond milk and vanilla syrup, her specific order lingered in my mind. It wasn't just a drink; it was a subtle test of my ability to handle details, perhaps a strategy to gauge my attentiveness.

"She's sharp," I thought to myself, stirring the ingredients thoughtfully. "A chai latte with almond milk and vanilla syrup—clearly she's meticulous. This negotiation might require a different approach."

I pondered the upcoming meeting, considering how to match Thalia's precision without giving away too much. "Outsmarting her will mean staying a step ahead, anticipating her moves," I mused, pouring the steaming liquid into a mug. "Attention to detail and a strategic mindset—those will be my approach."

With a determined nod, I set the perfectly prepared chai latte on a tray alongside Chris's coffee and headed towards the meeting room, ready to face the challenge Thalia's order symbolized.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 10

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 1.4million krone remaining.

Associate - 1: Mr. Johan 2: Mr. Big Dalen 3:Oni 4:Jaken

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 250 BTC

Goons - 10

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Employers - 1

Company - 1