Act - 30: ''Nova Enterprise II''

I walked into the sleek meeting room with confidence, carrying a tray of steaming black coffee for Chris, Mr. Johan, and Onio. Thalia sat composed, flipping through a dossier on the table in front of her. Her serious demeanor didn't falter as I approached.

"Here's your chai latte with almond milk and vanilla syrup," I said casually, placing the carefully prepared drink in front of her. "I hope that's to your liking."

Thalia looked up, a hint of surprise flickering in her eyes before she nodded graciously. "Thank you," she replied, her tone neutral yet appreciative.

Chris chuckled lightly, taking his coffee with a nod of thanks. "You know how to read people, Dio," he remarked, sipping his drink.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Just making sure everyone's comfortable," I said with a smile, taking my seat at the head of the table. "Shall we get started?"

Mr. Johan and Onio exchanged glances, seemingly amused by the small exchange. As the meeting began, I felt a surge of confidence, knowing that even in the smallest details, I was prepared to meet the challenge Thalia represented.

I sat down at the head of the conference table, my laptop open and ready. Chris and Thalia took their seats opposite me, with Mr. Johan and Onio flanking me on either side. After exchanging pleasantries and expressing gratitude for the opportunity, I began the meeting.

"Thank you, Chris and Thalia, for considering this partnership with us," I started, projecting confidence. "We're excited about the potential synergies between our companies."

Thalia, with her piercing gaze, wasted no time. "You mentioned 500 new customers on a monthly basis in your email," she stated bluntly. "Do you realize how ambitious that sounds?"

Her directness caught me off guard for a moment, but I maintained composure. "Absolutely," I replied evenly. "It's an ambitious target, but one we're confident in achieving with the right strategies and resources."

Chris nodded thoughtfully, interjecting to ease the tension. "Thalia has a point, Dio," he said diplomatically. "Can you give us an idea of your current workforce? How prepared are you to scale up?"

I glanced at Mr. Johan, who leaned forward with a reassuring smile. "We're actively expanding our team," he assured, his tone supportive. "We've already initiated hiring processes to meet the demands of our growth projections."

Onio chimed in next, reinforcing our readiness. "We've identified key areas where additional hires will bolster our operations," he added confidently. "And we're in the process of finalizing recruitment strategies."

Thalia seemed momentarily satisfied with the responses, her demeanor softening slightly. "I see," she acknowledged, leaning back in her chair. "And what about your technological infrastructure? Can it support such rapid customer acquisition?"

I nodded, seizing the opportunity to highlight our strengths. "Our IT department is robust," I explained, tapping into the technical details. "We've recently upgraded our systems to enhance scalability and efficiency."

Chris leaned forward, genuinely intrigued. "Impressive," he remarked. "Thalia, I think we're dealing with a well-prepared team here."

Thalia nodded in agreement, her initial skepticism giving way to cautious optimism. "I appreciate the transparency," she admitted, offering a slight smile. "Let's discuss the specifics of your proposal."

With the ice broken, the meeting progressed into a constructive dialogue about our business plans, capabilities, and the framework for a potential partnership. It was a testament to preparation and teamwork, as we navigated Thalia's probing questions with confidence and clarity.

As the discussion unfolded, our responses seemed to reassure Chris and Thalia, gradually shifting their initial skepticism. Chris leaned forward, genuinely intrigued. "Impressive," he remarked. "Thalia, I think we're dealing with a well-prepared team here."

Thalia nodded in agreement, her initial skepticism giving way to cautious optimism. "I appreciate the transparency," she admitted, offering a slight smile. "Let's discuss the specifics of your proposal."

With the ice broken, the meeting progressed into a constructive dialogue about our business plans, capabilities, and the framework for a potential partnership. It was a testament to preparation and teamwork, as we navigated Thalia's probing questions with confidence and clarity.

Finally, sensing the right moment, I leaned forward, my voice steady and confident. "Chris, Thalia," I began, locking eyes with each of them in turn. "I'm confident that not only can we deliver on the 500 new customers per month as discussed, but we will exceed your expectations. In the first two months alone, we will bring you 1000 new customers. And moving forward, we aim to achieve a minimum of 10,000 new customers monthly."

Thalia, visibly taken aback, rose abruptly from her chair. "Ridiculous," she exclaimed, her tone a mix of surprise and disbelief. "That's an audacious claim."

Chris, however, wore a knowing smile. "Bold," he remarked, his gaze shifting between us. "I like it. Let's see how we can make this happen."

Chris leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied me. "How much are we talking here?" he asked, his tone measured and serious.

I held my poker face, the room falling into a tense silence. "All we ask is a budget of 5 million for the first year," I stated calmly, the weight of the number hanging in the air.

In my inner monologue, I reminded myself: The first to speak loses this battle.

The seconds ticked by, each one stretching out as we maintained the intense silence. Chris glanced at Thalia, whose expression was unreadable. She finally broke the silence, leaning forward.

"That's a significant investment," she said, her voice steady but betraying a hint of hesitation.

Chris nodded, still deep in thought. "It's a bold proposal," he said slowly. "But bold ideas are what drive success."

I continued to hold my poker face, every fiber of my being focused on maintaining composure. The room was charged with a silent, intense energy, each of us fully aware of the stakes at hand.

I leaned back slightly, adding a touch of nonchalance to my tone. "If this sounds like a lot, you can take some time to think about it. Just so you know, we've had other companies knocking on our doors with the same proposal."

Chris and Thalia exchanged quick glances. Chris leaned forward, his expression serious. "We need a moment alone to discuss this."

I nodded, maintaining my calm demeanor. "Of course. Take all the time you need."

As I stood up, Chris and Thalia remained seated, their faces inscrutable. I gestured for Mr. Johan and Onio to follow me out of the room. Once outside, I closed the door behind us, leaving them to deliberate.


In my inner monologue, I reflected: The ball is in their court now. Stay calm, and let's see how they respond.


Fifteen minutes later, the door to the meeting room creaked open. Thalia stepped out, her expression unreadable. The pressure was palpable as Mr. Johan, Onio, and I stood there, waiting for their answer.

"Please, come in," Thalia said, her tone neutral.

We followed her back into the room, where Chris stood up to greet us. He and Thalia exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them.

Chris broke the silence first. "We hope this collaboration is a long-lived one," he said, extending his hand.

Relief washed over me as we started to shake hands. "Absolutely," I replied, my voice steady. "We're looking forward to a successful partnership."

Finally, Chris smiled. "Let's discuss the specifics of how this budget will be allocated," he said. "If we're going to do this, we need to make sure every dollar is maximized for the best possible return."

Then, a notification appeared in my mind from my awakened system:

Congratulations! You have leveled up to Level 11. Choose stats to upgrade:

1Charm + 2Intelligence + 2Endurance.

With a satisfied grin, I selected my upgrades, feeling a surge of renewed energy and confidence. 

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 11

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze) (Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 6.4millions kroner.

Associate - 1: Mr. Johan 2: Mr. Big Dalen 3: Onio 4: Jaken 5: Chris

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 250 BTC

Goons - 10

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Employers - 1

Company - 1