Act - 33: ''Nova Enterprise V''

As the taxi pulled up to the office building, I spotted Lars stepping out of another cab just a few feet away. He looked sharp in his new suit, and despite the early hour, there was a determined gleam in his eyes. I paid the driver and stepped onto the curb, adjusting my tie.

"Morning, Lars!" I called out as I approached him.

He turned and smiled, nodding in greeting. "Morning, Dio! Ready for the big day?"

"Absolutely," I replied, returning his smile. "But we still have a few minutes before we need to be inside. How about we grab some coffee?"

Lars nodded eagerly. "Sounds perfect. I could use a caffeine boost."

We walked together to a small café just down the street. The place was already buzzing with early risers, the smell of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. We placed our orders—two large black coffees—and found a quiet corner to sit.

"So, how are you feeling about today?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

Lars leaned back in his chair, considering my question. "A bit nervous, to be honest. But mostly excited. This is a huge opportunity for me to take care of my family."

I nodded in agreement. "It is. Just remember to stay confident. You know the product inside out, and the clients will see that."

He smiled, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Thanks again, Dio. I appreciate this a lot. And thanks for the room and the card last night. It really helped."

"Of course, don't mention it" I said. "I need you at your best. This is a team effort, and we're all in this together."

Lars took a deep breath, his expression turning serious. "I won't let you down. I promise."

"You are way to stiff man relax," I replied, clapping him on the shoulder. "Let's finish up and get to the office. We've got a big day ahead."

We quickly drank the rest of our coffee and headed back to the building. The morning sun was just starting to rise, casting a warm glow over the city. As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism. Today was the start of something new, and I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Inside the office, the atmosphere was already bustling with activity. Mr. Johan and Onio were there, preparing for the day's meetings and interviews. I glanced at my watch and turned to Lars.

"Time to get to work," I said. "Let's make this day count."

Lars nodded, his confidence returning. "Let's do it."

The office was alive with the hum of activity. Monitors flickered, keyboards clattered, and phones rang. Lars and I sat side by side at our desks, headsets on and scripts ready. Today was about making connections, convincing potential customers to give our product a chance.

I adjusted my headset, took a deep breath, and dialed the first number. Lars did the same, his eyes focused and determined.

"Good morning, this is Dio from Sentech Solutions. Have i reached Thomas Ludvik?" I said, my voice steady and professional.

The voice on the other end was cautious. "Yeah you have but, I'm not interested in buying anything."

"Of course, I understand," I replied smoothly. "You got me there, i know how you feel about phone salesman i do. I just wanted to share how our solutions can make your business run more efficiently at the same cost or lower, if i did manage to do all that for you, would you still be mad at me for calling?

The customer chuckled. " Ehhm... i don't know you dude and i have a meeting soon...., but yeah alright, you've got 5 minutes. Tell me more about these solutions."

"Have you ever considered fiber broadband for you internet?"

There was a pause. "Well, I have, but it's expensive and complicated."

"That's where we come in," I continued, Activating my key selling points to see my success rate. "Our system is both affordable and incredibly user-friendly. Imagine reducing your operational costs by 30% while increasing your internet speed 10 times. You wouldn't be mad at me, would you, if we gave you a better solution while saving you money at the same time?" (59%) 

The hesitation in the customer's voice was still there, but fainter. "I suppose that sounds interesting, but what about my current systems?"

"I'm glad you asked," I said, ready with my next point. "Our solution is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructure. Plus, our dedicated support team will guide you through the entire process, ensuring minimal downtime. We also offer a free trial period, so you can see the benefits firsthand without any risk."(79%)

There was another pause, this time longer. "Alright, damn that does sound appealing. What kind of support are we talking about?"

"24/7 support from a dedicated team," I said confidently but in calm soothing manner. "You'll have direct access to experts who can help with any issues, ensuring smooth operations at all times. How about it, boss? Let's give it a go."(Critical Succes 100%)

The pause was shorter this time. "Oh man ahhhh. Okay, you know what let's do it. How do we proceed?"

"The process is easy, sir. I will now send you a text on your phone with the full details honoring our deal. To ensure you can trust me, you can read the detail carefully on your own. After confirming everything is a ok, just send me back with a simple 'OK'," I suggested.

"Oh just that? works for me."

"Great, I'll send you a confirmation text in a few seconds. Thank you for your time, and welcome to Sentech Solution, Thomas!"

I hung up, feeling a surge of triumph. Next to me, Lars was deep in conversation with another potential client.

"24/7 support from a dedicated team," Lars said confidently. "You'll have direct access to experts who can help with any issues, ensuring smooth operations at all times. How about it, Lydia? Let's give it a go."

The pause was shorter this time. "Okay, let's do it then, haha you are a good salesman ill give you that . How do we proceed now?"

"The process is easy, Young lady. I'll send you a text with the full details of our agreement. You can review it at your leisure. Once you're comfortable, just reply with a simple 'OK' to confirm," Lars suggested.

" Oh you! Do i sound that young? and yeah that works for me."

"Fantastic Lydia! Yes, you do! Are you not like in your late teen?. oh and I'll send you the confirmation text in a few seconds. Thank you for your time, and welcome to Sentech Solutions Lydia!" Lars finished, his smile evident in his voice.

He hung up and looked at me with a triumphant grin. "One down, many more to go!"

"Nice work," I said, giving him a fist bump. "Keep it up. We're on a roll."

For the next few hours, we continued making calls, each success boosting our confidence. The challenge was real, but so was our determination. Every positive response was a step closer to our goal.

By lunchtime, we had secured several customers. The pitch was selling like hotcakes, and the product genuinely addressed real problems, making it even more appealing. Sometimes, customers needed a little push, but it was always in their favor once they experienced the product for themselves.

The office buzzed with excitement and energy. Lars and I exchanged high-fives, celebrating our successes. "This is just the beginning," I said, feeling a surge of confidence. "We're going to take this company to new heights."

Lars nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely, Dio. With a product this good and a team this dedicated, we can't fail."

. The initial nerves had faded, replaced by a sense of purpose and drive.

As we took a break, I turned to Lars. "How are you holding up?"

"Better than I thought," he admitted, taking a sip of his coffee. "It's tough, but it's also kind of exciting. Every call feels like a battle but i like that."

"That's the spirit," I said. "Remember, it's not just about selling a product. It's about building chemistry and showing people how we can make their lives easier with our solutions."

Lars nodded. "You're right. Thanks for the pep talk."

"Anytime," I replied. "I have to do interview from now on, but just douser through it, you decide your own commission after all. Good luck, supersalesman."

Lars gave me a excited fist bump as he returned to his desks, ready to tackle the afternoon with renewed vigor. 

I then settled back into my office, the system chimed, signaling i had leveled up. I glanced at the screen and saw the message: "Congratulation Dio. You've leveled up! Choose stats to upgrade."

With a grin, I selected the options strength and agility that would best enhance my abilities for now. Confidence surged through me as I prepared to handle whatever the afternoon brought next.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 12

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 6.4millions krone.

Associate - 1: Mr. Johan 2: Mr. Big Dalen 3:Oni 4:Jaken 5:Chris

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 250 BTC

Goons - 10

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Employers - 1

Company - 1