Act - 34: ''Nova Enterprise VI''

Date: June.10.2015

In my office, I went over the applications Tobi had sent me. Each resume presented a potential piece of our future success, and I scrutinized them carefully. Just as I was making notes on one particularly promising candidate, there was a knock at the door.

Onio poked his head in. "Hey, Dio, the interviews are about to start."

I nodded, closing the folder. "Thanks, Onio. Let's get this going."

We walked together to the meeting room, where Mr. Johan was already seated, reviewing his notes. The first few candidates came and went, but none of them seemed to catch my interest. I stifled a yawn, feeling a bit bored as the parade of hopefuls continued.

Then, the door opened, and a young man named Ray Sievert walked in, dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. I raised an eyebrow, thinking, Seriously? But as he sat down and our eyes met during the handshake, my curiosity was piqued.

"Hi, Ray," I greeted, sitting back and studying him.

"Hello," he replied, his voice steady despite his casual appearance.

I decided to use my skill, Analyze. Instantly, his information flashed before me:

Name: Ray Sievert

Age: 22

Background: Orphan, Self-Taught Programmer

Skills: Advanced Coding, Problem-Solving, Team Leadership

Attributes: Ambitious, Trustworthy

Goal: Become a Self-Made Millionaire

Financial Status: Poor

Potential: A

His impressive skills and difficult background immediately captured my attention. Ray wasn't just another candidate—he had potential.

"Tell us about yourself, Ray," I prompted, leaning forward. "What brings you here today?"

Ray took a deep breath, his demeanor earnest and determined. "I know I might not look like the other candidates, but I believe my skills and drive set me apart. I grew up in an orphanage and had to fend for myself from a young age. Everything I know about coding and programming, I taught myself. My dream is to become a self-made millionaire, not just for myself, but to support my younger siblings and the church that raised me. They've done so much for me, and I want to give back in a big way."

Mr. Johan and Onio exchanged intrigued glances, mirroring my own interest. This interview was about to take an unexpected turn.

Leaning forward with genuine curiosity, I asked, "Ray, with your impressive skills in coding and programming, why apply for a sales position instead of something like a full-stack developer role?"

Ray responded without hesitation, his conviction evident. "I've thought about that deeply. No matter how brilliant your product is, it won't succeed if you can't sell it. I want to master the art of sales because it's the foundation of any successful venture. Knowing how to sell, connect with customers, and drive revenue—these are skills that will make me indispensable, whether I'm in tech or running my own company someday."

He paused, meeting my gaze directly. "I also see sales as more than just transactions. It's about building relationships and trust, something I'm passionate about. I want to excel in this field to support my siblings and give back to the orphanage. Sales, to me, is a stepping stone toward achieving my larger goals."

Ray's response was thoughtful and forward-thinking, revealing a maturity beyond his years. He wasn't just here for a job; he was here to build a future.

Maintaining my professional demeanor, inwardly impressed, I stood up and walked over to Ray, extending my hand. "Welcome to Nova Enterprise, Ray," I said firmly. "I'd like you to practice this pitch in the next room for tomorrow," I added, handing him a document with the script.

Ray nodded, a mixture of relief and determination crossing his face as he stood and left the room.

The rest of the interviews proceeded smoothly, and we hired three more promising candidates. As I was concluding, the door opened again, revealing a tall brunette woman with a commanding presence and a hint of sophistication. Her demeanor suggested a top-tier education, accented by sharp, intelligent eyes behind her glasses.

Motioning for her to take a seat, I was intrigued by her poised confidence.

"Good afternoon," she greeted, her voice steady and clear. "My name is Evelyn Monroe."

"Good afternoon, Evelyn," I responded, settling back into my seat and picking up my pen. "Tell me about yourself and why you think you'd be a good fit for Nova Enterprise."

She smiled slightly, exuding assurance. "I'm a quick thinker, which I believe would make me an excellent assistant. I thrive in managing multiple tasks simultaneously and excel in high-pressure situations."

"Great to have you here, Evelyn," I began, reviewing her resume. "Could you share a challenging situation where you juggled multiple tasks?"

"At Alpha Corp, I coordinated schedules for executives, managed travel, and once handled a CEO's last-minute itinerary change," Evelyn replied. "I prioritized tasks by urgency and importance, ensuring all commitments were met."

Impressed, I asked, "How do you prioritize tasks with demanding deadlines?"

"I assess deadlines and impact on objectives," Evelyn explained. "I delegate where possible and use time-management tools to stay organized."

"Can you describe a complex project or event you organized from start to finish?"

"At Alpha Corp's leadership conference, I managed logistics for 200+ attendees," Evelyn detailed. "I created a project plan, collaborated with teams, managed budgets, and ensured seamless execution."

"Tell me about a significant challenge you faced at work and how you approached solving it."

"We faced a data breach," Evelyn recalled. "I initiated an incident response, conducted an investigation, collaborated with IT, implemented security measures, and maintained transparent communication with stakeholders."

Impressed by her practical approach, I nodded. "Your experience aligns well with our needs. Do you have any questions about Nova Enterprise or the role?"

Evelyn inquired, "Could you share more about team dynamics and opportunities for growth?"

As she spoke, I activated my skills to analyze her.

I then elaborated on our team structure, company culture, and career advancement prospects. Evelyn listened attentively and asked insightful questions.

Name: Evelyn Monroe

Age: 22

Education: MBA from a top university

Skills: Quick thinking, multitasking, problem-solving, planning ahead, charming personality

Financial Status: Middle class

Potential: S


Middle-class upbringing

Worked multiple jobs to support her education

Aiming to climb the corporate ladder

Ambitious and reliable

Strong organizer

Seeking independence to move away from a toxic family environment

"Impressive background," I remarked to myself, locking eyes with Evelyn. "What makes you interested in this particular role at Nova Enterprise?"

"I'm seeking a dynamic environment where I can apply my skills and continue to grow professionally," she replied confidently. "Nova Enterprise stood out to me as a place that values innovation and independence."

Her voice trailed off briefly, and I sensed a hint of hesitation.

"It's alright, Evelyn," I reassured her, leaning forward slightly. "You've already caught my interest. Take your time."

She nodded appreciatively, gathering her thoughts before continuing.

"I need a job that allows me to be independent and," she paused momentarily, her gaze focused. "And where I can contribute meaningfully to the team's success."

I nodded, impressed by her clarity and determination.

"It sounds like you're ready for the challenge," I observed, offering an encouraging smile. "Your experience and enthusiasm make you a strong candidate."

"Thank you," Evelyn responded with genuine gratitude, a spark of excitement in her eyes. "I'm eager to start contributing right away, if that works for you."

"Absolutely," I agreed readily, sensing her eagerness. "We'll take care of the paperwork after today's interviews. Welcome to Nova Enterprises, Evelyn."

"Thank you so much!" Evelyn exclaimed, a touch of joy softening her professional demeanor. "This opportunity means a lot to me."

Her sincerity was palpable, and I returned her smile warmly.

"We're thrilled to have you join us," I assured her, feeling confident in her potential.

With that settled, I escorted Evelyn out, exchanging pleasantries before returning to the interview room to conclude the day's hiring process. The future of Nova Enterprises seemed brighter with each promising candidate like Evelyn, ready to bring their skills and dedication to our team.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 12

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 6.4millions krone.

Associate - 6

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 250 BTC

Goons - 10

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Employers - 1

Company - 1