Tensions and Temptations: A Visit to the church

The girls returned after a while keeping Ena... company, they returned however without Ena, and stated the girl needed to rest.

To keep her safe we locked the door before setting off.

Their's not much left to look at in Farrow except for the church itself so we headed there.

"You can't just walk... wait, you're with samson? Why are you bringing random women into the church?"

The guard on duty stopped us at the checkpoint, i mean it is strange whenever i set out with a hero and a female party member neither ever seems to make it back.


I couldn't help but glare at the man for point this out.

"Okay... Im just going to look away..."

With that we were allowed to enter the church...

Oh gods please forgive me for bringing an unbound succubi into these hallowed grounds.

We first came across the slutty nun.

"Oh, we have visitors? Are you interested in becoming Sisters of Atuna?"

"Not likely."

Yarra's response was pointed

"You have the right idea. No man will touch you, since they always have succubi on hand. Can we all just gree that we hate succubi?"

"Oh, definitely. They're so obnoxious and stupid."

Aka didn't hesitate to join in on the fun wiht her reply.


Which Yarra did not like.

The sister of course look confused at her outburst.

"Uh... i mena, "Hey!, you're right."


Aka tried so hard not to laugh at that.

"so-so glad to hear you agree with me!"

We proceeded on and Yarra led us towards the succubi area where Qum was on duty.

"Oh! Samson you here to- oh? you've got other pretties with you?"

"Oh? So you've got this pretty succubi already additcted to you do you?"

I jabbed Samson in the ribs, here he was refraining from me all the while having this cutie for his personal use?

"No... Samson no use Qum, says it's not right to use prisoners of war that way, so Qum wait till she prisoner no longer to lay with Samson."

Ugh... not even this one, but the grounds already lain here if i can convince him to bang her, the road to me getting in would be ever nearer.

"I feel that not so much an ethical reason, after all Succbi are weird that way to begin with before the church gets to em"

"We most certainly are only a tiny bit like you saying we are!"

I can't deny it but i also refuse to access the human viewpoint of my species we're not all sex crazed addicts.

"Please samson? Qum is so lonely..."

still no movement from his heart, oh well guess we keep trying while keeping this arrow in our quiver.

Lastly was there was a sister who Samson indiated was responsible for check one for the Demon lords corruption... oh boy.

We stepped up in order.

"You have a perfectly clean sould, you'd be a great addition to the sisterhood if you wanted?"

Wait what? me a succubi one of the infernal races had a clean soul?

"Your soul is also clean without blemish."

Aka also cleared the check but... what? she clearly has been corrupted by Samson.

"And you... i'm not checking you again so soon you were corrupt before and you're not not stop wasting my time."

She didn't even botehr to check him, but given what she missed with us this sister is really... really bad at her job.

Having cleared the checks we proceeded on and entered the main church room.

Inside a single priested awaited at the alter for us.

"Samson? How did it go? Where's the Hero?"

"The hero fought a group of bandits ravaging the kingdom. Sadly, he perished in the battle due to an explosive trap."

"It can be... difficult to understand Atuna's plans at times. No new Hero has been summoned, so perhaps you should take a rest for now."

"But the war..."

"No, i insist. you need a break Samson."

"... as you command. There now we can act with impunity."

the second half he stated to us as we were walking away from that woman.

I gotta admit he's good.

So the three of us made our back to Samson shack, upon entry he once more began to stare at the painting on the wall.

"On the trip back, i did a lot of thinking about my condition. I'm fine right now, but i know i'll lose myself if i go too long without sex... Yarra mentioned how the only real options are a transformation we can't access now and you enslaving me. I'm not saying i want the latter, but... but it also doesnt scare me."

"... it bothers me."

Seriously dude she's practically throwing herself as a sex slave at you here and you're bothered?

"If i use this power to control others, there will always be the possibility that their apparent willingness is nothing but a forced illusion. Ethics aside one day that control could fade or be wiped away by other magic. I would rather not have you beside me with a knife at that time."

"You really think i only like you because, the demon lords powered forced you on me?"

"Not really. But since you need me right now, that's what you'd say even if you planned to kill me."

"Alright then. I see i have no other choice but to figure out this transformation so i dont actually need to have sex with you. And then get you to have sex with me! And i'll be sure to fuck your brains out so you'll have to believe me then."

Well said my little protege, well said.


"Thanks aka, i think that made a bit of difference. Good work!"

"Im not doing this for you or your "make Samson into a demon lord" plan"

"Still helps"

He continued to stare at that painting.

I got bored and took a seat on the bed.

"Oh Samson you've got a horny lil succubus you haven't fucked yet!"

I playfully called out to him not expecting a response, however what happened next shocked me.

He turned round his eyes leaving the painting and look right into my own.

"... very well."

Wait what?

* * Next Chapter NSFW * *