* * NSFW * * Yarra's First Taste

Samson agreed to Yarra's proposiiton however he didn't grab her and fuck her like she'd hoped instead, Aka left the room for the two to be alone.

Then he methodically took off his clothes, folded them and placed then on the chair of his desk.

Then proceeded to lay down flat on the bed.

Starring at the Succubus without any expression on his face at all, just a cold dead look.

Yarra didn't care, she shivered in excitement practically tearing her own clothes off.

It'd been days since she got semen, and even the tousle with Ena had barely provide with any life force.

As she mounted over him her eyes met his.

The look was not emptiness, but calm.

and control.

He was no young fool she could seduce even with all her sexual magic.

He... was a real Demon Lord.

She could not control him, the most she could do was prove herself worthy of his cock.

"You are VERY good at this."

Her words were meant to complement his resolve to not cum just from her simply shedding her clothes to the floor like so many men were know to do for her.

Her mouth envelped his already rigid member, the taste was just as good as that night in the forest but she knew it was not going to be enough, he wasn't objecting so this time she'd get the most out of it.

After spending just enough time to make sure he'd reached maximum hardness. then she slide up his body, letting her breasts and thighs brush against him.

"This is all i wanted."

She declared her wet entrace hovering just above his cock.

"You don't need to be a demon lord, this doesnt have to mean anything. Just fuck me, please."

She expected him to continue ignoring her, but instead he once more surprised her as his hands moved their wayup her thighs just barely touching the skin.

Uncontrollably she suddered from his almost touch, practically forzen in place until he gripped her hips.

In one solid motion his pulled her down with all his might.

And down she went happily, being impaled on his waiting length

She hadn't overcome his control, but she didnt care.

It felt to good, she had to move herself as quickly as possible.

Falling forward, barely catching herself on his firm chest.

His eyes still watched her carefully, but it didnt matter.

Even if he didnt trust her, he was willing to fuck her.

In fact, seeing him watching her with such absolute control made it even better, throwing Yarra into a frenzy.

For there to actually be a man who could resist a nubile succubi while she was riding him, he was a rarety amon rareties.

Yarra was litterally desperate for his cum, yet he obviously had a great deal of stamina.

She pulled out every one of her tricks from the succubus handbook to ride him as well as she possibly could.

Not only was his cock blowing her mind, she could feel the cum within his balls, and her need for it to pushed her pleasure even higher.

When she finally seemed to run out of tricks.

He made his move acting more than just laying there and taking her assault.

Hands sliding up her body to caress he breasts.

Any additional touch was to much, and Yarra screamed on top of him.

All thought of techique vanished and she could only ride the wave of pleasure as he fucked her.

When his cum finally entered here body, her mind was already white having blanked out from repeated orgasm long ago only muscle memory kept her bouncing upon his cock.

When Yarra finally regained her senses, she was laying alone in the bed wrapped in a blanked, Samson was off the the side dress once more looking at the painting.

As she lay there staring at him she struggled to remember her ulterior motive.

There had been one, a reason she did itother than just to be fucked by him, being gloriously and thoroughly fucked...

At last it came to her and she pushed herself upright enough to look at his face straight on.

"Was it really so bad? You dont need to rape and pillage to be a Demon Lord. Just Rule. Imagine having me any time you want, a whoe harem of us serving you-"

"Lack of imagination has never been the problem."

His voice reverberated through her body and she shivered once again, yet this simple disapproval caused her to flinch/

"Did... did i displease you?"

"Far from it. Just give me some time as i said before."

With that Yarra lay back down, and a moment latter Aka entered before stripping and joining her in bed.

The too slept in an intimate embrace while Samson continued to ruminate.