The Unveiling Of The Slaver's Scheme

* * Samson POV * *

"This is the last batch of em... their the reservered stock... as in sex slaves I mean at the moment this is all I have on hand. You could use the others for you pleasure, of course, but these are all trained to be perfectly obedient and desperate for it."

"That's the way I like it."

"Whoa! Looks like Samson can act a little!"


That sounded like...

After looking at the window I could see the heads of the three girls just before they ducked down from peering in the window.

"I'm glad you think so. It's really extremely lucky that you came along at this time."

Oh thank the gods he didn't hear her too.

"Suspiciously lucky."


"Shit. This looks bad."

Seriouslly Yarra.

"What could I be after except fine slaves?"

"... I'm not sure I believe you really want that. You're far too in control of yourself. Open the cell."

The subordinate heeded his bosses command and opened the sex slave cell.

"If you truly plan to buy, these three women are your property. I want you to fuck at least one of them."


"Those are just normal slaves, no mind control or addiction. He's not gonna be able to do it."


"Do we jump in? Ther are a lot of guards in there.."

Now Aka too...

"I...don't know."

"Shy? Come now, just pick one of them and have a good time."


"You're starting to make me wonder how much you really want them. Which one do you choose?"


The looming eyes of the girls pushed me over the edge.

At my response, Reval took a step back the color draining from his face.

"Atuna's holy tits! what the hell was that?"

While Reval was busy reeling, the three slaves girls in the cage became enraptured and all came out pawing at me.

"Open the other cage too."

"With the other female slave? Sir, they're not meant for-"


"Err.. Okay... Okay, I believe you! Dear Goddess, what are you?"

"Someone who is not interested in wasting any more time on this deal."

"Then it's done! Stop pawing him, girls at least until the ink is dry..."


* * Girls POV * *


"Qum needs to cuummm."

"That was..."

"... a hint of the kind of Demon Lord he could be. Don't get in the way, girl."

"Let's just go before the guards arrive."


* * Megail POV * *

"This was your doing, wasn't it, Megail?"

"I cannot tell you how shocked I am to hear you were trading in slaves."

"You think this will hurt me? I'll pay off the courts before I spend a night in prison."

"I'm sure you will, but not before I take over the commodities contract for Oscil."

"Mark my words: One day I'll have you mindlessly sucking on my cock"

"Try it and I'll castrate you with my teeth."

"And YOU!! You betrayed me! I'll... I'lll..."



Samson did the job well, really well in fact!

As Reval stormed off to have himself one man sized temper tantrum.

"Business first: your share of what was seized, plus payment, comes to 5,000 gold. You've definitely impressed me. It's easy to buy strength - anyone can kill monsters all day - but hard to buy efficacy. Once again thank you."

"I wouldn't believe your thanks if they didn't come attached to large amounts of money."

"The soldiers will return Auriyos slaves to their families and let the rest go. They may have difficult lives, but at least they're free. Trade will be reopened soon, and as promised, I'll send a shipment of food to Farrow."

"Thank you. Will you be going there yourself?"

"I have subordinates for that. I need to return to Spalding to negotiate new supply lines."

"We will be travelling in the same direction, then to Brarus."

"Is that so? We just might see each other again."


* * Samson POV * *

"So despite all of that, we didn't get a business partner."

"I think we accomplished enough to move on to Spalding."

"You could just fuck Megail, though. You wouldn't have to make her a mindless fuckslave, you could still use her for her other skills."

"You honestly believe that's what I should do?"


"... what do the rest of you think?"

"Ooh, do it! Qumdump likes merchant lady!"

"It shouldn't be a surprise that I don't like the idea of him running around raping people. But... ever since this came up, I've been imagining Megail bouncing on your cock... and it's making me really wet..."


"Asking our opinion, even! Not so sure of yourself, are you?"

"I was never even considering it, I just wanted to see what you would say."

"ooh!, you're a bastard! But I'm starting to love you for it, though."

"Let's get what we need and then head to Spalding."