Orcs, Outlaws, and Unearthed Allies

With our business for the most part done here, we bundled up the wagon and set off.

Our next destination was the town of Spalding, following Megails trail.

The trip was uneventful since many merchants and their guards make the trip every other day which meant the roads were clear.

"We should be seeing the town soon."


"But... Is there smoke coming from that farm?"

"Let's move!"

Yarra spotted a plumbe of black smoke rising in the distance which is odd so close to the town.

The girls were aboitoirs of justice it seems as they rushed out of the wagon towards the smoke.

So I snapped the reigns and chased after them.

Luckily I caught up to them before they reached the farm, and before any battles had been started.

Parking the wagon, I joined them as we entered the farm.

There was blood all over and a single human body collapsed on the ground.

Just passed it there was an Orc just wandering around calmly.

"It looks like orcs have already killed most of them. We're too late..."

"You're right Aka, We might be able to- look out!"

From the barn near us out stumbled a pair of Orcs.

Their guard was down not even knowing we were there, so our drawn weapons allowed us to end their lives before they even became a threat.

"You should be able to dominate these orcs and force them to serve you. Even if you don't want them, that's definitely the fastest way of stopping this attack."

"Hmm... you might be right Yarra."

"Focus your will, but it must be used in a completely different way than on women."


The orc in the distance finally took notice of us and began to approach.

Focus, use the power within...

Just how do I do that...

Last time I could use that power it was only because the girls were questioning my ability to be a man and it just sort of happened.

So I tried to remember the feeling of that time, but make it... different.


The orc mistepped a little before it continued towards us.



The orc was felled...

"We could have restrained it while you continued trying you know..."

"Your technique was good, but it won't work unless you really put your soul into it."

"I'm having a difficult time believing I really want to control a bunch of mindless orcs."

"I'm sure we'll get it eventually. Until then, we can just kill them."

We continued to progress through the farm, with me trying time after time to dominate the orcs raiding this farm.

Without a single success.

We'd located three more human bodies which had been slain in the process, until we came across an orc who was collapsed next to some drag marks which led away from the farm.

"Please... stop them."

The orc on the ground spoke out to us who'd approached.

"Whoa! That's remarkably verbal for an orc, he didn't use the word fuck once!"

"No time... to explain... bad humans... took girl."

With the last of it's strength it pointed in the direction of the drag marks leading away.

"Well not like he's going anywhere."

So we left the downed orc and followed after the drag marks.

Behind the farmhouse we came across a knight and some other thugs who were in the process of holding down a teenage girl fixing to do a bad thing.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

The knight who became aware of us as soon as we rounded the corner shouted out to us.

"Defending the people you seem to be threatening. Why do this in the middle of an attack?"

"Isn't it obvious? We can rape this bitch 'till she dies and everyone will think the orcs did it."

"Afterall it's really easy to lure orcs into the farms. Love having them near the city!"

"If you want a piece? Wait your turn."

"We're killing them, right?"


So without hesitation we drew down on the three men, who were still preoccupied with what they were attempting to do.

The first thug was decapitated by my first slash, Yarra casted her magic against the knight whose mental defense was already pretty low to begin with.

Aka used her speed to sneak behind the second thug and drove her daggers deep into his back which caused him to scream out.

Two down only the knight to go, but with the trance like state he's in he'll die with little to no resistance.


"Looks like the woman ran away..."

Looking around I confirmed Yarra's statement while we were busy killing the men the farmers daughter had run from the battle as fast as she could.

"Can you blame her?"

"At the moment I'm more concerned about the orc who spoke to us."

So we return to where he lay.

"Thank you... for you assistance."

He'd managed to pull himself up to lean against the farmhouse.

He looked very much like a regular orc except that he was wearing proper armour, and an eyepatch over one of his eyes.

"What exactly do you want here?"

"If you intend to kill me, it would be a mercy, but I fear I would still attempt to stop you."

"...explain yourself."

"Those humans regularity incite orc attacks to prey upon the outlying farms. I attempted to lead this group to stop them. Unsuccessfully."

"You were trying to rescue them?"

"Unfortunately, I do not exist in such an ideal state. Had I been more successful, I would have raped them myself. Our instincts are undeniable after all."

"You are obviously more than instincts."

"I may be more than a regular orc, and have some control over my instincts, but they ultimately still control me. I envy you humans, able to choose your own path. Orcs can only do as they have been bred. I shudder to imagine the cruelty of a creator who would give me the capacity to contemplate my actions without the ability to change them. Quite soon I will attempt to rape the women with you. I apologize for my behaviour in advance."

":Be still:"

"Your command... has quieted my instincts, however briefly. You are a new Demon Lord, then?"


"No that's not it, you have the potential to become one though, regardless, I thank you for this small kindness."

"Are there any other orcs like you?"

"None that I have met. Perhaps in a past life I accrued a terrible karmic debt that has condemned me to this solitary existence."

":Stay where you are:"

"I would, even if I could do otherwise."

I retreated a few paces back out of earshot from the orc

"Yarra, would I be able to control this entire band of orcs?"

"You have the potential for it, certainly, but right now I doubt it. If you embraced your new nature, you definitely could, but I won't bother you any more about that. Without direct control, the only way to keep them passive would be to give them women regularly. Or succubi..."


"Samson...? Are you going to give Qumdump to all the orc guys?"


"Good! They'd just disappoint Qumdump anyway..."

"What exactly are you thinking?"

"Controlling orcs would certainly be a way to acquire an army quickly. But I don't want to march at the head of a horse raping and pillaging."

"Truthfully, I don't know very much about orcs. The Demon Lord has never tried to keep his under control, so don't know whats possible."


I walked back towards the Orc.

"Do you have a name?"

"We can barely be considered individuals, so we do not need such things. Or so I have reflected. However, the very act of thought means that I cannot deny my status as an entity. In my own mind, I have taken to calling myself "Moth" - which mean "Orc that can think" in Ashelian"

"Well then I cannot help you now, Moth, but one day I will return."

"I must express some skepticism, as my life has led me to nothing but nihilism. However... you do seem different. Perhaps you can change things. I will do my best to limit our predations until you return. My ability to control the others is, however, limited."

"I've granted you authority as the leader of this band."

"...yes, this may help. But I remain a creature bound by base instincts. Please return when you can."

The four of us left Moth behind and returned to our wagon.

"Not bad at all. Your intuition for this is incredible."

"... At some point, I will require more answers about the orcs. For now, let us continue to Spalding."