Olavo City

Olavo woke up in a dark place, still dizzy and unaware of anything, only seeing the shadows of some people walking by.

"Where am I?" he thought, as he stood up and started to walk a bit, still hearing people passing by.

After a minute, still dizzy, he began to feel better.

"Wait, where am I?!" Olavo asked himself.

Then his vision cleared. He saw a city full of buildings under the moonlight and a few people passing by, but these people were quite different from normal people.

"Wait... why does everyone... look so similar?!" Olavo shouted in the middle of the street and was almost run over by a car.

The local population passing by looked very similar to Olavo himself, some even with the same face and characteristics, but each one seemed to have something quite personal that distinguished them.

"They... look so much like me, wait..." Olavo remembered the situation with the last Olavos that appeared before, but the environment was darker than before, now everything was so bright, what a confusion! So, in the analysis of the passing people, a name came to his mind for each one: Olavo Francês, Olavo Baker, Olavo Cartoon, Gunner... The people didn't seem to care about the boy lying in the middle of the road.

"It was supposed to be dark like it was before, right? Where I was with the others, but now everything is so bright, what confusion! And that name 'Olavos Capitais' sounds pretty cool for a group since we were the first," Olavo said to himself as he left the road and went to the sidewalk while cars honked.

"Olavos Capitais? Hoho, that's nonsense, we are all Olavos, there's no difference among us here, but we all have different abilities. No one knows who created this dimension so immense that it can house more than a billion people," said Olavo Baker, who stopped to talk.

"Wait... maybe I am the owner here, right?" Olavo said, looking confused.

"Hoho, you make me laugh, Olavo do Meio." Olavo Baker laughed.

"You know him?" Olavo asked Olavo Baker.

"Who doesn't know him? He is considered a guardian of this city. Sometimes some people known as 'demons' try to invade through that gate there to come in and end our race. I recommend ignoring him sometimes if you don't want to be sad... Oops, but you are him, haha!" Olavo Baker spoke with a "what the heck" expression and then walked away.

"Well, what do I do now? And wait, how did you guys just appear out of nowhere in just one day!" Olavo shouted. All the Olavos passing by that street looked at him, confused.

"Well, I think I spoke too loud, I'm going..." Olavo said, walking stealthily to the first alley he saw.

"Okay... I just need to know how to get out of here. It's just a confusing dream, Olavo, calm down... Someone give me a pinch!" he shouted to himself and started to hear some screams.

"What's that?" Olavo looked around and at the sky, which had turned dark.

"We have an invader in the area! Grab all your belongings, hide, and defend quickly!" said a voice. Olavo, after leaving the alley, saw many people running to their homes, seeing something huge breaking the gate of OlavoCity.

"Feel my power! Samael!" the monster shouted, scaring the local population.

Olavo do Meio, Olava, Olavo X-Esper, and Olavo X-Spi appeared, jumping consecutively in front of Olavo.

"Puff! You finally arrived... I was about to become monster barbecue if you didn't get here," Olavo said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Olavo, you're alive?!" Olava said, surprised, with tears in her eyes.

"Wait, what do you mean 'you're alive'?" Olavo asked, even more confused.

"It's been a month since the incident at the school," Olavo do Meio said.

"What?!" Olavo became so red with anger that he looked like a pepper.

"We'll talk about this later, but Olavo, have you awakened your magical power yet?" Olavo do Meio asked, hoping.

"What magical power?" Olavo didn't understand.

"Damn it! You've been missing for a month in the real world and here, and you still haven't awakened your magical power, argh! Olavo X-Spi, you know what to do," Olavo do Meio then summoned his lunchbox. Olavo X-Spi drew his Sword Bainha and started spinning his sword at high speed while levitating, forming some fire bubbles. Olava started making several bubbles that would be formed by spiny fish (five of them) that would mix with the fire bubbles, being a large jet of water with inflammable toxins for the skin.

"Water Style, Fish Bubble!" Olava shouted.

"X-Esper! Do your job," Olavo do Meio shouted, giving a signal.

X-Esper, on his arms, had bottle caps. There were five on each arm, but he only opened one cap on his left arm that had a broken heart symbol, and upon opening, several beetles emerged, covering his arms.

"Soul Technique, RAGE!" Olavo X-Esper shouted.

Soul Technique-Rage: Olavo X-Esper opens the first bottle cap on his left arm, and from it emerge carnivorous beetles that attack enemies.

"Are you all ready?" Olavo do Meio asked them, and they all responded 'Yes!'.

Olavo do Meio gave a big jump up, spinning his spiked lunchbox. Meanwhile, large jets of water went towards the monster at high speed. X-Esper launched his beetles along with the waters, which, if they hit the monster, could make him feel pain inside. Olavo X-Spi, after spinning his sword for 3 minutes, made a big cut in the air with his sword, creating a kind of breach in the water jets. As it passed, the water closed the breaches while advancing. Olavo do Meio, after getting close to the monster's face, when he was about to attack with his lunchbox, felt something strange and couldn't attack, only fell. The monster known to them as Samael evaporated everything with just a fire scream.

"Why didn't you attack him properly? That was our chance!" Olava complained to Olavo do Meio.

"I don't know... For some reason, when I was about to attack, it was as if destiny itself didn't want me to kill him," Olavo do Meio said, confused, touching his head.

"This destiny stuff doesn't exist!" Olavo X-Spi shouted. As Olavo approached, the monster calmed down and crouched, leaving only its head in front of that gate. After 2 minutes of running, Olavo accidentally fell and hugged the monster's head. Olavo's body seemed to evaporate as smoke came from his body, but on the contrary, the monster's body was evaporating and forming a new person... And after the monster's body evaporated, it formed a figure... Olavo of Rage.

"Thank you for saving me... Olavo... My name is Olavo of Rage, I feel anger, but... unlike before... I can control it..." said Olavo of Rage.

"Wait... why is my lunchbox moving so much?" Olavo do Meio said and opened the lunchbox. There was a small fire-covered snake inside a jar, and on the jar, it was written 'Rage'.

"Okay, that's kind of weird," Olavo X-Esper said.

Olavo began to see the city disappearing and hearing a very soft sound... Beep... Beep... Beep. Olavo woke up, gasping on a hospital bed.

"My God..." Olavo said, still tired. Edivan (his father) along with his wife Ana opened the door to the room, and upon seeing Olavo breathing and okay, ran crying to hug him.

"We missed you so much!" they shouted at the same time.

"What happened?" Olavo asked.

"Well, while you were in the middle of the smoke at your school, when you were almost being burned, your little friend Soraya pulled your arm out of the school. She had a lot of honor in saving a person she didn't know. They said all that happened because of a short circuit."

"(If they knew that it was her and my other friend who caused all that chaos along with that Fire Wolf, they would think I'm crazy and put me in an asylum, and I'd spend the rest of my life there for saying something stupid... Uh... better let it be, I'll let them believe what they say)," Olavo thought.