The death's shadow

Olavo observes the forest through the car window. His father is driving, and his mother is holding onto her seat, feeling nauseous from the trip.

— Are we there yet? — Olavo asks cheerfully, excited to spend two days with his grandmother.

— Calm down, it's just two days, it's not that long — says Edivan.

— But I haven't seen her in a while, school keeps people locked up — complains Olavo about school.

— Ha ha! School is for teaching, not keeping people locked up, so you can have a decent future — says Edivan while driving.

— (On the first day of school, a man who manipulates fire attacked me, I didn't learn much from that) — Olavo felt a bit sad, but after two minutes, they arrive at his grandmother's house.

Edivan stops the car and opens the door for Ana (Olavo's mother) and for Olavo. Ana rushes to the bathroom, and Olavo's grandmother, who was at the door, lets her pass.

— Is she okay? — Olavo's grandmother looks curious.

— The road here is in bad shape — complains Edivan, giving his blessing to his mother.

— It felt like a trampoline, Grandma! — After Edivan gives his blessing, Olavo jumps and hugs his grandmother, also giving his blessing.

— Want to help Grandma make lunch? — asks Fátima with a smile on her face.

— Yes — Olavo happily runs to the kitchen like a ninja, and his grandmother follows him.

— I'll teach you how to make my pasta, ''Pink Pasta''. First, let's get the ingredients: 500 grams of pasta, 2 liters of water, a tablespoon of oil, and a tablespoon of salt — After her speech (Olavo's grandmother), Olavo gets the ingredients.

— Get a tomato, a bell pepper, an onion, and some cilantro, they are in the fruit drawer — Olavo then grabs them from the fruit drawer inside the refrigerator.

— Take a pot and put the two liters of water in it, let it boil — Olavo takes a pot, pours in two liters of water, and lets it boil.

— Meanwhile, start chopping the bell pepper, tomato, and onion — Olavo grabs a knife, washes the cutting board, and starts chopping.

— That's it, very good, in small pieces — says Fátima.

After a few minutes, the water is boiling.

— It's boiling, add a tablespoon of oil and a tablespoon of salt — Olavo does as she asks.

— Don't forget the pasta, the main ingredient — Olavo adds the pasta as well.

After a few more minutes, the pasta is ready, and Olavo is draining it.

— Very well! After draining the pasta, take another pot, add the ingredients you chopped and a tablespoon of butter, along with tomato sauce — Olavo, already tired, does as she asks and starts sautéing the sauce.

— Once the sauce turns pinkish, add the pasta — After a few minutes of sautéing, Olavo adds the pasta and starts stirring until it becomes pink. He then turns off the heat and sits in a chair, exhausted.

— Ah... I'm so tired, and I only made the pasta... — says Olavo, sweating profusely.

— Don't worry, I've already made the rice, the beans, cooked the chicken, made a salad, prepared a dessert, and made juice — After she says this, his grandmother starts setting the table with the food while Olavo looks surprised that he managed to make the pasta in 50 MINUTES. After everything is ready, he sits at the dining table and waits for his mother to serve his food. Everyone is gathered and happy... What could happen in this situation?

— The place is so well-lit, isn't it? It seems the lights here are very good, right, Mom? — says Edivan, cutting the meat on his plate.

— Exactly, a young man came to fix the lights last week, but for some reason, they sometimes flicker — as Fátima says this, the light goes out for a moment, and then a shadow forms behind Olavo at the same second it starts choking him. As he was eating, he spits out his food...

— Olavo is choking, quickly, let's do something — shouts his mother desperately, but Edivan quickly stands in front of the shadow and slaps Olavo's back, making him basically spit food all over the table...

— Olavo, be careful when you eat, be careful... Don't give us a heart attack! — says his mother, cleaning the table and the spit-out food with a wet cloth... The light has come back on, and the shadow has disappeared.

— Alright... I've lost my appetite, I'll go play outside for a bit... — He then gets up and goes outside. His grandmother just gives him a suspicious look as he leaves.

Once outside, he grabs his toys and starts playing with them, making his action figures fight. It was very windy, and there was a palm tree behind him. The palm leaf moves, casting a shadow over Olavo, and then, a human-shaped shadow starts choking him.

— You're lucky... It's still morning, but soon darkness will come... And when it does, I swear I'll make you one of my servants, and that way I'll get the promotion to Demon Sinner. It would be so simple if a brat like you hadn't eaten this rough stone, this is worse than a curse... It's a pursuit, Ha! — The palm tree shadow then moves away from Olavo, and the clone evaporates, making Olavo fall to the ground...

— I need to talk to them! — He gets up and runs to his grandmother's room, concentrating and going to OlavoCity. He then appears at the base of the Olavo Capitals.

— What? What place is this? — he asks, confused.

— This is the Olavo Capitals Base, are you blind? You idiot! — Olavo the Angry was cracking his knuckles and wrapping some bandages around his hands, shirtless.

— Oh... Olavo the Angry, it's good to see you, it's been a while! — Olavo gets up and hugs Olavo the Angry.

— We saw each other yesterday, you fool, stop being crazy, enough with the hugs! — Olavo the Angry kicks him away, embarrassed.

— Ouch... By the way... Do you know where Olavo X-Esper and X-Spi are? I need to talk to them... — says Olavo, getting up.

— They must be in their tech arena... Maybe playing, as always, now I'm going to the training area, bye, idiot. — He then runs off at high speed, with fire in his eyes.

— Wow... He seems busy, so I won't waste my time, I'll head to the library, which I have no idea where it is — Olavo starts walking down a long corridor, where there were Olavo builders placing a material that diminishes the spiritual energy of everyone inside, but Olavo's spiritual energy is the only one that prevails, so he arrives at the place.

After some time walking down that corridor, he arrives at a completely technological room with a sign that reads "Tech Arena" and, in small print below it, "Be careful with the devices in this place, don't touch what you don't know." After reading it, Olavo enters and sees Olavo X-Spi and Olavo X-Esper, who were training and using their abilities against holograms.

— Hey, you two, I need help! — shouts Olavo from the entrance of the arena.

— Oh, hi Olavo, what do you need? — asks Olavo X-Esper, snapping his fingers to make the holograms disappear.

— Speak up, we have a lot of training to do — Olavo X-Spi walks up to Olavo and pulls him to the center of the place.

— Today, when I arrived at my grandmother's house and spent a few minutes or maybe hours cooking, someone choked me, but it wasn't anyone from my family, it was like a shadow... I even remembered something he said... ''I swear I'll make you one of my servants and that way I'll get the promotion to Demon Sinner.''

— Demon Sinner... I mainly remember that Fire Wolf and Olavo the Angry, according to Olavo do Meio's account, the Fire Wolf could control flames and all his physical attributes were high, Olavo the Angry was a huge being who also manipulated flames, well, but that's been a few weeks, right? And apparently, they all came after you with a goal, to get the stone, but why? — Olavo X-Esper puts his hand on his chin, wondering why.

— Could it be some kind of spiritual race? In itself, Olavo's energy is very high, making him an easy target for beings who want to evolve, right? — says Olavo X-Spi, who was floating.

— Spiritual Races, well, I think we still need more information to come to any conclusions... Well, Olavo, if you need us, just summon us, but please... Not when I'm taking a bath! — shouts X-Esper, as if flames were coming out of his eyes.


Three days before Olavo goes to his grandmother's house

— Oh, I'm so excited to go to Grandma's house, I need to talk about this with some Olavo... Well, but which one? Olava will humiliate me, Olavo the Angry must be destroying something, Olavo do Meio will throw that lunchbox at my face until I pass out, Olavo X-Spi must be doing some experiments with his insects, so that only leaves Olavo X-Esper! — Olavo, who was home alone waiting for his parents to come back from the market, gives

— Are you sure you're going to do this? — It was Olavo X-Spi, sounding like a voice in Olavo's head.

— Of course, he's always nice to me, time to call him! — Olavo then summons him.

— Well, I tried to warn you... — The voice fades...

Olavo X-Esper is summoned, but what Olavo didn't expect was that he would appear in the middle of the room naked, his body covered in soap, holding two bars of soap in his hands.

— You idiot! — Olavo X-Esper yells with an angry look and flames in his eyes.

— Ahh! Sorry, I didn't think you... Wow, what mushroom is that? — asks Olavo curiously.

— You've never seen a penis in your life, idiot! — Olavo X-Esper starts throwing the two bars of soap at Olavo's eyes.

— Ouch, it burns! — Olavo starts running around rubbing his eyes, and Olavo X-Esper chases him with the two bars of soap he had thrown at his eyes.

— You cursed child, I'll clean your eyes until they turn purple like this soap! — He runs after Olavo with the two bars of purple soap.

— Okay, go back to your bath! — Olavo sends him back to OlavoCity.

— You imbe-... — He can't finish the sentence as he's sent back to OlavoCity.

— Phew... I thought my eyes were going to turn purple and explode... — says Olavo after running around the house, wiping sweat from his forehead.

End of Flashback

— I'll try not to summon you while you're taking a bath — says Olavo with a smile.

— What do you mean you'll try? I don't want that to happen again, you little brat! — Olavo X-Esper starts running after Olavo.

— Alright... Now, goodbye! — Olavo disappears.

Olavo appears in his grandmother's room; there was no one in the room, so he decides to go outside. He starts to see the sun beginning to set.

— Well, tonight will be the most intense night I think I'll ever have. — He then smiles as he watches the sun slowly "disappear."