Chapter 17: Granted Marriage

In Prince An's mansion, Teng Haojue looked at Quan Jin in disbelief: "Are you telling the truth? Is the emperor really going to grant me and A Yu a marriage?"

"It's true. This news was brought by Eunuch Fulai. Eunuch Fulai asked you to go to the palace at noon to discuss the marriage in the Yangxin Palace." Quan Jin was also very happy. Finally, his hard work paid off.

"Okay, I'll get ready now! Hahaha!" People entered the palace at noon and left the palace in the evening. But Teng Haojue's face was still full of happiness.

Three days later, Ji Pingchuan also brought Ji Yuanbai back from the military camp. When they met, Ji Yuanbai was still immersed in the joy of returning home, but was still ruined by the urging of marriage.

"Miss Mengqiu? I seem to have heard who she is?" Ji Yuanbai remembered that this woman also wrote letters to him, but he could not remember who she was.

"It's the sister Mengqiu who often plays with me. My brother has seen her." Ji Yuanbai thought about it carefully, and a picture appeared in his mind.

"It's the one whose candied haws I snatched, and then she cried with big snot bubbles?" When Ji Yuanbai said this, everyone present was silent.

Ji Ruoyu remembered this incident. She was only nine years old at that time and Mengqiu was only ten years old. At that time, she finally got a string of candied haws, but her stupid brother snatched Mengqiu's candied haws...

"It's that one..." Ji Ruoyu explained lightly. She really couldn't understand why her brother could be so straightforward!

"So her name is Mengqiu. If it's her, my son has no objection." Ji Yuanbai's words scared Gao Xinman. She didn't expect Ji Yuanbai to agree so easily.

"What? Is Bai'er also interested in Miss Mengqiu?" Ji Yuanbai thought for a while and said, "It's not that I like her, but if I really want to get married, I will choose a woman I remember."

"And that girl is also very interesting. I haven't seen her for so many years and I don't know what she looks like now?" Ji Ruoyu was very excited when she talked about this. She talked about Pan Mengqiu's beauty.

Ji Yuanbai also listened very seriously, but this period of tranquility was broken by an imperial edict.

"Is the second girl here?" Eunuch Fulai stood in the center of the yard with a smile on his face.

Generally, when eunuchs come to the house, there is an imperial edict to be announced.

Ji Pingchuan respectfully asked Fulai, "Eunuch Fulai, does His Majesty have any edict?"

Eunuch Fulai smiled and said, "Your girl has a happy event. The imperial edict has arrived!"

Everyone knelt down hurriedly, waiting for Fulai to read out the imperial edict.

"The Emperor, in compliance with the Will of Heaven, proclaims: I have heard that the second daughter of Taiwei Ji Pingchuan, Ji Ruoyu, is skillful, generous, gentle, honest, and outstanding in appearance. The Empress Dowager and I are very pleased to hear this. Now that the third prince has already reached the age of 20, it is time to marry, and a virtuous woman should be chosen to be his partner. Ji Ruoyu is waiting in the boudoir, and she is a perfect match for the third prince. In order to make her a beautiful woman, you, Ji Ruoyu, will be betrothed to the third prince as the princess. All the ceremonies will be jointly handled by the Ministry of Rites and the Director of the Imperial Observatory, and the wedding will be held on an auspicious day. The announcement will be made to the whole country and abroad. This is the order."

Everyone reacted after thanking the ceremony, and Ji Ruoyu was so frightened that she stood there.

"Second Miss, accept the order." Fulai looked at Ji Ruoyu with a fake smile. Ji Ruoyu was frightened and hurriedly took the imperial edict to thank him.

"Thank you, eunuch. This little bit of thought is like tea for you." Ji Pingchuan said and stuffed a handful of golden melon seeds into Fulai's hand.

Fulai smiled, touched the golden melon seeds in his hand and said, "Master Ji, you are too polite. My task has been completed. I will take my leave now."

After saying that, he left without caring how ugly the Ji family members looked.

Ji Ruoyu was frightened and didn't know what to do. Gao Xinman was also anxious and almost cried.

Ji Pingchuan was relatively calm and said to everyone, "Go into the house first."

As soon as she entered the house, Ji Ruoyu hugged Gao Xinman and cried, "Mother, what should I do?"

Gao Xinman also cried anxiously. She looked at Ji Pingchuan anxiously for help.

"What should I do, my husband?" Ji Pingchuan had no choice. He sighed and said, "It is reasonable to say that before issuing an imperial decree, it is obvious that His Majesty does not want to give us a chance to refuse."

Gao Xinman was almost crazy. Why did the emperor become different?

Ji Ruoyu already knew that the situation had already been decided, and she had to marry even if she was extremely reluctant.

"Dad and Mom, I'm going to marry." Gao Xinman was dumbfounded. She pulled Ji Ruoyu and said to her, "Ayu, that's the royal family."

"Mother, the situation has already been decided. No matter how we resist, there is nothing we can do. And we don't know what the third prince is like. Let's make plans after we marry him."

Gao Xinman wanted to say something but was stopped by Ji Pingchuan, who shook his head at Gao Xinman.

Ji Ruoyu was really in no mood. She didn't say anything and quietly returned to her room, not allowing anyone to come in.

She just hid in the quilt, leaning over and hugging herself, as if this could relieve her loneliness.

She didn't understand why she resisted so much? Was it because of her sister's matter? Or was it because she was moved by Pei Zhi?

She didn't know, she didn't know anything, she just felt so tired, really tired, never as tired as today.

Gradually, she accidentally fell asleep. Gao Xinman outside was still hugging Ji Pingchuan and crying, "Why is your Majesty like this? My Ayu."

"I sent someone to inquire. It is said that the third prince asked for the decree from your Majesty himself." Gao Xinman didn't care about the third prince. She only knew that in a few months, she would have another daughter who would leave her.

At the same time, the only atmosphere different from the Ji Mansion was the Prince An Mansion and the Chuxiu Palace.

Teng Haojue was walking around excitedly. He didn't expect that the dream he had fantasized about for more than ten years would come true. He was finally about to marry his beloved woman, Ayu, who he had been thinking about for many years.

Now he really wanted to know Ji Ruoyu's reaction at this time. Was she scared? Or happy? Or confused?

A side note (Ji Ruoyu: Can you please go away…)

He suddenly remembered something, and he told Quan Jin, "Go find me a bunch of rare treasures, I want to give them as a dowry to the future Princess An."

Quan Jin didn't know how much a pile was, and he asked Teng Haojue awkwardly, "Your Highness, how many are you talking about? Like this? Or like this?" He even gestured several sizes with his hands.

Teng Haojue rolled his eyes at him and said, "We'll take as many as we can." After getting the task, Quan Jin excitedly pulled Shadow to find rare treasures.

A side note (Shadow: Thank you for the invitation…:)