Chapter 18 Is it a boy or a girl?

In a short while, the whole capital knew that the second daughter of the Taiwei Mansion was married to Prince An by the emperor.

Prince An was a bit mysterious. Except for those who often went in and out of the palace, no one else knew what he looked like.

As Ji Ruoyu's good friend, Pan Mengqiu naturally received the news.

She hurried to Ji's house, and as soon as she entered the door, she was told by Qiuyu that Ji Ruoyu didn't want to see anyone now.

Why did Qiuyu say that? The reason was that Dongmei's eyes were so swollen from crying that she couldn't open them.

Pan Mengqiu was anxious and could only pace back and forth outside the door. She thought about whether to go in directly, but she was still worried that Ji Ruoyu would be unhappy.

So she could only wait outside. Just when she was in a hurry, Ji Yuanbo came over.

"You are Pan Mengqiu, right?" Pan Mengqiu noticed that Ji Yuanbo had already stood beside her, but she was not in the mood to pay attention to the person in front of her now.

Ji Yuanbo was ignored but not annoyed. He just stayed by her side quietly. Pan Mengqiu didn't respond to him until she felt shy.

"I am. Don't bother me now." Ji Yuanbo was still smiling foolishly after being scolded. He said to Pan Mengqiu: "My sister must have fallen asleep accidentally. Don't worry. She will come out naturally when she wakes up."

"Oh." Pan Mengqiu didn't want to pay attention to him. She only cared about Ji Ruoyu the most now.

"I remember you. When we were little, I took your candied haws and you cried so hard that your nose was full of snot bubbles. Hahaha." The air froze instantly, and only Ji Yuanbo was still smiling foolishly.

What's wrong? Did he say something wrong?

Pan Mengqiu rolled her eyes at him. It was a pity that she liked him so much before. It turned out that she liked him because she didn't understand him. She really hoped that Ji Yuanbo could stop talking.

"What's wrong?" Ji Yuanbo was interrupted by Pan Mengqiu as soon as he said this. Pan Mengqiu glared at Ji Yuanbo fiercely and said, "I tell you, you can't bring this up again! Otherwise..."

Pan Mengqiu wiped her neck, letting Ji Yuanbo know the consequences.

Ji Yuanbo still smiled foolishly. He really thought Pan Mengqiu was interesting, and he was not so opposed to marrying her.

On the contrary? A little angry and looking forward to it?

Just when Pan Mengqiu was gnashing her teeth at Ji Yuanbo's silly smile, the door in front of her suddenly opened.

Ji Ruoyu covered her mouth and smiled. She had adjusted her emotions and thought it through. It didn't matter who she married. Anyway, she had brothers and sisters and a powerful father. These people were her backers.

She knew that Pan Mengqiu and Ji Ruoning would come, but Ji Ruoning had been persuaded by her mother to go back. Only Pan Mengqiu was left.

She also knew that her brother was teasing Pan Mengqiu on purpose, so she hid behind the door from the beginning when Pan Mengqiu came, and listened to their playfulness quietly.

Pan Mengqiu was relieved when she saw Ji Ruoyu was safe and sound. She hugged Ji Ruoyu and asked her, "Ayu, are you okay?"

Ji Ruoyu nodded to indicate that she was fine, and Ji Yuanbo spoke at this time. "Look, I told you a long time ago that Ayu is fine. Look, isn't she fine?"

Pan Mengqiu couldn't help but clenched her fist and hit Ji Yuanbo, muttering, "Yes! You got it right! You are so proud!"

Ji Ruoyu laughed at the side, she really had never seen Pan Mengqiu like this. In her impression, Pan Mengqiu was a relatively arrogant and steady big sister. But today's Pan Mengqiu really surprised her.

Ji Yuanbai was not annoyed when he was beaten. He smiled foolishly and muttered: "Hey, you, you hit me even though I was right. I tell you, only my wife can hit me!"

Pan Mengqiu stopped her hand movements, put her hands on her waist and said to Ji Yuanbai: "Okay! Then I will marry you and beat you every day!"

Ji Yuanbai became serious: "Okay, I will propose to your family right now. You wait." After that, Ji Yuanbai walked out as if he was serious.

Pan Mengqiu got anxious when she saw it, and chased after Ji Yuanbai and shouted: "Hey you, I'm talking nonsense! Don't go and propose!"

Ji Ruoyu looked at the backs of the two and smiled foolishly. Pan Mengqiu didn't want to marry her brother at all, she was obviously embarrassed.

It was also a good thing that her brother was also interested in Pan Mengqiu. The two were simply "well-matched".

Ji Ruoyu thought and looked towards her courtyard. In a few months, this would be the place she longed to come to every day...

In Chuxiu Palace, Ren Yin was busy telling the maids to pack up the things in the warehouse. Half of them were for Teng Yao, and the other half were for Teng Haojue.

Madame Lin also cleaned up beside her. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "I haven't been so tired for a long time. It's tiring to have so many happy events!"

Ren Yin was wiping a pile of jewelry aside. Hearing this, she smiled and said, "Yes, I used to worry about the children's marriage. Now that the marriages of the two children have been settled, I am relieved now."

"Madam, do you think the princess's marriage will be postponed?" Ren Yin thought for a while and said, "It should be. After all, the brother will marry first, not to mention that A Yao is still It's a good thing that she can stay with me."

Madam Lin smiled and said, "Your Highness has finally gotten through all the hardships and has endured for so many years. Now that His Highness has grown up and the princess is about to get married, Your Highness has nothing to worry about anymore."

Ren Yin also sighed, "Yes, I have endured all of this, but I still owe Rou Zhaoyi a favor."

"Your Highness, how do you think I should repay this favor? I don't know what Rou Zhaoyi is missing." Madam Lin asked in confusion.

"Isn't she still pregnant now? It's only been more than three months, and it's her first child. I'll help her take care of it." Ren Yin thought about it and said it out loud.

"Your Highness, do you think Rou Zhaoyi is pregnant with a boy or a girl?" Madam Lin asked the doubts in her heart.

"There are many people in and outside the palace who are eyeing Concubine Rou's belly." Ren Yin thought for a while and said, "I think no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, as soon as the child is born, His Majesty will give him all his love. It doesn't matter whether it is a prince or a princess."

After hearing this, Nanny Lin also felt that it made sense. After all, this child is His Majesty's son in his middle age, and the first son after His Majesty ascended the throne, so he is extremely noble.

"No matter what, let's pay more attention to the marriage of Jue'er and Yao'er." As soon as Ren Yin said this, Nanny Lin also echoed, "Your Majesty is right."