Chapter 19: Fetal Movement

Three days later, Chu Zijing was sitting on the chaise longue and touching her belly, when Caixian ran in in a panic.

"Your parents are here, Madam..."

She whispered in Chu Zijing's ear.


Chu Zijing never liked anyone from the Demon Realm, except for Caixian who was loyal to her.

As soon as she finished speaking, a couple walked into the hall.

The man looked unfriendly, and the woman looked sarcastic.

As soon as they entered the hall, they saluted in a hypocritical manner.

"Your servant greets Madam."

Chu Zijing reluctantly gave them a seat because they were from the Demon Realm.

"Madam, I can't listen to what the master is saying."

Chu Zijing suppressed her anger and waved her hand to let Caixian leave.

When Caixian retreated, she looked at Chu Zijing with a worried look.

The two men showed their true colors when they saw that there were no outsiders.

"Princess, you are really grand. Not to mention the decoration of this palace, even the favor of the emperor to you can be heard by us in the capital."

"Yes, princess, the plan of getting pregnant is well done. But don't forget the mission given to you by Lord Demon."

Chu Zijing resisted the feeling of being pressed down by a big stone in her heart.

"You two are right... I will never forget the mission given to me by Lord Demon..."

The two seemed very satisfied with Chu Zijing's humble attitude towards them.

Pat her butt and got up to leave. When she reached the door, the man turned back deliberately.

"Princess, you must be loyal to the Demon Lord. After all, you are just an orphan. If the Demon Lord hadn't picked you up, how could you have come to the human world and become the favorite concubine of the current emperor? Don't you think so, hahaha." After saying that, he laughed and walked away quickly. Chu Zijing collapsed on the ground. It was like this every time, and he made fun of her life experience again. Did he really think she wanted to be such a "princess"? She was forced to learn all kinds of things every day, learn etiquette and dance. The daily schedule was fully arranged. She couldn't breathe at all. How she wished she could have a second life and give her a chance to choose again... Chu Zijing collapsed on the ground, tears falling uncontrollably. Caixian ran to Chu Zijing as soon as she heard the noise. "What's wrong with you, madam? Are you okay, madam? Did those people say something again? I'll go to settle accounts with them now!" "Don't!" Chu Zijing held Caixian and shook her head. How can they win? They will never escape the fate of being a pawn.

Chu Zijing suddenly felt a pain in her abdomen, and the pain made her forehead sweat.

"It hurts... My child... It hurts..."

"My queen, don't scare me! Someone come quickly, go and ask for the imperial physician!"

The little eunuch's legs were so weak after receiving the order. This person was not someone else, but the most beloved Rou Zhaoyi of His Majesty.

He stumbled and ran to the Imperial Hospital, and on the way he bumped into a person in dark green clothes without noticing.

He hurriedly apologized and was about to leave, but was grabbed by the collar by a eunuch.

"Hey, which palace are you from? You offended His Royal Highness King Jing and you still don't apologize!"

"Eunuch, please forgive me. I am from Rou Zhaoyi's palace. My queen is not feeling well and I am rushing to the Imperial Hospital."

The little eunuch knelt on the ground and begged.

"Oh? From the palace of Consort Rou. But you are in bad luck today. You offended me and still want to ask for the imperial physician. No way!"

Teng Haoze said contemptuously, and the little eunuch trembled with fear.

"Your Highness King Jing, spare me! You can punish me, but the queen's body should not be delayed any longer, Your Highness! If His Majesty blames us, we will all suffer, Your Highness!"

Teng Haoze didn't care so much. He hated Consort Rou the most now. Now he caught someone in her palace making a mistake and took this opportunity to suppress her. Who knows, he could even make the meat in Consort Rou's belly fall out.

"Hey? Isn't this the little silver from Consort Rou's palace? Why are you here? Pay your respects to Your Highness King Jing."

Fulai happened to pass by here and saw that the servant who was scolded was from Consort Rou's palace.

"Eunuch, save me! The queen is having a miscarriage and I was planning to ask for Doctor Li."

"What? This... Your Highness, Prince Jing, you will settle the score tomorrow, but you have to let this little eunuch go to the Imperial Hospital first."

Teng Haoze was unwilling, but he finally let go. As soon as Xiao Yinzi was released, he immediately rushed to the Imperial Hospital.

Fulai was also very panicked at this time. He hurriedly said goodbye to Teng Haoze and quickly came to the Yangxin Palace.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

"Tsk, what's wrong?"

Teng Chengping was reviewing the memorials, and when he heard Fulai's howling voice, he felt annoyed.

Maybe he had read too many memorials, but he felt like his heart was being tightly gripped by something.

"Rou Zhaoyi, the queen has had a miscarriage, your majesty, go and see her!"

"What?! Why are you telling me now, a bunch of losers."

Teng Chengping couldn't help scolding the servants, and hurried to Chenghuan Palace.

As soon as he entered, he saw Chu Zijing lying on the couch with a painful look on her face.

Her face was extremely bad, as white as a piece of white paper, and her forehead was still sweating.

Teng Chengping ran over and grabbed her hand.

"What's wrong with Zijing?"

Seeing that Chu Zijing was really uncomfortable, he was furious and vented his anger on the palace maids and eunuchs.

"So, what happened to Concubine Rou!"

"Your Majesty... We don't know, but she became like this after her family left... Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Family? Isn't it a happy thing for family to enter the palace? How could his Zijing be like this?

"Your Majesty..."

A faint voice came, and Teng Chengping only saw Chu Zijing trying to stand up.

He hurriedly held her hand and let her lean on his arms.

"Your Majesty... Don't blame them, it was my own carelessness..."

"Okay, okay, I know I won't blame you. I won't blame you if you are fine."

He looked at Chu Zijing with gentle eyes. Then he scolded Fulai harshly.

"Where is the imperial physician! Why hasn't he come yet!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yinzi quickly pulled Doctor Li to the bedroom.

"Here comes Doctor Li!"

Doctor Li was helplessly held by Xiao Yinzi's hand.

Doctor Li felt miserable. Who could understand his suffering? He was dragged along by this eunuch all the way.

"Your Highness..."

"Take the pulse of Consort Rou first."

Doctor Li placed his index and middle fingers on Chu Zijing's wrist. He closed his eyes and observed carefully.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with the queen and the dragon fetus. It's just that the queen was emotional, so she had a miscarriage."

Teng Chengping exhaled and patted Chu Zijing's hand.

"Just take the pregnancy-maintaining medicine on time. Besides, the queen's emotions also affect the dragon fetus. The queen should keep her body and mind happy."

Chu Zijing nodded weakly and said gratefully to Doctor Li.

"Thank you, Doctor Li."

"Nothing, then I will go down to make pregnancy-maintaining medicine for the queen."

"Doctor Li, take care."

After saying this, Teng Chengping also dismissed the palace maids and eunuchs kneeling in the bedroom.

Till everyone left, Teng Chengping looked at Chu Zijing who was lying quietly on the bed.

He touched her head.

"Zijing, tell me, what happened today?"

When Chu Zijing heard Teng Chengping's caring and gentle tone, tears could not stop falling.

"Your Majesty, wuwuwu."

She couldn't say it, nor did she know how to say it.

Teng Chengping let her hug him, and he just patted her back silently.

Since Chu Zijing didn't want to say it, Teng Chengping wouldn't force her to say it.

"It's okay, I'm fine. It's just that my relationship with my parents is not good, and we just had a small dispute."

Teng Chengping felt very guilty when he heard this. He thought Chu Zijing would miss home after being in the palace for so long, but he never expected that Chu Zijing's relationship with her parents was so bad.

"I'm sorry Zijing, it's my fault. I shouldn't have let your parents enter the palace without asking your opinion. I was thinking about making you happy."

"It's okay, Your Majesty, Your Majesty didn't mean it, it's not Your Majesty's fault. I'm just afraid of hurting the child."

Teng Chengping touched her belly.

"It's okay, this little guy is strong. Didn't you hear Doctor Li say that the child is fine?"

Chu Zijing couldn't help but touch her belly. Yes, this child must be in great health and will be extremely strong in the future.

Teng Chengping finally saw Chu Zijing smile, and he felt relieved.

No one knew how panicked and frightened he was when he heard the news about Chu Zijing.

It seems that Chu Zijing's parents will no longer have the opportunity to enter the palace in the future.

Chu Zijing was frightened today. Teng Chengping coaxed her to sleep before slowly walking out of the palace.

"Your Majesty..."

Fulai was looking at Teng Chengping who had just walked out with a horrified face, and saw that he looked bad.


"I just interrogated Xiaoyinzi who went to ask for the imperial physician. Xiaoyinzi said that he accidentally bumped into the second prince on his way there. Even after Xiaoyinzi explained to the second prince, the second prince did not intend to let Xiaoyinzi go to ask for the imperial physician."

"And I also saw the second prince not letting Xiaoyinzi leave, so everything Xiaoyinzi said is true."

Teng Chengping did not speak. Fulai carefully raised his head to peek at Teng Chengping's expression, only to see that he looked very bad.

Fulai was frightened. He lowered his head and pretended not to see it, just begging Teng Chengping not to chop off his head.


"I'm here."

Fulai waited for Teng Chengping to continue speaking with a look of panic.

"King Jing should rest well. He doesn't need to go to court anymore. Just rest well in the palace. And..."

Fulai guessed that Teng Chengping wanted to talk about the second prince's biological mother.

"Shun Zhaoyi?"

"Since she can't teach her children well, she should reflect on her mistakes behind closed doors. Send someone to supervise her copying Buddhist scriptures every day to pray for Rou Zhaoyi and her son."

"Yes... I'll go right away."

Fulai secretly felt sorry for Shun Zhaoyi who was innocently caught in the crossfire.

She sat in her position and fulfilled her duties, but she didn't expect to be betrayed by her own son.
