In my first life, I was born in an ordinary home, with family, and friends that taught me love, embrace, peace, hate, fights, and all.

It was a peaceful world with mankind making advancements in technology and I was just a passerby in everyone's life. no one important for the world but I was important to those who loved me.

One thing that my mama used to say is never follow the unknown but life's a bitch and my curiosity towards the known and unknown is a bigger asshole.

I followed a light that was shining in the dead of darkness, lifelessness, and forgetfulness. In a place no one visited but I did just because of that damn curiosity to know what was hidden in this land.

And no I wasn't expecting a treasure you dumbasses just my damn curiosity that led to ending my first life.


Roaming in the darkness that felt like it could swallow me whole. First I got curious when I was enveloped by the shiny light to what was to come. Then scared since all i saw was nothing but darkness. Got pumped by fear and ran with nowhere in sight , just a random directions since I can't see anyway.

But after trying to no avail. I gave up and learned to embrace the darkness. Lay down in it and felt like been a warm embrace like my mums.

Started to enjoy the darkness since i could do nothing but wait. All alone in that darkness, time seem to pass slowly, left with my thoughts all alone. Made me want to give up but I have to live and survive to see an end to this darkness. 

Sank deep into that darkness, embrace it and make it my own. I never felt hungry, sick or weak in it But rather it felt warm, safe and the best comfort that the world had to offer me. 

Lost in thought of everything and yet nothing letting the passage of time pass freely as I forgot to even count how much time has passed. 

It lulled my senses and made me lose emotions but it still felt like heaven to me. and just when I thought I should sleep I got dragged out of that darkness to see myself pushed out of a tunnel I saw light.

It was like an out of body experience I saw myself been given birth to.

Yes I was born again in another world not my own yet it was my new home. And that my friends was journey to a life I wished I never knew.


I was born as the eldest of the twins, in this world twins of same gender are considered ominous while twins of different genders are considered blessing. And I was welcomes in this world with great joy. While my father was celebrating my birth. 

Ahhhhhhhhh. A women scream was heard and it looked like she was in agonizing pain. and then there was a cry of another baby. Before I could even figure out where I was. I heard more screams. twins the lady gave birth to twin girls. And soon the room was filled with cries of women.

"Silent." Came the voice of my holder. "Silence everyone who knows about two girls been born and take me to see my wife."

"please my lord" We won't tell a single soul.

Were the pleas of those present but my captive didn't seem to care. He turned around and said to the man standing next to him." Silence everyone now."

After giving him the order my captive took me inside the room where possibly my mum is. 

Sobs were heard as soon as we went inside.*waves hands ahh I want to see but this dufus is only letting me see his chin*.

"Shhhh honey it will be alright. No one will no you gave birth to two baby girls". he took the other child in his arms and said to the man outside. "Spread the news that twins are born. A heir has been conceived along with a princess to spoil."

"Forgive me my child" The man looked down at both of us.

"One of you will have to bear the burden and live a life without been remembered. One of you will live a life of lavish while other will live the life of a shadow and that of a king. "

It looked like my father or as he says had made up his mind.

"Bring in the witch" My dad ordered.

As we were waiting for the so called witch. I looked at my mother. And damn is she a beauty. At least I will be beautiful when grown up.

My mothers eyes were filled with tears as she kept apologizing to her children. I looked around the room. from the furniture, style and the way people are addressing it seems that I have been born in a fantasy medieval world.

In midlist of exploring a women wearing a cap came in.

"You know why your called".

Yes my lord.

Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the kingdom.

"Yes" My lord.

"Good then come over and check which one of these two is going to be the heir to the throne."

I have a bad feeling about this. wuuuuuu.. I start making noise.

While my father places both of us on the floor with a witch chanting some old lore. she casts magic to look into the future and capabilities of who would rule better and whose worthy of it.

She(the witch) collapses on the floor while spurting blood all over.

"Ahhh all I saw is ruins my lord. Darkness and a place without life. Death follows in its wake.

My lord the twin on your right will bring ruin to this world. while the twin on the left might be able to save it. "

Ahh sheesh. At least its not me. phew as i sigh a relief the witch continues.

But that death is a new beginning for everyone. she is meant to rule my lord. while the child on left may save the world it will eventually fall into ruin because of her. while the child on right may bring ruin to the kingdom she will save the world and this kingdom. the child on right will bring this kingdom to prosperity. she was born to rule. that is her destiny. my lord. 

The witch passes out after completing her words. check on her. my lord she's no more.

Sheesh so I am doomed to rule. Fuck yea. I'm screwed royally.

My father picks up twin sister and hands her over to my mother. My child forgive me, as you will have to live a life of suffering because of me. Don't come to hate me my child. As a father I'm saddened to do this but as a ruler this is my only choice. I know you will resent me when you grow up but forgive this father for not be able to be a father for you.

Take the heir. He shall live in the prince quarters. He is not a she, but a he from this moment forward and will live only for the sake of this kingdom.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm lost wasn't I was born as a girl why is he saying I'm a boy. yawns escapes my mouth as I settle into the once familiar darkness I hear my father pacifying my mother while I get pulled into an familiar embrace.