An ethereal music flows in the dark forest. tempting but deadly. It's rightly said the more beautiful something is the more dangerous it is. The chimes of bells could be heard on this day after a long time and the forest was alive like none other. All the rulers in the world stood up and bowed towards the forgotten forest as if welcoming their kind back. while their retainers looked in awe at the beauty that was unfolding in front of their eyes. the once deadly forest was now full of life, beauty, and grace like a paradise in the living hell we call the world. beautiful, deadly, mysterious, and tempting but everyone knew it was anything but that. 

Every country witnessed their kings, queens, and rulers bow toward the forest with tears streaming from their eyes. eyes that were once dead were now alive once more, filled with hope and anticipation for what was to come. while the world was in awe a storm was brewing in the once dead forest. echo's of footsteps were heard throughout the land. far and near accompanied by the clanging sounds of chains and music songs by the creatures of the world. It was like every unintelligent creature was welcoming something back. with their heads bowed.

A voice was heard that was neither male nor female, a neutral voice. *The time has come for me to take my throne back and take what belongs to me once more. Arise my subjects as you have done a wonderful job in keeping this world alive".


As a child I had could do nothing but watch as my fate and destiny were been decided. A path filled with thrones and blood shed had been a promised future for me. Not only did I have to survive but I also had to take charge, responsibility of everyone lives. Such a fate had been decided for me whether I wanted it or not.

I woke up to find myself in a luxurious, elegant quarter. It was simple yet beautiful. But it felt empty with no trace of life. The man that had been following my father appeared before me and said: "From this day on I shall serve only you. My prince. I shall only obey your order and my life is yours to take. I shall be your tutor, guide and helper." A chanting was heard as he spoke his woes and I felt a connection been established between us. I could feel it that of he were to ever betray me. He shall lose his life, soul and existence.

I don't know what to make of my situation rejoice I got another chance for life. Cry that I lost my family, my world and everything I knew and held dear.

Dark clouds are floating in my mind but compared to the darkness I lived in the past they are nothing more then sweet dreams. Sweet dreams that would sink me whole leaving nothing but bones.

The next few months were spent sleeping eating as a newborn child could do nothing more. Learned to live with embarrassment as the only sound I could make was baby babbling sounds to tell others of my needs. This is a dark history for me. Thankfully no one knows that I am already aware of my surroundings.

Should I act as a child or should I act like the age of my soul. All these days the only thing I can do is think about the future and dreaded it as I can already see a future filled with hardships.

Some might think that I'm overly calm, that I should cry at my misfortune and situation, grieve my loss, rejoice at my new life, curse the being that led me here. But all I can do is be patient and take one day at a time.

I'm one years old today. And I haven't seen my parents since the day I was born. The one who takes care of me is my butler. He says he doesn't have a name so I should just call him guardian or butler.

I haven't spoke a word but he doesn't seem to mind it.

Butler is more like a shadow only here when I need anything be it food, sleep or wet the blankets. Otherwise I don't see a single hair of him.

Honestly if I didn't have memories of the past I can say this situation isn't normal. A child that has been growing up without a single form of love and support. It wouldn't be normal when he grows up.

On the other hand I can feel the joyous mood in the atmosphere. I spoke to him for the first time. "Butler what is been celebrated?".

"The Princess birthday" my lord.

Oh! I see.

I can feel his gaze at my expressionless expression maybe he is thinking along the lines that I don't care since I don't know anything.

"Butler bring me books so that I can learn about this world. And you shall never ever speak a word of what I do to the ruler". Do you understand that.

He gulps and answers: "I won't let a single soul know what goes here".

Then go and bring me every book you can find.

I start the journey of learning this world through books for the next few years. Four years pass by and I still have yet to see my parents or twin sister.

On the day of my fifth birthday my father sent a present. "Huh! So he still knows he has another child." I snort at his gift. But anticipate what he might have given. Only to see a mask with no openings.

"What is this?" Butler. "This is an ancient mask cast with the oldest form of magic. Once worn it can only be taken off when your stronger then it's original caster. But no one has taken off it while alive."

So you mean to say that my father sent me a mask that I can never take off unless I die. I speak in a trance. "For what purpose?" I ask him with an expressionless voice.

"It's a powerful armor impermeable to all magic and can ward of all types of detection. And can also hide the wearers gender. From what I heard if you wear it nothing can harm you including yourself."

Ahh I see so he sent it so that no one knows I'm a girl. For protection. Snorts. More like a prison. He's afraid that I might kill myself or get killed off if anyone knows about my secret. He's not wrong. But you forgot one thing that is it has tracking spell placed on it. He can know where ever I am whether I like it or not.

I will wear this mask but from now on tell him: "I have no father, no mother, no parents no family. Tell him I'm dead to him from the day he decided to abandoned me as his daughter. Since he wants an heir, he shall have an heir. And on the day I die or get this mask off is the day that I gave back him the grace of letting me be born in this world."

The five years alone with no one to talk to and the eternity I spent in the darkness has made me numb to many emotions. And my father took the remaining ones I had left when he gave me that gift. Now I only have hate and responsibility left for him.

Butler from now on your name will be Sebastian King.

"Yes my, Lord".

I have read enough books to know about this world from now on I want you to help me understand the practical, physical world. I want to try and put everything I learned into practice. Oh! yes one more thing from what I see is there something different in my blood. I tend to learn things easily, more smart then an average child.

Yes my lord (isn't it weird that he's only asking me now. when he told me at 2 years old to get some books I already knew he was weird.*tries to keep an expressionless face that had been distorting due to his lords strange requests*.Now he's asking for other things I don't know what he's up to again.)

As you wish my lord. I will start by teaching you the swordsmanship, etiquettes, general knowledge and how to wield magic about this world.(From the pace my lord tends to read books. i won't have anything to teach him in few years. * a little butler biting an handkerchief. distress jpg*).

Anything else you would like to learn; My Lord.

"Yes, I would like to go out to see how the people of this country live and how to make life easier for them."


From scared to fear, fear to anger, anger to hate, hate to indifference, I went through all these stages in the dark, with no light in sight, no sound to hear, even my own breaths couldn't be heard. No one to talk to, nothing to see, hear, touch, taste or smell. The only thing that kept me from losing my sanity was my memories of my past life.

After I was born I learned few things like my emotions had dwindled and only few people would be able to take those emotions out from me.

Today while taking a small walk I ran into my little sister. She was a bundle of joy, filled with laughter and sunshine. How she ended up in this dark corner of the castle I don't know (not dark in the literal sense, but more like dark since no one is here).

"Who are you?" she inquired.

"Your brother". i told her.

Oh! I know about you. Dad told me that I shouldn't disturb you since you are already busy with world affairs. I envy you. you get to learn so much new things and can spend the day with dad. Her words were Innocent, naive and gullible, yet at the same time reminding me of things that I should have had but i don't have. If I wasn't born with memories of my past life. I would have resented this child. But I still don't like this child.

I chuckle at her word. Its true when they say sometimes children speak the most cruelest of the words in most innocent voices.

Sebastian. Call her nanny. Tell her that If she values her life, she should take this with her, and not to let this thing inside here ever again. 

Hey! she said: "Don't be mean to my nanny. I snuck into here. She didn't let me in. My name is Lucia Angel King. Don't call me this or that. What's your name?"

My sister looked hurt that I wasn't calling her by her name. Why should I call her by her name, when her parents didn't even bother to give me a name.

"Huh! My name." I spoke to her in a cold tone to which she flinched. Yes her answer wobbled as she was trying to put a brave upfront.

I don't know. Why don't you ask your parents about what my name is. I said to her in a mean voice.

I will, she replied. her nanny came running with Sebastian in toe. 

"GET OUT". I shouted to which my sister started brawling.

AH! I see I'm still upset with my parents. What am I a kid. I mumble to myself.

Technically your still a child was what my butler responded with.

Hmm.... Yes I'm still a child. So I can be childish for now.

After that day my sister would come visit me from time to time. I still maintained an indifferent attitude but didn't kick her out like the first time.


Today we are celebrating the birthday of our beloved son (snorts beloved. yea right!). We welcome you all on joining us on this joyous occasion. I watch as my parents spew lies out of there mouths. while no care in the world and with eyes that looks like they could kill you if anyone were to disagree with them.

All of a sudden twinkling of bells were heard and all the leader of the world (not those who are currently ruling i.e. not all of them are ruling some retired and are living the easy life. But talking about the survivors of the black forest those who used to live in it. But never spoke about it.) All rulers got up from there seats abruptly and hurried outside. Some stumbled in there way to outside. But one thing was common all of them were excited.

With the ringing of bells were heard the pace of outside along with the welcoming sounds made by everything in nature. Dancing with joy at the welcome of someone yet to be known. Every single ruler knelt on the ground in unison as if waiting for permission to get up while every younger generation were dumbfounded by the scene and trying to get there elders to get up. Yet the ancients weren't budging an inch.

And then a voice was heard saying: *The time has come for me to take my throne back and take what belongs to me once more. Arise my subjects as you have done a wonderful job in keeping this world alive".

The voice was melodious, neutral, enchanting, bewitching and full of power and promises, but you could never tell whether it belong to male or female. Just knew that they must be dangerous yet enticing person.

I was drawn to that voice like how I would be drawn to the Dark forest and I knew the moment I heard that voice that I have waiting for this person my whole life.

As soon as those words were spoken every ruler got up in one swift motion. Some were in tears, some eyes were filled with excitement, while others were eager to see the person speaking.

"Yes my Lord, As you command." They all spoke to the person at the same time. 

Crunch, as the footsteps got closer and closer I could finally see the person who made the rulers so anxious, surprised and happy at the same time.