Is it the darkness that's scary or is it the light at the end of tunnels that's scary? Once u get used to darkness life feels like bliss. u get used to it learn to embrace and love, enjoy the presence of the growing darkness, and start surrounding yourself with it. the light isn't scary nor is darkness. The scary thing is the human heart. I used to think I would get used to it with time but I learned the lesson through tears, pain, and sweat that there is no such thing to get used to.


I used to think that I would survive and not lose myself to this world since I had memories of my past life. But I was proven wrong time and time again.

The first time I felt the darkness hidden deep inside me was when my twin asked me for my name. That I was never given. the people only know there is an heir to the throne yet no one asks who is he? what does he look like? where is he? how is he? what's his name?

All they did was celebrate the birth of an heir and put their attention on the princess. So who am I? What am I? Why did they give birth to me? Why didn't they let me die? WHY?WHY?WHY? WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY?

The questions twirl in my mind like a broken record repeatedly, never answered only increasing over time.

Time passed(age 16) and I grew up the memories of my previous life are starting to fade. I'm scared that I won't remember who I was anymore. The world is molding me to how it wants me to. In place of me is a person who is an empty shell.

Sebastian I want a contract. Something that will bind me to my will.

Yes. My Lord. (he looks confused at my command and from our bond I can feel his confusion and troubles with what I want to bind.)

But still, he leaves to get the contract. After some time he came back with a tray containing covered in red velvet and a contract placed on top of it. giving a soft glow with golden ruins flashing on it from time to time.

On this day I bind myself to this kingdom. Till the day told by the witch comes. I shall protect it at all costs. I shall be the perfect heir this kingdom has ever seen. And on this day I bind my memories of the past to my my core that shall remain there till the day I escape my role as the king of this kingdom. I shall only remember the knowledge needed to run this kingdom better and everything else shall be sealed inside my mind till I escape from the fate prophesized to me by the witch. My guardian shall be the sole witness to my oath. As he shall guide me if I am ever to sidestep from my promise. He will be my sole advisor and my only guardian. Shall he or I break this oath may we die a death as painful as never known to man and our souls scattered. 

After speaking I pick up the sword to slash my wrist and feed it to the contract that shall bind my and my servant's soul to damnation till the day we fulfill our roles as protectors to this country. I command Sebastian to put his blood on the contract to complete it. As soon he does so the blood dissolves into the contract and vanishes into dust. Becoming one with heaven and earth and one with both of us.


At the age of five I started taking lessons from Sebastian. I one asked him if he had family? To which his reply was negative. Also asked him if he ever wanted to have a family? He remained silent at my question.

Sebastian was fully devoted to his job. As a butler, guardian, instructor or educator. There was nothing he didn't know about. But at the same time he was too devoted to a place that didn't give a shit about him.

When we get out of here. Make a family and be free from this accursed life your living. "Its not that bad, Sire".

"So tell me what's good about it. All day you do is serve serve and more serve, doesn't it get lonely for you? Don't you want to have a family of your own. A place that where you feel happy and not numb as you are like now?"

"Can I ask you something? My Lord.

Ask. Why do you know about the prophecy better yet what or who are you?"

The answer to this question is something the world won't let me tell you. Sebastian just remember that there are worlds outside this world. All moving in different directions even a small flap of butterflies can change the direction in which they move. What you have to do is now figure out what and when to flap those wings.


Is this life a transmigration, regression or reincarnation I don't know and I don't wanna know. All I want is for this loop to end, for my life to be free and away from all the drama.

The original storyline of this world was for a princess to be born. Whom was loved by all and her husband was meant to rule this world with her. But the reason the world got destroyed is that the princess grew up to pampered and the man she fell for always wanted to end this world.

Burning fires so strong that they cover and reaches the sky, screams of people running as they want to escape the hell that was taking place in this kingdom. A breeding place for crimes, sex, drugs and all evil known to mankind. She was raised in a greenhouse and the ruler was incompetent since he believed in his retainers too much. He had the sense of superiority that his blood was better then everyone when in actuality this blood is cursed for all who comes in touch with it die a painful death.

Is death a better option and letting this world burn as it completely erase its existence good for me or the fact that I have to live in this world, watch and prevent this world from burning.

If asked who was responsible for the world burning I can say its not a individual but rather everyone has a part in it. 

Gotten lost in my thoughts I wake up to find myself in this absurd reality that I wished I was better off dead then alive. 


The person who came out from the forest was wearing a clock or more like the whole body was covered by his hair that were beautiful like a waterfall when viewed under the moon. And the face was hazy as it was covered with a veil made of magic, none could look and see what they looked like.

All the younger generation including me was confused to as to why that all the elders are bowing on there knees to this person and calling them there king. 

The person turns around to face my grandfather and ask him.

"Sebastian! How have you been doing all these years apart. Did you have a family yet? My dear subject."

To which when I turn around to see my grandfather. I see him bowing his head towards the person. 

"Yes. My Lord the reward I got was a mate for life. My wife, children and grandchildren are here today."

"So are you happy with your life now?"

To this my grandfather remains silent. No one speaks.

"Hmmm. My order was to forget everything and live your life and be happy. You still haven't changed."

"How could I change when you were inside, knowing got knows what i experience and all but only think of how you were inside by yourself."

"Where's the child Sebastian?"

I adopted her as my child and she's now married to my blood child I had with my mate. 

"Ahh I see. So hopefully she's knows everything I won't have much to do. i believe."

"No!" my grandfather points to me and says that's your heir my king.

 "Ahh.. I see a man has been born in my bloodline. Is he worth it?" Sebastian.

"Why don't you take a look at him yourself and see how he is." Was his reply. 

I feel there gaze moving from my grandfather to me. At the moment I come in contact with there gaze I feel suffocated by the pressure they are displaying.

So he must be my grand nephew. Yes...

And the child she left behind is still alive....