The darkness seeped into my mind as days passed. At first, I was used to it after spending days in the dark but with time I learned that this darkness was quite different from what I thought it was.

Greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, started to seep deep in my mind and heart. Why was it her and not me? The questions swirled my mind like a whirlpool. I knew instinctively that something or someone was interfering with my thoughts.


This day I asked Sebastian to teach me about my bloodline and different bloodlines around the world.

Ok Prince. i will teach you about all the creature's that i know off around the world.

The biggest population currently is that off humans, the rest are in minorities. The races includes are elves, fairies, dark elves, faes, mermaids, sirens, dragons, demons, angels, beasts, divine creatures, fallen creatures, undead, witches, warlocks, wizards/mages, blood feeders aka vampires, holy knights, dwarves, goblins, shapeshifters, etc. These are mostly the classifications that are present other than humans.

now coming to the Lord's bloodline it's an entirely different matter. The blood that flows in Sire's body is different it consists of the kings of every race. 

What's your meaning? Sebastian.

its means exactly that or you could say that your blood is incomplete my lord. when the kings of every kingdom bows down to you will your blood be completely awaken. or you can say that u have to make vows with every bloodline that's out there. Your bloodline comes from gods as far as i know but it can only be complete by faith and vessels. But when its completely awaken you will have more power then anyone else. 

So how strong is the current ruler? About that my Lord. The current ruler is the weakest king of all times that this empire has ever has had.

oh! why is that so? Your father wasn't meant to rule. But he got this position since most of his siblings died in fight of throne or went insane. So is there no other royals alive? then Sebastian.

He has two siblings alive. One is your aunt that live in the duchy and the other is your uncle. He lives in the palace. Oh are they older or younger then him?

The duchess is older the current ruler while the grand prince is younger sibling.

Oh I see! But why is he in the palace and not married.

From what i heard the grand prince is crazy my lord. and need caretakers.

Get my clothes and me dressed we are going to visit my uncle.



Bang.. We're the sounds I heard as soon as I stepped into my uncles palace.

Get him shouts rang along with objects been thrown.

Nooooo. I don't want to drink it.... Wuuuu. Crying could be heard. Voice filled with despartaion and fear. My heart twisted at that voice.

After finally stepping in the threshold and into the room I finally saw what was happening.

A teenager rather then adult was cowering in a corner, with debris, glass and broken proclain pieces found all over. The room was full of dust and empty. Giving no indications that it was a grandprince room.

What the fuck is this? Sebastian. Seeing the state of both the room, palace and uncle had made anger course through my veins.

Apprehend every single person in this room.

Whose this bitch talking too. One of the servant with his nose pointed in the air said this.


They are drunk while on duty..

Tell me what is the punishment for this? Sebastian. They should be fined and thwon in dungeon at minimum and killed at maximum.


Call the guards and maids to help clean up.

My uncle watched from the corner till everything was cleaned up by maids.

I went closer to him. But he flinched when I tried to touch his shoulders.

I got up frm kneeling and told my uncle to get up,while looking down at him.

He tensed up under my gaze but got up nevertheless.

Bring in the food.

Follow me I told my uncle and led him to the dinning table. Points to the chair. Eat.

As I make place to sit on another chair. Now explain to me what has happened here. In detail and why is my uncle like that when he should be an adult.

Sebastian call in a royal healer. If he doesn't come. You can be rough with him. But I want him here as soon as possible.

Yes my lord.

The servants all fall to there kness with despair written on there faces. With some looking smug since they havn't thought of the severity of there actions as of yet.

A dark sneers forms on my face at the thought of breaking there hope.


After the fall of empire many new big and small kingdoms emerged but none alike the empire and none claimed themselves as rulers only kings. As it was a blasphemy to call themselves kings.

The devot faith they had in there ruler was alike to having faith in a god. Or even more. Yet they loved him, believed him, respected him and most of all feared him.

When someone is too out of your reach you either fear him or respect him as you hold then in awe and they are incomparable to anyone.

Yet the thing that was most intriguing was no one remembers there name, age, face, gender, or any memory of them. All they do is know that such a person exists and they must obey, even there races must follow his command.

He was there savior yet also there despair. Traces are found of him everywhere yet nowhere. He saved the world yet left huw vessels in despair. They hate him yet there love for him is soo deep that it knows no depth.

He was an abyss that they willing plunged into. And stayed in that abyss without struggles. Hope for every race. And beacon for new ones.

Humans are greedy. It's there nature to plunder lives of others. After the fall many races perished or submerged themselves to there realms and never showed themselves out. Till there ruler comes back.

While few mingled with humans. Humans has the shortest life span yet the most population they expanded faster then any race and fights started ensuing for land.

Humans that were beings that were once protected started hunting down other species in their pursuits of power and eternal life.

We must exterminate them.

No we can't it will break the cycle of life.

They have killed to many of our kins.

We must not let anyone alive.

Different voices rang inroder to decide the lives of other species then humans.

Then all is left is too rule them.

A century long war started with humans. And with victory of other species. Humans once more became slaves to them. Blood was lost yet peaces was returned. And I was made king to insure safety since I had the blood of forgotten one in my veins.

When will my sire come back. A whisper was heard telling tales of a deep story that has yet to unfold.


I want to escape from this world, this life this prison.

As I grew older I started remembering what happened when I was in darkness. It wasn't darkness it was sin I did.

And this was my 99th life living in this world. To better explain it. When I died olin my first life. I was born in this world the first 5 yrs were same yet the rest were different like each flap a buttfly makes create ripples smae does my each life. Each was different yet same.

Both me and him remember all the lives and were tired of it. Both wanting to end yet wanting to live.

So you have come. Turns around and looks at my shadow. Sebastian prepare tea and food for our guests here.

Puzzled Sebastian asks there is no one here.

Come out. Lucifer. The name rings with an ominous tone a name that shouldn't be spoken. Sebastian tense up at hearing the name from my mouth and pulls out his sword.

Put it back Sebastian.

But sire.

I said put it back. Yes sire. And you come out.

Heheheh. Your still the name ******* that gets swallowed without reaching anyone ears.

I get up and walks towards lucifer. And tackle him in a hug. This will the last time. You can feel it. It will the last moment. It's either all or none.

Lucifer hugs back and replies. So many lifetimes have passed and I have nothing left to fear other then escape from this faith. Just like you I want to end it all.

Sebastian looks puzzled as he settles down the food on the table.

Eat luci they are all your favourites.

As we make way to our seats and settles down.

Sebastian let me introduce to your second owner. If I'm not here you will obey him as you obey me. His words carry more weight then mine. Never doubt him. Never. If there comes a time where you have to chose on who to obey. It should be his orders over mine. Always.

Don't ask. Don't speak. Don't tell. Only obey this order.

Sebastian looks in my eyes too see them filled with despair.

This time we will end it all after so many failures. Whispers travels and are swallowed into the air. Telling tales and promises with them.