It Was An Accidental Marriage

"You ask too many questions."

Ana's eyes locked onto him, her brow slightly furrowed in anticipation. The silence stretched on, the faintest hint of a smirk playing on his lips. She realized with a sinking feeling that he had said all he intended to.

"That's not the answer to my question," she said, exasperated

"Just like I said earlier, continue to be my wife and I will help you get your revenge on the people that tried to kill you. I will provide you with all your necessities and all you need to do is to just continue to be my wife. It's that simple, Ana," said Xavier. When he saw the look in her eyes, he sighed.

It was obvious she didn't trust him one bit. Her eyes were filled with suspicion and fear, reflecting her belief that he might be in league with her father.

He couldn't blame her for thinking such a thing, given all she had endured. He understood it would take a long time for her to trust anyone again, but he was willing to be patient. For now, he would accept her wariness and work to earn her trust, one step at a time.

"I am going to have to think about it," said Anastasia. 

She was furious with her family for using her and then discarding her like a dirty piece of cloth when they no longer found her useful.

 All of a sudden, she remembered the baby that had been growing in her belly six months ago, a baby she hadn't known about until she lost it—all because of them. The memory flooded her with a renewed wave of grief and anger.

As much as his offer was tempting, she still needed to be careful with her life especially since God had given her another chance to live.

"I will give you time to think about it. I know it's too soon so think about it carefully. As for the meantime, safe recovery," he wished her. 

Xavier rose from the couch, grabbed his jacket, and walked out of the hospital room. Ana's eyes followed him, a cautious intensity burning in her gaze.

Outside, Xavier met Mark, the doctor instructing a nurse. When Mark caught a glimpse of Xavier, he excused the nurse.

Mark's hands came together over his chest. He asked, a teasing smile curling on his lips. 

"So, will you finally tell me what relationship you have with that woman?"

"What do you mean?" Xavier questioned back, wearing his suit back on his body.

"I'm not blind, Xavier. You rushed over here when I informed you she was awake, that's not normal. She's someone special isn't she?" He asked, anticipating Xavier's reply. 

"She's my wife," Xavier replied curtly.

Mark paused for a moment, his eyes widening in surprise. "She's your what?!" He yelled, clearly stunned. "What? When did you get married? How? Where?!" He asked the questions all at once. 

Unfortunately for him, Xavier didn't lend an ear to his question. 

"Where's the report?" He asked, completely ignoring Mark's question which left the latter feeling increasingly desperate and curious. 

"Come on, Xavier. Tell me what happened. When did you, a whole Xavier Wallace who is already married to his job, get married again?" He questioned. Xavier glared at him, already losing his patience. Mark had no choice but to hand over the report. 

"You are always so serious. This is her report. The injury on her body is starting to fade away. Although, she can't walk at the moment. I will get her an orthopedic specialist."

"I see, so nothing new then," Xavier said as he flipped through the pages in the file. "All she needs to do is recover." He handed the file back to Mark.

"So, are you going to answer my question now?" Mark asked, still curious. 

"Aren't you being too nosy as a doctor?" 

"Exactly. I'm a doctor, it's my job to be nosy," Mark replied, the smile still on his face as his eyes sparkled in intrigue.

The both of them walked towards Mark's office and settled down.

"It was an accidental marriage and I want her to continue to be my wife, but she wants a divorce," Xavier went ahead and fed Mark's curiosity about things he knew. He made a mental note to remind Anastasia to tell him every other thing they had done to her. 

Mark's eyes widened at Xavier, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly as if the words were stuck somewhere deep inside.

"That happened to her? Oh my, she's a strong woman I must say," said Mark. 

"She is," Xavier agreed. 

Mark gave him a teasing smile. 

"Are you in love with her already?" He asked, but the glare he received from Xavier made him change the topic immediately. "There's a high chance she will agree to continue being your wife."


Inside the hospital room, Ana's fingers fiddled with a loose thread on her gown, her mind elsewhere.

She had been contemplating the offer Xavier had just proposed to her. His seriousness was evident, which only added to her confusion. She couldn't decipher his intentions since he didn't give a good reason he was going to help her with her revenge. 

Her hands crawled to her belly. It felt empty; there was no more life growing inside her. Her child was gone, and the killers were none other than her own family. The pain of that realization cut deeper than any wound.

"He's going to pay," she said through gritted teeth.

She needed resources for her revenge. She needed a connection, which was the thing Xavier was willing to provide for her. 

With the properties they had shared among themselves, her family had only grown stronger. It would be difficult for her to seek revenge alone, knowing the immense power and resources they now possessed.

"I'm going to avenge the death of my baby. No matter what, I will make sure that his murderers die in cold blood." She promised as tears brimmed in the corners of her eyes before falling.