New Trouble

Anastasia continued to stay in the hospital room, she wasn't given much freedom to move around the hospital, except in the hallway while the nurse pushed her in the wheelchair. Her legs were not so weak anymore since an orthopedic specialist came over and helped her with leg exercises. But he also informed her not to stress too much. 

She called for a nurse, ready to go get some fresh air. 

On their way to the garden, Anastasia bumped into Xavier. 

 "Where are you going?" He questioned. 

"I'm going to the garden to get some fresh air," she replied. 

"I'm coming along."

Anastasia didn't reply. The nurse pushed the wheelchair until they reached the garden. She then excused herself, staying behind at a distance in case she was needed.

Anastasia stared at the beautiful garden and the people—mostly children, who were receiving fresh air while their nurses were on standby, just like hers. 

Even though they were in pain, they smiled so naturally, as if they weren't suffering at all. Their joy seemed genuine as they continued having their fun, and Ana watched them, captivated by their resilience.

"How have you been doing?" He asked her, his tone laced with concern. 

It's been a few weeks since Ana woke up since she last saw Xavier. He didn't even tell her when he was coming again. 

"I'm fine," Anastasia mumbled.

"Hmm," a low noise rumbled in his throat. "So, will you tell me what happened to you? How did your family treat you, and why did they want to kill you?" He asked her, his gaze also on the bustling garden. 

He knew his question would bring memories, memories she wanted to forget but, he needed her to cooperate with him. 

Anastasia sighed heavily. She still wasn't sure if she could trust Xavier. But after remembering she had nothing else to lose, she decided to take the risk.

"My family favors my younger sister more…"

Anastasia carried on, explaining everything she could remember, leaving the part where his brother raped her a few times because his family permitted him to do whatever he wanted with her body. 

Xavier's eyes darkened as he clenched his fist in anger. 

"I know that Richard is still your brother, but he's part of the people that have ruined my life. So if you are willing to assist me with my revenge, you must be ready to watch me ruin your brother's life in your presence," she reminded, wiping off the tears. 

"I'm aware of that," Xavier grunted. He wasn't a fan of his deadbeat brother. For years, he had been hoping Richard would have some sense but, since the latter had chosen not to get one, he didn't want to intervene. He would let Anastasia deal with him. 

"You can deal with him however you like."


A few more days passed and Ana's leg exercises continued. She walked out of the hospital, her steps careful but resolute. Mark stayed close, guiding her to the waiting car. Xavier had already told her in advance that he wouldn't be available on that day, but would arrange a car for her. 


"Ma'am, we are here," the driver announced once they arrived at their destination— Xavier's house.

Ana fluttered her eyes open and wiped her face with her hands. She then stuck her head out the window to see where they were.

As her eyes landed on the mansion, a surge of anxiety shot through her.

"Is this Xavier's mansion?" She questioned as she took in the enormous house. Beautiful trees with different colors of flowers grew around the mansion, making it look enchanted. 

There was a large fountain in the center with smaller fountains surrounding it while swans swam in them, making it look even more enchanted.  

"Yes, ma'am," the driver responded, leading her inside. 

Ana thought she'd seen it all when she was outside, but when she walked inside the house, she didn't want to leave anymore. 

The interior was so vast that she initially mistook it for an event center, with its fancy furniture adding an elegant, masculine touch. The walls were painted a sleek gray, and the TV was enormous, rivaling the screens at the cinemas.

The driver let her upstairs. He opened a door, revealing a bedroom with a normal-sized bed. It was also painted gray. It had a TV planted on the wall and it looked sparkly clean. 

"Mr Wallace said he will be back later tonight. The maids will come and call you over for dinner when it's ready," said the driver, turning to leave but Ana stopped him. 

"If I may ask, what's your name?"

"My name is Jake, ma'am," he replied. Ana nodded. He stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him. 

At the dining table, Ana sat alone as she waited for dinner to be served. 

Two maids came out from the kitchen and served her. Ana mumbled a thank you as she stared at the delicious meal in front of her. 

Anastasia started scooping some food in her mouth but at the first bite, she coughed hard and instinctively grabbed the cup of water beside her and gulped it down. 

"I'm sorry miss, was the food a little too spicy for you?" one of the two maids that came out asked her. Her voice was laced with concern but her expression didn't show it at all. 

The maid had her brown hair tied into a neat bun, and black eyes while her thin lips were stretched into a mocking smile as her eyes glared at her. 

Ana stared at her for a few seconds before it darted to look at the other maid beside her. 

She had brown eyes and black hair tied into a bun. They both stared at her disgustingly as if she was some trash that wasn't supposed to be there. 

'They intentionally added extra spice to the food,' Anastasia thought to herself. 

"Why don't you have a taste and let me know?" Ana suggested. 

The two maids glanced at each other as they scoffed. 

The one with the brown hair spoke, dropping the act, "Miss, honestly, I think you lost your way here. Don't you see this house? Do you know the owner? It's Xavier Wallace, one of the richest men in this city. Oh wait…." She paused, covering her mouth as she gasped dramatically. 

"You must be his new toy, but what makes you think you are worthy enough to stand beside him? What can you offer him that we don't have?" She questioned Ana. 

Anastasia stared in shock at the maid who had just spat in her face. Her eyes darted between the maid and the other in the room. Then, with a decisive motion, she pushed her chair back and stood up.

"What did you just say?"