
The two maids glanced at each other first, slightly taken aback by her change in tone before the brown-haired one continued. 

"I'm telling you to leave this house. Who are you even? Do you think that Xavier won't get tired of you, you wretched who—"

The brown-haired maid didn't get the chance to finish her sentence before a hard slap landed on her cheek, leaving it numb.

The black-haired one glared at Anastasia before she opened her mouth to speak.

"How dare you slap her? Just wait for Xavier to come back. I will tell him everything that you just did," she threatened while trying to console her friend. 

Anastasia's lips curved into an unexpected smile, her eyes gleaming with a lightness they hadn't anticipated. The maids exchanged puzzled glances at each other, having expected for a storm of sadness or fury.