System Awakening

The Poison Cave was an unforgiving place, a dark, damp labyrinth filled with the most lethal toxins known to man. For most, it was a place of death. For Tang Wei, the young master of the Tang Clan, it was a place of rebirth and training.

Since childhood, Tang Wei had been immersed in the art of poison. The Tang Clan, renowned for their mastery over poisons and antidotes, had always pushed their heirs to the limits. Tang Wei was no exception. He had spent the last five years in the Poison Cave, enduring excruciating pain and perfecting his craft.

Today was no different. Tang Wei sat cross-legged on a cold stone floor, surrounded by noxious fumes. He concentrated on his breathing, circulating his internal energy to neutralize the toxins invading his body. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead, each one a testament to his intense focus and determination.

"Only by facing death can one truly understand life," his father's words echoed in his mind, fueling his resolve.

Suddenly, a piercing pain shot through his veins. Tang Wei gritted his teeth, his vision blurring as the venomous vapors intensified. His internal energy surged, combating the poison with relentless ferocity. Minutes felt like hours, but Tang Wei persisted, finally expelling the toxins from his system.

Panting heavily, he opened his eyes. The cave seemed darker than usual, an ominous silence hanging in the air. Tang Wei stood up, his muscles aching, and made his way to the cave's entrance.

As he emerged from the Poison Cave, a sense of unease washed over him. The usually vibrant forests surrounding the Tang Clan's estate were eerily quiet. No birds sang, no animals rustled in the underbrush. Tang Wei quickened his pace, a knot of dread tightening in his chest.

When he reached the clearing overlooking the Tang Clan's compound, he froze. The sight that greeted him was nothing short of a nightmare. The once-proud buildings lay in ruins, smoke still rising from the charred remains. Bodies of clan members, friends, and family were strewn across the ground, their lifeless eyes staring into the void.

"No... this can't be..." Tang Wei whispered, his voice trembling. He rushed down the hill, desperate to find any survivors, but hope quickly faded as he surveyed the destruction.

Hours passed as he meticulously buried each member of his clan. With every grave he dug, his heart grew heavier. By the time he finished, the sun had set, casting long shadows over the devastated land.

Kneeling before the final grave, Tang Wei's hands were raw and blistered. Tears streamed down his face as he clutched the earth, his body shaking with grief. As he was burying one of his clan members, he noticed something clenched in their hand. Prising the fingers open, he found two logos: one belonging to the Blood Shadow Demon Cult and the other to the Iron Fist Clan. The sight of these logos confirmed his suspicions about the culprits behind the massacre.

"I swear on my life," he choked out, "I will avenge you all. I will make them pay for what they've done."

As if in response to his vow, a strange sensation washed over him. His vision blurred, and a surge of energy coursed through his body. A translucent screen appeared before his eyes, filled with mysterious symbols and text.

Welcome to the Poison God System.

The screen flickered, showing a prompt.

To view your status, say "Status."

Tang Wei, still reeling from the sudden appearance of the system, took a deep breath and said, "Status."

Immediately, another screen appeared, displaying his current abilities and stats.


Name: Tang Wei

Age: 17

Cultivation Level: First-Rate Martial Artist

Qi Years: 55

Professional Poison Mastery: 55 (41-60)

Martial Arts:Tang Clan's Shadow Steps/Venomous Fist of the Tang

Skills:Basic Poison Handling/Basic Antidote Creation

Clenching his fists, Tang Wei rose to his feet. The path ahead was treacherous, but with the Poison God System by his side, he would become the harbinger of death his enemies had feared.

"Prepare yourselves," he muttered, his voice cold and resolute. "The Poison God is coming."