The Secret Book

Tang Wei stood in the ruined hall of his family's compound, the once grand and imposing structure reduced to ashes and rubble. The memories of his family and their teachings echoed in the silence. Determined to find some clue to avenge his clan, he made his way to his father's study, hoping to uncover any hidden secrets.

As he entered the study, he noticed his father's chair, a large, ornate piece of furniture that had always seemed slightly out of place in the otherwise austere room. Something about it drew his attention, a nagging feeling at the back of his mind. He approached the chair and moved it aside, revealing a hidden compartment underneath.

Tang Wei's heart raced as he carefully opened the compartment, discovering a dusty old book. The cover was unmarked, but the pages inside were filled with intricate writings and diagrams. He began to read, realizing it was a record of the Tang Clan's deepest secrets.

The book detailed the existence of five hidden elders of the Tang Clan. These elders were meant to remain in hiding, unknown to all but the head of the clan, and to emerge only in times of dire need. Their purpose was to ensure the survival and continuation of the clan's legacy, even in the face of catastrophe.

Tang Wei's eyes widened as he read further. The book contained a map leading to the location of the head of these hidden elders. The elder resided in a secluded village, a week's journey away from the Tang Clan's estate. The instructions were clear: go to the Moonlight Bar in the village and recite a specific password to the owner.

The password was a secret sentence, carefully crafted to identify a member of the Tang Clan: "Under the moon's glow, the venom strikes swift and true, Tang's shadow endures."

Tang Wei memorized the password and studied the map, committing every detail to memory. With renewed determination, he gathered his belongings and set out on the journey to find the hidden elder.

The path was long and arduous, winding through dense forests and rugged terrain.

On the third day of his journey, as he traversed a narrow mountain pass, Tang Wei heard muffled cries coming from a nearby thicket. He stealthily approached. Peering through the dense foliage, he saw a group of thugs surrounding a young woman, their intentions clear and malicious.

His heart pounded with anger and determination. He couldn't stand by and let this atrocity occur. The Poison God System activated, displaying a new quest.

Quest: Rescue the girl and eliminate the thugs.

Quest Reward: Enhanced Stealth Technique.

Tang Wei's eyes narrowed, his resolve hardening. He moved silently through the shadows, his body blending with the surroundings. 

One of the thugs, a burly man with a scar across his face, had the girl pinned against a tree. Just as he was about to strike, Tang Wei emerged from the shadows, his movements swift and deadly. With a precise strike to a pressure point, the thug collapsed, unconscious.

The other thugs turned, surprise and anger flashing in their eyes. They charged at Tang Wei, weapons drawn. Tang Wei moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned martial artist, dodging their attacks and countering with deadly accuracy. He struck swiftly, his fists and feet infused with the venomous energy.

The leader of the thugs was the last to fall, his scarred face twisted in shock as Tang Wei's final blow sent him crashing to the ground. Panting slightly, Tang Wei surveyed the fallen bodies around him, his mind focused on the quest he had just completed.

The system notification appeared before his eyes.

Quest Completed: Rescue the girl and eliminate the thugs.

Reward: Enhanced Stealth Technique.

Tang Wei felt a surge of energy as the new technique integrated into his abilities.

The young woman, trembling but unharmed, looked up at Tang Wei with gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice shaking.

Tang Wei asked , "Where are you from? And what are you doing in such a dangerous place?"

The girl took a deep breath, steadying herself. "I'm from the Moonlight Village," she said, her voice still trembling. "I was collecting herbs for my sick father. He needs them for his medicine."

Tang Wei considered her words carefully before replying, "I understand. My name is Chen. I'm heading to the Moonlight Village as well. Let me escort you there."

As they walked, Tang Wei and Mei Ling exchanged stories of their travels and experiences, finding solace in each other's company. 

As they entered the outskirts of the village, Tang Wei surveyed their surroundings. "We're almost there," he remarked, scanning for any signs of hospitality. "Are there any inns here?"

Mei Ling nodded, her eyes bright with anticipation. "Yes, there are two. The Moonlight Inn and another one called the Silver Blossom Inn," she replied.

"Could you guide me to the Moonlight Inn?" Tang Wei asked, his tone earnest.

Mei Ling agreed, leading the way through the winding streets of the village until they reached the quaint Moonlight Inn. As they arrived, Mei Ling turned to Tang Wei and said, "Thank you, Chen. I'll remember this favor, and I promise to repay it in the future."

With a grateful smile, Mei Ling bid him farewell and made her way towards her own home. Tang Wei's expression shifted from a warm smile to a serious demeanor as he stood before the entrance of the Moonlight Inn, his mind already consumed by thoughts of the task ahead.