The Hidden Elder

Tang Wei entered the Moonlight Inn, the weight of his mission heavy on his shoulders. He approached the innkeeper, a middle-aged man with sharp eyes and a knowing smile.

Tang Wei leaned in and whispered the password.

The innkeeper's eyes flickered with recognition. Without a word, he gestured for Tang Wei to follow him. They made their way through the inn, and the innkeeper led him to a hidden door behind a bookshelf. The door creaked open, revealing a narrow, dimly-lit staircase leading underground.

Tang Wei followed the innkeeper down the secret route, his heart pounding with anticipation. At the bottom of the stairs, they reached a small, candle-lit chamber. There, sitting cross-legged on a mat, was an elderly man with a long white beard and piercing eyes—the hidden elder of the Tang Clan.

The innkeeper bowed and left, closing the door behind him. Tang Wei approached the elder and bowed deeply. "Elder, I am Tang Wei, the last surviving member of the Tang Clan. I have come seeking your guidance."

The elder's eyes narrowed as he listened to Tang Wei recount the tragic events that had befallen their clan. As the story unfolded, the elder's expression grew darker, and a powerful aura of killing intent emanated from him, freezing Tang Wei in place.

The elder's voice was cold and steely. "Our enemies have committed a grave sin. But know this, young master, your current strength as a First-Rate Martial Artist is far from enough to exact revenge. You must grow stronger, much stronger."

Tang Wei nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "I understand, Elder. I will do whatever it takes to become stronger."

A translucent screen appeared before Tang Wei's eyes.

Quest: Raise to Peak Martial Artist.

Reward: Poison Mastery +10.

Tang Wei asked, "Elder, is there a faster way to break through to the next level?"

The elder stroked his beard thoughtfully. "There is a way, but it involves facing life and death situations. You must push yourself to the absolute limit. To the southeast lies the Isle of Venom, a place saturated with poisonous Qi. It is teeming with poisonous animals, insects, and plants. Surviving there will test your limits and accelerate your cultivation. Moreover, it will provide you with the resources needed to create your own poison."

Tang Wei's eyes lit up with determination. "I will go to the Isle of Venom. Thank you, Elder."

The elder nodded and handed Tang Wei a copy of the map to the isle. "Take this map. It will guide you to the isle. Also, I have something for you." He handed Tang Wei a set of scrolls. "These contain the Tang Clan Six-Pulse Palm and Seven Stars Steps. Master these martial arts; they will serve you well."

Tang Wei bowed deeply. "Thank you, Elder. I will not disappoint you."

The elder's gaze softened. "Rest now, young master. You have a long journey ahead of you. Prepare well, for tomorrow you set out for the Isle of Venom."

Tang Wei nodded and made his way to a small room within the inn to rest. His mind raced with thoughts of the challenges ahead, but he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination.