Forged by Poisons

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Tang Wei immersed himself in relentless training on the Isle of Venom. Every sunrise marked the beginning of a new challenge, a new obstacle to overcome in his quest for mastery. His journey was far from over; it had only just begun.

Tang Wei pushed his body to its limits, training like a man possessed. Each morning at dawn, he practiced his martial arts. His movements grew more fluid and powerful with each passing day. The rugged terrain of the isle became his playground, its challenges molding him into a formidable warrior. He scaled cliffs, leaped across ravines, and navigated treacherous paths, all while honing his martial arts to perfection.

In the evenings, Tang Wei focused on his Qi cultivation. He meditated in secluded spots, drawing in the poisonous Qi that permeated the island. The toxic energy flowed through his meridians, a harsh yet potent force that he learned to harness and control. His internal energy grew stronger, his connection to the toxic environment deepening.

Amid his martial training, Tang Wei dedicated significant time to creating antidotes. He meticulously studied the properties of various toxic plants and venomous creatures, experimenting with combinations to develop effective antidotes. Each discovery was a step closer to mastery, each failure a lesson learned. He tested the antidotes on himself, enduring the agony of poison to ensure their efficacy. His resilience was unparalleled, his determination unwavering.

Tang Wei's proficiency in handling poisons increased with each experiment. He extracted venom from snakes, spiders, and other creatures, mixing them to create potent concoctions. The island's environment pushed him to innovate constantly. Both he and the rats he captured from the village began to develop resistance to the toxins due to prolonged exposure.

To counter this, Tang Wei experimented with stronger poisons. He subjected himself to these new toxins, his body wracked with pain as he forced his Qi to expel the poisons. Each successful expulsion was a victory, each failure a reminder of the path he had chosen. The process was grueling, but it forged his body into a vessel of both resilience and potency.

Taming the unique white snake with golden eyes proved to be one of Tang Wei's most challenging tasks. Intrigued by its potent venom, he attempted to tame it, knowing it could be a valuable ally. His first few attempts ended in failure, the snake's aggression and cunning proving difficult to overcome.

Undeterred, Tang Wei persisted. He approached the snake with a blend of patience and determination, slowly gaining its trust. On the tenth try, after countless bites and near-fatal encounters, he succeeded. The snake, recognizing Tang Wei's strength and resolve, allowed itself to be tamed. He named it Bai Yan, and it became both a companion and a source of potent venom for his experiments.

A significant breakthrough came when Tang Wei learned to extract poison from a poisoned target into his body using his Qi. This technique required immense control and precision. He practiced on rats initially, drawing the poison from their bodies into his own. The process was excruciating, but he mastered it through sheer willpower.

Tang Wei then applied the technique to himself, absorbing and storing poisons within his body. He learned to manipulate the toxins, using his Qi to either expel or retain them. This ability gave him a unique edge, making his body a living repository of deadly poisons.

The continuous exposure to a myriad of poisons, coupled with his rigorous training, triggered a profound transformation within Tang Wei. One night, as he meditated under the light of a full moon, he felt a surge of energy unlike anything he had experienced before. His body pulsed with power, his senses heightened. A familiar screen appeared before his eyes.

System Notification: Poison God Body (Growth-type) Acquired

Current Rank: Common

Another surge of energy flowed through him, further enhancing his abilities. Tang Wei's confidence grew. His body, now a conduit for poisonous Qi, radiated a deadly aura. The Poison God Body enhanced his resilience, his capacity to store and manipulate toxins, and his overall martial prowess. He had become a living embodiment of poison, a force to be reckoned with.

And like that, three years had passed.