The Return

Tang Wei's clothes were torn and filthy, his hair matted and wild. His appearance was that of a beggar, a stark contrast to the once-proud young master of the Tang Clan. But beneath this disheveled exterior lay a man transformed by three years of relentless training and survival. His body radiated a lethal aura, his eyes reflecting a steely resolve forged in the crucible of the Isle of Venom.

This morning, however, was different. Tang Wei felt a surge of energy within him, a culmination of his hard work and dedication. He knew he was on the brink of a breakthrough. With a deep breath, he sat cross-legged and began to cultivate, focusing his Qi into a powerful torrent that surged through his meridians.

Minutes turned into hours, and finally, Tang Wei felt the barrier shatter. He had broken through to the peak of martial artistry. Joy and satisfaction washed over him as he opened his system status to confirm his progress:

Name: Tang Wei

Age: 20

Body: Poison God Body (Growth-type) (Epic)

Cultivation Level: Peak Martial Artist

Qi Years: 85

GrandMaster Poison Mastery: 90 (81-100)

Martial Arts: Tang Clan's Shadow Steps / Venomous Fist of the Tang Tang Clan Six-Pulse Palm / Seven Stars Steps

Skills: Master Poison Handling / Master Antidote Creation / Master Poison Absorbing / Master Poison Storing

Tang Wei couldn't help but smile at the sight. His hard work had paid off. To test his new strength, he placed his hand on a nearby boulder, channeling one of his most potent poisons through his palm. The rock hissed and bubbled, melting away in seconds. The sheer power at his fingertips was both exhilarating and terrifying.

"It's time to see the elder," Tang Wei murmured to himself. He turned to Bai Yan, who was coiled around his arm. The snake hissed, sensing the change in its master.

"Don't worry," Tang Wei said, stroking the snake's head. "I won't leave you behind. You're coming with me."

With a final stretch, he took off running, moving with such speed and grace that he seemed to glide over the ground.

When he reached the shore, he didn't hesitate. He focused his Qi and sprinted across the surface of the sea, his feet barely touching the water.

After a Minutes of running across the water, Tang Wei arrived at the spot where the fisherman had ferried him to the Isle of Venom three years ago. He took a deep breath, relishing the fresh, clean air. "I missed this feeling," he whispered to himself, a rare moment of peace washing over him.

His reverie was broken by the sound of a struggle. Looking ahead, he saw a group of bandits beating a man while villagers watched helplessly. As Tang Wei moved closer, he recognized the fisherman who had helped him three years ago. The system's notification appeared in his vision:

Quest: Save the Fisherman

Reward: Viper's Eyes skill

Tang Wei's curiosity was piqued. "Viper's Eyes? What is this skill?" he muttered. The system provided an explanation:

Viper's Eyes: A passive skill that enhances the host's eyesight, increases the killing intent released by the host, and amplifies the fear felt by the target. If the fear reaches a certain level, the target will be paralyzed by terror.

Tang Wei accepted the quest without hesitation. He picked up a handful of small stones from the ground, coating them with a potent poison he had developed. With precise aim, he flicked the stones at the bandits, hitting their pressure points. They collapsed instantly, convulsing as the poison took effect. The villagers gasped in shock and awe.

System Notification: Quest Complete

Tang Wei claimed his reward, feeling a burning sensation in his eyes. Bai Yan hissed in concern, but Tang Wei reassured the snake. "It's okay. Don't worry." After a few agonizing seconds, the pain subsided. When he opened his eyes, the world was sharper, clearer than ever before. He could see every detail, every movement around him.

He approached the fisherman, who was bruised but alive. "Are you alright?" Tang Wei asked.

The fisherman nodded, tears of gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, young master. I don't know how to repay you."

Tang Wei smiled. "Just stay safe. That's all the thanks I need." With that, he turned and made his way toward Moonlight Village.

As he moved through the forest, Tang Wei saw a familiar figure gathering herbs. He recognized her instantly—Mei Ling, the girl he had saved three years ago. With a mischievous grin, he stealthed himself and approached her silently. When he was close enough, he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Mei Ling spun around, startled, and slashed at him with a knife hidden in her sleeve. Tang Wei caught the blade with one finger, his strength and reflexes far beyond hers. She tried to kick him, but he effortlessly caught her foot and tossed her away. As she tumbled through the air, she threw the knife at him. He caught it with ease, disappearing from her sight with a quick footwork maneuver, only to reappear behind her, pressing the blade gently against her neck.

"Who are you?" she demanded, trembling with fear.

Tang Wei handed her the knife back and smiled. "You've learned some martial arts in these three years, Mei Ling."

She stared at him, not recognizing him at first. Then, her eyes widened in realization. "Chen? Is that really you?"

He nodded. "You haven't changed much."

She looked him over, her eyes filled with wonder. "You've changed a lot. You've grown taller and stronger. I wouldn't have recognized you if it weren't for your eyes. But why are you in this state?"

Tang Wei shrugged. "It's a long story. Are you heading back to the village?"

Mei Ling nodded. "Yes, I'm done gathering herbs."

"Let's go together, then," Tang Wei said.

They walked side by side, the familiarity of their shared past bringing a sense of comfort. Tang Wei felt a sense of peace he hadn't known in years. As they reached the edge of the village.