20: Waiting For The Right Moment.

It wasn't long before she was done with the memorization and repetition that her elder brother had asked of her.

She instantly stopped, turning her gaze towards him to see him behind the brown wooden board. His hands were moving slightly and all his attention was focused on whatever it was he was doing.

She wanted to call out to him but before she could move her lips, he stood up from the ground and raised up the sheets of paper he had brought with him.

" Well, I'm done now – picturing and maintaining your actions was a bit harder than I thought. I think that's all for now – you can take some rest, we'll continue to train for the rest of the day if that's okay with you." He said, smiling brightly.

She could see the colorful tracings on the paper from behind it and it had her gaze stuck on it; she wanted to see what was behind it but didn't know how to ask of it.

" Here," He said, walking towards her while offering the paintings, " you can keep them for future reference and I'm sure it'll help greatly with your training."

She reluctantly took the papers from his hand with a slight nod of her head while she continued to tremble slightly; she wanted to desperately grab hold of them but didn't want to seem desperate before him.

" It's already getting late, perhaps that should be all for today." He added, slowly walking away.

She turned to look at him for a while before turning back to the drawings that he had given her; they were pictures of her swinging her sword and he had tried to add in every significant moment that had occurred.

He stood there, unable to take her eyes off the piece of art; it was her first time receiving anything like it and it turned out to be from the brother she had only just come to know.


When Nexus arrived back at his room, he lay silently on his bed as he heaved a sigh while staring blankly at the ceiling.

" The day's almost over. 'All that training with her and it still feels like it didn't even last – who knew it would take a single meeting for me to fall so easily for her."

Now at a loss for what he could do, he could only close his eyes and hope for his body to give in to the peaceful rest he was calling out for.

His plan turned futile and he had to continue strolling around his room until it was dusk and slowly, came nighttime.

Still feeling restless and partially restricted to a certain area of the compound, he looked over to the side of his room to see the black outfit that was hung up by the wall.

The pair of daggers were held onto the wall as well. Their glow now diminished but the purple line finish still gave it that shining finnese.

" Now then, it seems like it's about I get to training." He mumbled, slowly walking towards the pair of daggers.

He took only the daggers and pants with him with a black shirt that stuck to his body, revealing most of his upper body.

It wasn't long after that, that he was left standing outside with the two daggers held onto both of his hands.

Imagery training, a type of art that he had formulated ever since he arrived in this new world; was a basic improvement of shadow boxing where he would simply picture his opponents and try to counter their attacks while paying attention to his surroundings.

He knew the very restrictions of this training and due to the current conditions he was under, it was the only method he could stick to for the moment.

He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to picture the perfect opponent and scenario, and instantly after that, he dashed away.

Swinging his daggers rapidly in motion as he tried relentlessly to match his actions and breathing; the path of harmony within oneself being the key to every victory was a belief he had stuck to since day one of his life.

Quickly rounding up his training with one last swing of his daggers, rounding up the air and causing a loud rustling of the wind as he slowly stood up straight.

" Phew- I think my body is starting to get a little bit lighter." He thought, staring at his arms.

He had managed to build up a good amount of muscle with all the rigorous training he had been going through and it was the main reason why the shirt he was wearing tightened up on him.

*Clap* *clap* *clap*...

A quick round of applause resounded from the side and he instantly turned to the direction to see who it was; the moon that night was illuminating but the person was dressed in black making them quite hard to see.

A blue spark instantly went off as the figure slowly walked forward but all it had done was clear him of all worries; whether it was to make him aware of who it was was one thing he didn't know but he only knew one person with lightning affinity that would come this close to see him.

" Emile." He called out softly.

" Wow, now I'm quite surprised you still remember me – you were only five years old the last time I saw you and it wasn't even a proper meeting between the both of us." He said with a slight chuckle as he slowly walked towards his younger stepbrother, " Anyways, I simply came to check up on you and it seems that your mother has taken quite some measures to see to your well-being."

Nexus, seeing his brother standing over there with an awkward smile on his face couldn't help but reciprocate the facial expression he was receiving.

" I'm glad you were worried but I'm fine. You can send Niya my regards as well if you ever return back to the exorcist team. I think I forgot what they were called again."

" Well, I guess I'll leave it to you then. I look forward to having you under my wings in the coming two years my dear younger brother!"

The last thing he saw was a bright flash of blue light before the young man was suddenly nowhere to be seen. And he was left all alone... once more.

" Pfft, what a bunch of losers. I could even sense the presence of those guards simply standing here but the moment they let their guard down will be when I still the show once more." He thought, walking back to his room. A dark grin was apparent on his face.