24: The Heart's Link! New Comer's Welcoming!

What happened still remained unclear to him but he was taken to his room by lady Miko later that night and told to go straight to his room.

It was while he was still in his room that it finally appeared.

[System has successfully merged with the heart]

[Adapting to current system Tier]

[Only Tier 1 systems can be linked]

He stared at the screen that had appeared before one more time as memories of everything that had happened before then finally started coming back to him.

" Well, I doubt she'll ever let me go past the courtyard again. What was the dream with the guy named Astorath about though?"

Although he was the author of the story he couldn't help but notice the story changing at certain intervals and characters he never created appearing.

What it all meant still remained unclear to him and the reasons as well but it seemed Miko could have answers to some of his questions.

He continued to walk around his room for the rest of the night until it was finally morning and he opened up the door to leave after he was done with daily morning objectives.

" And where do you think you're going?" Miko asked as soon as he opened the door.

He stuttered as he quickly stepped back slightly, not knowing what words were exactly trying to come out of his mouth.

" Well, it seems you've come back to your senses." She said walking away, " Just be careful next time, I'll be watching you."

He gulped down after hearing those words while he waited for her to leave; she was the last person he wanted to see and her last words only made things worse.

He left a few minutes later and found himself standing in the middle of the courtyard staring blankly into space.

" Honestly, I can't of anything great to do right now. This should normally be a time of celebration and hunting for good system talents but for some reason, I feel like I'm about to get sick." He thought as he slowly lay down with his back.

He closed his eyes a few minutes later and it wasn't long before he dozed off and found himself standing in the middle of a plain grass field just like the one in his courtyard.

There was a dim white glow radiating from them and the entire place was radiating with some kind of energy that sent chills down his spine.

He looked around the place and it seemed to him that the landscape he was currently in was infinite.

Putting aside his fears, he slowly began to take steps forward but there was only the radiating grasses in sight even after a hundred steps.

" Maybe it's all a dream." He thought, slowly closing his eyes but then a voice came from behind him.

" Welcome Nexus, I've been waiting for you?" A voice came from behind him along with resounding heavy footsteps, " I'm Astorath and it's a pleasure to meet you."


" Well now Mr Zerby, you see, we have a place where we keep special talent like yours... Don't mistake my words for anything now okay, I mean that theirs a special place reserved for outstanding aspiring exorcists like you no matter their place of origin."

After accepting their request to join the special exorcist force, he had been going on a walk with the man who was doing his best to show all the benefits he could reap from working under the administration.

He didn't try to read into whatever he said anyway knowing them already; exorcists were seen as gods by normal people considering their strength and outstanding longevity.

Joining the administration he had only recently agreed to be only a ticket way to fame for those who managed to make it up the ranks since their names would be appearing in newspapers every week.

That was the very reason why he hated exorcists, the bureau in particular; although there were some who fought earnestly, there were those who joined simply because they saw it as a means to earn or just wanted the fame they would get from it.

" And regarding the conditions you gave, I've seen to it already that they're all seen to."

" Thank you." He mumbled under his breath as they both continued forward.


He was brought to a place which he couldn't recall the route to; he had been brought there using a transportation talent and it didn't seem to be a place close by either.

There was a pathway that they walked in through and many buildings that surrounded them; quite decent, but not luxurious.

" Please, follow me." The man said politely, moving ahead of him.

After a while, they arrived by a door which he unlocked and showed him inside.

It was a space bigger than he had imagined; although the rooms were smaller compared to most houses, there was a living room, kitchen, and bedroom that were just the right size for him.

Unlimited amounts of free dishes and everything else he needed would be brought to his doorsteps free of charge.

This was the benefit of being an exorcist but it also came at great costs too.

" You're free to begin your stay now if you want, I'll go see to it that all your luggage is brought in quickly." He said before instantly vanishing, leaving the keys in his possession.

Alex slowly walked into the building and his eyes marveled at how well-furnished the place was; the floor was tiled and the items of furniture were all of durable quality with a brown wall carpet to the walls.

Although it was dull, it was perfectly soothing for his eyes being the very reason why he had chosen it out of all the others he was shown.

When he got to his room he was welcomed by a medium-sized bed with a closet and a door to his bathroom and toilet.

" I guess they decided to get a little better." He mumbled as he walked straight to the bed.

He took a quick shower after lying down for a while and quickly changed into a new set of clothes.

Just as he was about to settle down on his bed, he heard a loud knock on his door.

" Damnit." He cursed under his breath.

Every being of him wanted to ignore but the knocks were quickly becoming more frequent and each one was far louder than the other.

He slowly walked to the door and opened it to see a girl with long white hair who seemed to be of the same age as him standing there.

She had an unusual smile on her face which was very charming and made him flush without realizing it.

" I must have disturbed your rest and I'm very sorry. It's a habit of mine to be the first to greet all our newcomers." She said with a slight chuckle while holding out her hand for a shake, " Hi there, I'm Niya – Niya Mystic."