28: Her Greatest Fear Or Was It Strength?

The strange anonymous curse remained silent after hearing the boy's words and paused for a moment.

" Tsk, don't keep me waiting."

Neo kept trying to irritate the curse more than he already had and it seemed his plan had begun to work.

The shadowy fog began to rise at different places and instances around him, revealing curses of different kinds and shapes.

" I was hoping there would be more elemental curses of higher strength but it seems the idiot can only control curses weaker than it is." He thought, looking around at the curses that had just arrived.

One of the strange creatures, disfigured and deformed came running towards him; its neck was twisted round and its limbs were bent inwards and twisted.

He didn't flinch in the slightest as he watched the strange-looking creature; his composure remained the same until the beast closed most of the distance between them.

It leapt towards him went it came a few meters close and exploded mid-air, leaving nothing behind but darkened red blood and its dim glowing core.

" How weak." He mumbled, staring at the beast's core which was now lying on the ground.

He closed his eyes after that, spreading his mystic energy within a certain perimeter around him in order to sense the hoard of curses that were now charging toward him.

A dark fog began to emerge behind him and it quickly began to rotate with a great force, one that didn't seem to have any effect on him.

It was a mini black hole and although it didn't have any effects on him, the same couldn't be said for the unfortunate curses.

The curses were all instantly being pulled into the black hole and only a few could resist its overwhelming effect.

The fog subsided and a horrific-looking figure was revealed; it was a dragon's skull with its jaws wide open and a bright red glow escaping from its empty eye sockets.

Going down the line was a black box that began to crack after the swarm of curses flooded into the jaws of the dragon.

Scales slowly began to appear on the creature's body and form slowly came to it. The box shattered and the full body of the dragon was instantly revealed.

It widened its jaws as it roared. The loud noise it had caused sent immense sound waves around it and made the curses instantly stop in their tracks.

" That's strange, Valtos feels a bit too strong than he should be." Neo thought as he slowly opened his eyes.

A huge smile went across his face as a pair of gauntlets enclosed his fists as he charged straight towards the now stunned group of curses.

It was a blood barrage for him as he smashed straight through every single one of them.

Not one of them tried to resist their inevitable end and those who did met their end before any fruitful actions could be produced.

His speed was remarkable and his strength was unmatched, not a single one of the unfortunate curses could hope to hold a candle to him.

Though Neo Albert was only at the second Tier of his system ascension, he was a different case compared to other system wielders.

Being able to manipulate curses it wouldn't be wrong to say that he had managed to gain a version of the system heart that worked with curses rather than other system wielders.

But unlike others, for the full merging of his skill [curse merging] to be made, a fulfillment of his contract with the dragon would have to be fulfilled.

He didn't know why it had to be that way for him to be able to use his full power, but he never bothered to read too much into it since it wasn't a pain in the neck.

In simple terms, Neo had subdued his merging with every curse he had stocked, becoming one with them while hiding his true form; this was his source of strength and one that allowed him to rival even those at least two tiers above him.

It wasn't long before every single one of the curses had been dealt with and he was left standing in a pool of dimly glowing cores and rising black smoke.

Though barely at the second Tier, he had managed to exorcise a total of two hundred and thirty-three advanced curses in less than five minutes.

Remaining the same way he was before the beginning of the one-sided fight, he returned his gauntlets and watched as a bigger and darker fog appeared a few meters before him.

It seemed that things were about to get interesting...


" Ahhh!" Nora screamed as her head was forcefully hit against the wall.

Her eyes were filled with tears and her gaze went slightly hazy as she went straight to the ground.

Her body was filled with cuts and she was breathing heavily as she kept her gaze on the figure standing before her.

It was a girl with blonde hair just like hers, slightly yellowish skin, and ocean-blue eyes. The only difference was their nose structure and height.

They both looked incredibly similar although she looked slightly mature and it was clear she was the one who had been causing her pain.

" You're far too weak." She said, kicking her victim hard to the side of her head, knocking the unfortunate girl out cold.

" How weak." The curse mumbled, turning around.

" Who the hell are you calling weak?!"

" Impossible." Said her as she turned around to see that Nora was no longer where she was supposed to be.


A loud bang was heard as a punch came straight to the side of her face.

She went flying a few meters from where she originally was and went crashing into one of the buildings.

She got on her feet immediately after that and that was when multiplying tiny red-coloured round projectiles came flying towards her.

They all pierced straight through her body but she was able to raise her right hand on time to block the ones headed for her head.

She was left trembling in fear as she stared at the holes that had now appeared in her arm as darkened red blood slowly dripped to the floor.

" Not so cocky now are you?" A slightly deepened feminine voice came from behind her along with heavy footsteps.