Chapter 22 - Dinner in Avery's Family!

Time quickly passed as Darius reassured Avery as much as he could. He made sure to touch her as much as possible so that Fingers of Pleasure would also affect her, just like her mother. He wasn't too sure if it was working, but her face was bright red by the time it was time to eat.

"Dinner's ready!" Emma shouted, calling the two of them downstairs.

The two of them stood up from her bed and headed downstairs as someone rang the door.


"Oh, it must be him!" Avery said excitedly as she ran faster down the stairs.

Darius smirked as he couldn't wait to see who would be walking through that door. He couldn't wait to see what her boyfriend looked like. Considering her previous appearance, he shouldn't be all that…

The door opened and revealed a young man with a good build. He wasn't fat and was actually quite handsome. However, he wasn't anything compared to Darius, especially with his new appearance. In fact, her boyfriend wasn't anywhere close to his beauty.

Avery gave him a hug right away, her tits squeezing tightly against her boyfriend's body. They practically popped out of her body but didn't. Darius still managed to see the side of boobs quite well.

"So, where is the guy who made you like this?" Her boyfriend asked with a frown as he didn't even hug her back. After all, that man had cheated on Avery with the maids… he couldn't care less about her.

Well, now that she was a total beauty, he might care. But that no longer mattered since Darius was here.

"He's over there! Darius, come down!" Avery shouted.

Her boyfriend didn't say anything as he simply stared at him. He was clearly observing Darius with a lot of attention. He might be feeling threatened. Who knows…?

Still, after a few seconds, he flashed a smile and held his hand out. "Wow, it's nice to meet you! I don't know what you did to my girlfriend, but I thank you. She looks even better than before."

"Ah…it was no problem, really."

"Still, look at her. Such a huge change!"

The maids also arrived at the entrance and helped Avery's boyfriend remove his clothes. Darius could see it from where he was standing, but the maids subtly grabbed his dick while they so, squeezing their bodies against him. Her boyfriend even slapped one of the maid's ass discreetly.

Darius only smirked, almost pitying Avery for getting fooled by him. It was so painfully obvious, and the thing that shocked Darius the most was the fact that her parents hadn't said anything about it. They couldn't be blind, so they might be in on it, not caring about their daughter all that much.

After having his clothes removed, he walked forward with his hand held out. "Nice to meet you, Darius, I'm Liam."

Darius held him out, and he felt some strength coming from Liam's side. He seemed to be trying to assert dominance over him. Seeing his pitiful attempt, Darius smirked and put some strength in the handshake. Liam immediately winced at the pressure, letting go.

Darius scoffed as he turned around and looked over at Emma, who had put on her long, white dress again. She was still as beautiful as ever.

"So, isn't it time to eat?" Darius exclaimed, looking over at Emma with a smile.

She smiled back at him. "Of course! Follow me."

Quickly after, they arrived at the dinner table, and Darius was seated right beside Emma and Avery. Avery was on his right, and Emma was on his left. Avery's boyfriend wasn't even on the same side of the table, meaning that he wouldn't be able to see whatever would happen. Aaron, on the other end, was at one of the ends of the table.

Darius's eyes widened when he saw the amount of food on the table. It was literally the same thing as a banquet; there was enough food for at least twenty people, and there were only five eating it.

'Ah…I can't wait for this to be my life.'

"Maids," Emma said.

The two maids moved around the table and filled their plates to the absolute brim. When one of them placed the plate in front of Darius, she bent forward on purpose right in front of him, showing all of her cleavage. It seemed that they hadn't given up on sleeping with him.

A few seconds later, all the plates were filled, and it was time to eat.

Aaron was the first one to speak up, and without much surprise, he turned toward Darius. He clearly had a lot of questions on his mind.

"So, Darius. This agency of yours…how long has it been since you've created it?"

"Oh, it's a recent project. I only got my first recruit a few days ago. However, things are going quite well. My recruit is quite well-talented, just like your daughter right here."

Darius put a hand on Avery's thigh as he said that, and because of what happened back in her bedroom. She had little to no reaction, as if him touching her was totally normal. Still, when Darius looked over toward Liam, he could see the frown on his face. He didn't like his girlfriend being touched in front of him. His mouth was closed, though, his jaw clenching.

"Ah, so a new project. I see, I see. And what kind of potential did you see in my daughter?"

Darius started massaging Avery's thighs without her father and her boyfriend being able to notice. "Hm…well, when I saw her play video games. I knew right away that she had a lot of potential streaming. There was also her beauty, which won me over right away."

That was a bit of a lie mixed in with the truth, as the only he approached her was because of her beauty behind all that fat. Still, there was no need for anyone around the table to know that.

In fact, Emma smiled widely as she heard me say that, hugging me right around the shoulder. Her breasts were tightly squeezed against his body. The craziest thing was that she did this in front of everyone without any problems.

Darius also acted as if everything was normal as he put one of his hands on her lower back, practically touching her ass as he hugged her back.

Her husband could see the entire thing, and he watched it with a light frown.

Still, no words came out of his mouth as he watched his wife being fondled by a man right in front of him.