[Bonus] Chapter 23 - Avery Leaves the Table Crying! Darius Comforts her!

Shortly after the hug, Emma took her seat again and continued eating as Aaron stared at Darius with fire in his eyes. 

He hadn't liked that one bit. Still, Darius couldn't care less.

"I have another question for you,' Aaron said. "What are your plans for the future with your agency?"

"To make it the biggest one in the entire world, the most powerful, the one with the most connections. With my recruits and my talent at finding them, I'm sure I'll achieve it one day. There's no doubt in my mind that I can do it."

Darius wasn't lying. With all the advantages he had over others, if he were to fail, then it would be more than embarrassing. There was no doubt about it.

"Big ambitions. That's good, but who knows if you'll really make it? That's why I don't want my daughter to sign with your agency."

"D-Dad!" Avery shouted right away, trying to protest.

However, he held his finger upward and made her shut her mouth.

"I don't want her to waste her life streaming useless video games. She has better things to do with her time."

Darius shook his head. "I'm sorry, sir. But that decision isn't yours to make. It's hers. She's the one who can decide of her future."

"She's barely 18 years old. What are you even talking about? She's still at school! What kind of madness is this to ask her to sign a contract with you?"

Aaron slowly lost his mind as the conversation continued, and he slammed his fist on the table.

"Her life is already set with our support. She already has a boyfriend, she has friends, she's loved, she has money…she doesn't need you. So, leave her alone."

Darius scoffed when he heard that answer.

"You think this is funny?" Aaron asked.

There was no hesitation in Darius's eyes as he answered the man in front of him. In fact, he was smiling as he knew Aaron had fucked up big time.

"Loved? You're not even asking for her opinion on this matter, and you shout at your wife without care while she's around. Friends? I'm sorry, but even her maids were laughing at her earlier. And that boyfriend of hers…I don't even want to get into it."

Darius didn't want to reveal to Avery that her boyfriend was cheating on her. Not yet. Still, if he had no choice, then he would do it without the slightest hesitation.

"Don't talk about me, you homeless manager. Look at you, eating your plate as if you've never seen so much food in your life," Liam said.

Darius smiled and kept his calm. "If I were you, I wouldn't push this. I know a lot more things about you then you might think."

Liam frowned, unsure what Darius was even talking about. They had just met, he couldn't know anything about him. Still, before he could add another comment, Aaron talked again.

"Both of you stop talking. I don't want to hear the sound of your voice anymore. Avery won't sign a contract with you, and that's the end of it."

"She will. It doesn't matter whether you disagree."

Darius had wanted to make a good impression on the man at the end of the table, but he couldn't lose Avery in the process. He would do everything to make it happen. He couldn't care less about his opinion.

"Young man. Do you know who I am? I could destroy this little agency of yours with a snap of my fingers. I'm telling you. You don't want to do this."

Darius just shrugged. He didn't give a shit about half-baked threats. "Whatever, do what you want. It won't change anything."

Aaron gritted his teeth and he was about to say something else before Emma interfered, telling her husband to stop. Darius glanced at Avery, and she was practically shaking. Tears appeared in the corners in her eyes.

Her father stopped talking when he saw the state that she was in.

"Y-You're so mean!" Avery shouted as she pushed her chair away from the table and stood up, furious. "Just tell me that you don't believe in me."

She ran away from the table and immediately headed for the stairs. Liam just looked at her, running away without even moving. He didn't even try to go to her and reassure. He just stayed at the table and kept eating.

Darius just frowned when he saw that. He knew that Liam was cheating on her, but he didn't even care about her from the looks of it. Darius taking her away from him would only be a good thing at the end of the day.


The sound of her door slamming echoed through the mansion, and Darius stood up at the same time as Emma. They glanced at one another and said at the same exact time, "I'll go reassure her."

The two of them frowned and once again said at the same time, "You can go."

They shook their head and laughed. "Let's just go together."

Aaron noticed the complicity between his wife and Darius. He clenched his jaw extremely hard, and Darius couldn't help but laugh at him.

'Keep looking without saying anything fucking loser. I'll steal both your wife and your daughter,' Darius thought.

The two of them walked up to Avery's room, leaving behind her boyfriend and her husband. They would be all three alone in her room. It was a bit like the perfect opportunity to do whatever he wanted.

While walking upstairs, Emma and Darius looked at each other awkwardly. Emma was right in front of him, her jiggling with each step she took. Darius was tempted to slap it, but he remembered what had happened back outside when he had put sunscreen on her body. He needed to get closer to her before trying anything; after all, she had a husband. 

Soon enough, they reached Avery's room, and she was crying on her bed. However, this time, her head was stuffed in her pillow to cover the noise. She was still wearing her bikini, showing her beautiful new body.

Darius smiled. It was his time to shine.


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