
Jin was buying the meat soup for his master when he overheard a conversation

"Have they caught the one who killed the guards and Yeoji sect's disciple two days ago?"

"I heard they fled to the mountains, the survivors said there were 3 of them all wearing black cloaks."

As Jin was looking in the direction of the two men listening, someone called out to him, "Hey brat, pay up."


"Oh, sorry," Jin apologizes while handing 2 bronze coins, he walks off and wonders,

"I heard that Yeoji sect's disciples are strong even their 3rd grade disciples, so how did 3 men kill them?" Jin scratches his head, "Arghh! Don't mind it Jin, let's just head home." Jin said to himself while walking into the mountains.







"AN ENEMY, AN ENEMY!" Jeo-gun shouted, they readied their swords and—

Slash, Bang!

—a Qi slash strikes the shack cutting it in half.

"Did that get em'?" a disciple wearing a green robe asked.

"I guess they can only kill guards with no experience in combat huh?" the other disciple scoffs. "I guess they aren't all that stro—

Dash, Slash!

—Before the man could finish his sentence he was sliced in half, the body dropped down and they saw the killer behind him, Jeo-gun! Jeo-gun in a blink of an eye slashed the disciple's body in half, blood gushing out of its  separated body, Jeo-gun spoke,

"Whoever talked ill of us will be sliced in half," he licked the blood on his sickles, "eeeughhh! That tasted horrib—

"Die you fucker!"











All of the disciples attacked  Jeo-gun at the same time, and when the dust cleared they saw that he had disappeared.

"What the? Where is h—

Swoosh, Slash!

—Jeo-gun sliced the disciples before they could even finish speaking, Jeo-gun looked around to see if there was more, and to his surprise, there was—from what he could tell—around a dozen students wearing green robes charging at him.

Uncle Hee tapped Jeo-gun's shoulder, "Jeo-gun let's get away from here quick."


"No buts, just carry this him."

"Huhhh? Why do I have t—


Clang, Slash!

—carry him?" Jeo-gun asked while slitting the throat of the disciple who charged at him.

"Just carry him you fucker! I'm going to another path," Uncle Hee said, his voice getting higher.

"Fine. Hop on Cheon!" Jeo-gun said to Cheon while preparing to carry Cheon on his back.

Cheon squinted his eyes, "You really don't listen to instructions do you?" Cheon said as he grabbed onto Jeo-gun.

"Oh shush, don't give me yer nerd talk about names, Cheon," Jeo-gun replied while running away from the disciples.

As Cheon was being carried by Jeo-gun on his back he wondered, "how did they find out? How?" Cheon scratches his head. After some time his brain finally clicked, he squinted his eyes and looked at Jeo-gun, "where did you hide the bodies, Jeo?"


"The guards, you dumbass!" Cheon yelled.

Jeo-gun grabbed his chin, "behind a tree, why?" Jeo-gun asked.

"YOU JUST FOILED OUR PLAN, YOU IDIOT!" Cheon yelled disturbing the slumber of the birds nearby.

"Ah, ah, don't yell at my ear, you should've told me where to put it, you have the brains I have the brawns right? Besides your dantian is destroyed right? So you can only complain," Jeo-gun said not caring that he just ruined their plan.


"My, my, don't give me that attitude, nerd boy~," Jeo-gun said playfully.

Cheon's face swirled and he felt uneasy due to Jeo-gun's strange behavior, "Can you stop that," he said as he squinted his eyes.

Jeo-gun smiled and said, "there you go, Cheon! You finally calmed dow—," he looked at  Cheon and saw his face,

"What's with that look? Do I have something on my face or something?" he was confused as to why Cheon was making such an expression.

"Nothing, just keep going"










It was another normal day for Jin, he held the broom in his hands meticulously sweeping the dust and leaves on the ground and Babo lying on the ground watching Jin from afar.

Jin's rings rubbed on his skin every time he moved, feeling uncomfortable by this he asked, "Master, why can't I just take off these rings on me? They don't even feel heavy anymore."

"Don't worry I'll make it heavier," Babo said drinking—gulp, gulp, gulp—his booze.

"That's not what I meant, Master. Why can't I just take these off?" Jin asked.

"You can't take them off, if you take that off your body you risk dying. I'll train your body first then you can take them off, the rings serve as your limiter, remember that," Babo replied. "After that go to the mountains and get ■■■."








The muddy path, animals wandering the forest, and Jin still not finding the herb.

"FUCKING SHIT, WHERE IS IT!" his voice echoed startling the birds. "Fucking rain, making my life harder by making my path muddy as fuck," he whispered to himself while trying not to slip on the mud. "This is one of the spots where that damn herb grows, now where is it?" he looked around and—


—he found the herb! He carefully walks over while observing it.

He squatted down and looked at the herb closely, "this is it right? The ■■■," as he leaned in and tried to get pull the herb he suddenly felt something sharp on his neck.

"What's a brat doing here?"

Jin's heartbeat grew quicker, he couldn't think of anything other than to fight, he quickly leaned in, landed on his arms, and kicked the man from behind.


The man holding two sickles backs off a little and said,  "looks like the kid has martial arts, what sect are you in?" he asked.

Jin stands up firmly on the ground "I don-" but before Jin can answer he strikes—







The man moved so fast that Jin's mind could only think of one thing at that moment, "so fast..."  

his body reacted by reflex, he blocked the attack with his forearms.


He paused and asked, "Strong brat are ya? Huh?"

he moved even faster, throwing a flurry of attacks at Jin.










Jin can only put his hands up, he blocks the barrage of attacks that the man throws at him, he then hears the sound of something breaking coming from his arms—
