Battle at the mountain's peak

"Why hasn't Jin come back yet?" Babo wondered. He grabbed the booze beside him and started to-gulp, gulp, gulp-drink it, "Jin really is taking his time, huh? I guess I'll have to find him and beat him with my scabbard 10 times," he placed his booze aside and then set off to search for Jin.









Clank, Thump!

Jeo-gun heard this and backs-


-off, "you got a bomb with you aren't ya!?" he said pointing his finger at Jin.

Jin glances at Jeo-gun and looks down, he sees the rings in his hands split in half.

Looking at the rings he remembered Babo's words,

"you can't take them off, if you take that off your body you risk dying. I'll train your body first then you can take them off, the rings serve as your limiter, remember that."

Jin takes a glance at Jeo-gun once more, "sorry old man, if I'm gonna die anyways might as well bring someone with me," Jin whispered to himself while breaking the rings.

Clank, Clank, Clank!

Jin takes his stance, his arms spread wide pointing at Jeo-gun, and his legs firmly implanted on the muddy ground, "if I'm going to die here, I'll take you with me," Jin said, his eyes fixated on Jeo-gun.

Jeo-gun heard this and grinned widely, "interesting, I have no intention of killing you but since you make it so interesting I might as well bisect you right here right now!" Jeo-gun laughs maniacally, "show me more of that unwavering determination of yours."

Dash, Slash

Jeo-gun dashed into Jin at an explosive speed aiming for his neck, but Jin didn't waver.

One foot to the side.



Even though Jin turned his entire body Jeo-gun sickles were faster cutting half an inch deep into Jin's neck.

Jin bit his lip, "it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, is this resistance useless? Is my life in his hands?"

"I missed?" Jeo-gun smiled, "truly interesting."

Jin's heart beat faster than ever before, he clenched his teeth and tightened his fists, "what did I do to deserve this? I don't care anymore, I'm gonna kill him with these hands of mine."

Jeo-gun leaps forward.










Jin's body moved on its own, grabbing Jeo-gun's sickles his blade cutting deep into Jin's hands.

Jeo-gun looks at Jin, and he sees that Jin's eyes glow a radiant white color, "interesting kid indeed," Jeo-gun releases his grip from the sickle that Jin is holding and punches Jin.


Jeo-gun then attempted to slice Jin's neck once more.

Twist, slash

To Jeo-gun's surprise, he missed only by a centimeter but he quickly followed it by launching a flurry of attacks into Jin's upper body.

Slash, slash, slash, slash, slash

Jin's torn clothes show Qi escaping from Jin's body ripping his skin off.


Jin dashed to Jeo-gun, "I can't see anything, I can't control my body, and I can't feel anything," Jin imbued his fist in Qi and hit Jeo-gun.

"This kid is nuts! If I let him live he will surely be a famous figure in the murim, but I won't do it. I will end his journey right here right n-"


before Jeo-gun can even recover from his attack Jin quickly follows back with a kick to the groin, which causes Jeo-gun to drop his sickle.

Pow, pow, pow, pow

After that Jin quickly followed with a barrage of punches.

Jeo-gun grits his teeth and regains his balance, "this brat is putting much of a fight huh?"

Jin attempted to punch Jeo-gun again.








Jeo-gun catches Jin's fist and grips it tightly, "but a kid is still a kid!" Jeo-gun throws Jin to the ground and jumps into the air,

"this is yer end, kid!"











To Jeo-gun's surprise, he saw that Jin disappeared, he frantically looked around and saw Babo holding Jin in his arms.

"Stay out of this old man!" Jeo-gun shouted at Babo.

Babo gently places Jin onto the ground, and with great speed appears behind Jeo-gun.

Poof, Bam

Babo punched Jeo-gun's liver causing him to fall onto the ground.

Jeo-gun bit his lip, "h-how?" Jeo-gun asked while slowly standing up.


Babo with an expressionless face

dashed and punched Jeo-gun's face launching him away, his face becoming a bloody mess.

Instead of pleading for mercy, Jeo-gun grinned, "you might want to tend to that kid quickly or he won't make it," Jeo-gun said pointing at Jin.

Babo turned his head to glance at Jin, but when he shifted his gaze back to Jeo-gun, he had vanished into thin air. Babo wasted no time as he quickly carried Jin's unconscious body into their house.

Babo looked at Jin, his clothes torn off, his body full of cuts and bruises. When they arrived Babo placed Jin's body on the bed, "Hey brat! You can't die yet you still have work to do!" he covered Jin's wounds and bruises with a soothing blend of healing herbs. "I'm sorry Jin...Wake up you still have work tomorrow, you spoiled brat!"







"Jeo-gun said he was just gonna check if there is anyone that followed us, it has been like 2 hours since he left," Cheon sighed heavily.

Jeo-gun returned to their hiding spot, his face covered in blood.

"What the hell happened?" Cheon asked Jeo-gun worriedly.

Jeo-gun lays down, "just fought like a bunch of Yeoji sect's disciples like a crap ton," he replied.

"Then let's get out of here quickly I guess," Cheon suggested to Jeo-gun.

"Meh, we can stay here for a little while," Jeo-gun said.

"FOR WHAT REASON AGAIN?!!?" Cheon yelled at Jeo-gun who was lying down on the ground.









After several days had gone by, Jin's injuries started to heal, and although he was breathing, he remained unconscious.

A few hours later, Jin started to wake up.

Jin gets up from his bed, "Fucking shit, what happened?" he said groggily. After he stood up he heard footsteps nearby getting closer, he quickly went back to bed and closed his eyes.

"LETS CHECK ON OUR BRAT TODAY!" Babo shouted while opening the door, he quickly checked up on Jin but he seemed to have noticed something, "you are awake aren't you Jin? If you don't get up from there I will beat you up again."

"I'M AWAKE, MASTER!"Jin said fearing getting beaten up again by Babo.

Babo then hands a manual to Jin, "here do what's said in that manual."

"What's in here, master?" Jin asked.

"It contains the PyeongHyeong technique, it will help you recover quickly."

Babo then walked out of Jin's room leaving him with the manual.

"Hmmmm, PyeongHyeong technique, huh?"

Jin then flips the manual to its first page and sees-