Change Beyond End

"Bring it, Bring the syringe immediately, he is awake"

A gloomy hospital, injured bodies everywhere. Dim lights, green painted walls, people who are apparently doctors and nurses in white dresses running around from one corner to another, smell of medicine was in the air, outside it was raining heavily, with thunders, it was a big hall with beds arranged in groups and each group had it's own banner hovering over.

In the edge of one group with a banner which said "refugees from Human World" was a bed on which lied a person, a young boy with black hair, He was wearing a white shirt, he also wore over it a fancy black suit but that was opened and was kept beside him along with his bag. He was there covered in bandages.He opened his eyes and with his yellow iris, he saw a white ceiling. That was not how the night sky looks like, this was not even blue, from the very atmosphere and the smell, he instantly realized he was in a hospital or an alike place.

"Where...What head hurts.."

"Hey, boy, Why are you getting up? Stay there"

"What is this place.. where am I"

"How are you feeling now?"

"Not good.. What happened..oh my..oh head"

"Oh Goodness, dont talk"

"Doctor, this patient is the one from the Human World?"

"Yes, as crazy as it sounds, just one"

"How did he even survive the Time-Space Surgery, when he came here he was in a terrible condition"

"Oh look doctor, Yuriel, He is here"

"Oh its great that you came Yuriel, please take care of him for a while, I have other patients too you know"

"Yes, no problem Doctor"

The Doctor and the nurse left the boy's side and the boy saw a tall man with white messy hair and blue eyes wearing a white uniform coming and sitting by his side with concerned and curious eyes.

"What...who are You?"

"Kanito, first tell me, are you aware or do you remember anything that happened"

"I don't know...what...where am I ? I opened my eyes.. and I was...lying here, I...still have a vague memory of me returning home from my class's farewell party"

"We will talk about it when you have fully recovered, now think of nothing else but recovery"

Saying that, the man left Kanito's side, talked to a woman and left. Kanito was injured and all that talk made him tired, so he closed his eyes. Next when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a room where there was no noise, no medicinal smell, no white dressed people running around, it was a smaller room with brown walls with a window on one side and a small table with a flower vas. Suddenly that man walked in the room with a tray in his hand.

"How are you today?"

"Better than before"

"Your head?"

"It's fine now"

"I brought you some food"

"Thank you but where am I? What place is this and what happened?"

"Okay, now i will explain it to you, First you tell me, what do you remember before opening your eyes in that hospital"

"It was our class's farewell party"

Yesterday night, A student was giving his speech on the last day of his school, it was a school's farewell party, at the end of the party, all students stood with tears in their eyes and left the hotel as they bid goodbyes to their dear friends, not knowing whether they would ever meet again

"You all, it was an amazing journey, please stay in touch"

Among them stood a tall boy of short black hair and a pair of slant thin eyes, seperated by a curvy bang that fell between the two eyes, the eyes held a bright yellow iris in it's centre, he had a gentle sad smile on his young face, he was too bidding his friends goodbye, his name was Kanito Aramishi.

He was wearing a black suit and under it was a white shirt, tucked inside his black trousers

The party was long over and Kanito was coming home, it was midnight, as he crossed the wall of one house, Kanito saw a mysterious looking man sitting with his back towards the wall in at the edge of the alley.

The man was drawing something on the road with a red chalk. Kanito didn't pay attention to him and Continued to move. Kanito all of a sudden, felt a stab in his chest, he saw a knife protruding out of his chest, covered in blood, he coughed out blood, his vision was blurred and he felt out of breath, he realized that the mysterious man has stabbed him from behind with a dagger. Kanito thought he was a victim of some psychopath murderer and accepted his fate in pain. "The magic circle, it's nourished with human blood now, this world will become a Utopia too" said the Man while smiling sinisterly.

But then, in the sky, opened a blue circle, a blue magical portal and from that portal, came out a white haired blue eyed man and attacked that mysterious man with a ball of fire. That man was Yuriel. That mysterious man dodged this attack very quickly but was engaged in a duel with Yuriel. Soon Yuriel overpowered him and killed him with his sword while also touching Kanito's wound ,some green light surrounded Kanito's body and that wound closed and the blood and the pain was gone. "Are you okay?" asked Yuriel,The mysterious man said as he was dying "killing me was futile, this world will be destroyed too" The patterns he was drawing on the ground was a Magic circle which started glowing in a Red aura and from that circle, came out dangerous otherworldly Creatures, humanoid beasts who were never seen before came out of it

Kanito was just healed but was attacked by one of these creatures and fell hard on the ground, that Creature almost tore apart Kanito's body, he was bathed in blood again. Yuriel killed the creature and flew high up with Kanito and entered the Blue portal in the sky from where he came. Soon many more creatures came out and started destroying the town, they set fire to houses, killed and devasted everything they saw

[ flashback ends]

"So you mean, that I was stabbed in the back by some person who used my blood to activate some magic circle from where some creatures came out and you who introduced himself as Yuriel in order to save me took me into a whole different world?"

"Yes, Im glad you get it now and yes you are in an another world"

"You could've come up with a better story, my little brother writes better than you"

"I know it's hard to believe but this is true"

"Oh really? not even a kid will believe this poorly written story"

"I knew you wouldn't believe it, nobody would, look at that suit behind you"

"It's mine ! But wait, it's..this..this is a stain of blood?"

"Yes, because you were stabbed"

"If I was then let me check the wound on my chest"

"You won't find even a mark on your chest I healed it"

Kanito unbuttoned his shirt and went infront of the mirror and as Yuriel said, there was not even a single scratch on his chest, but he turned around and saw his back and his shoulder full of scars, the scars which he got from the creature which nearly killed him, weren't healed totally, Kanito still couldnt accept the fact that he was brought here as a refugee, he was living a decent life in his world, away from any trouble, any supernatural Sci fi event to him was absurd and and now he is here in another World, He head tales of magic and other worlds in his own world but thought of them to be only means of disciplining troublesome kids, it was all a fairytale.

"But all this can be a coincidence, why should I believe you?"

"You are a mordern generation human right and that too from the Human only world, it means you are unaware of the usage of magic or any other race, Go and look outside the door then"

"Yeah, what is gonna be outside? A magic world?"

Kanito opened the door and what awaited him was ironically a magic world, Yes, Kanito couldn't believe his eye, It was as if he was in a fantasy story book, carts drawn by Otherworldly animals, Humans in medieval clothing, architecture somewhat resembling ancient Greece from his own world, people flying on brooms, carpets, so not like his world, He was stunned. How would someone feel if they suddenly saw what they believed to be a myth walking, talking, alive in front of their eyes.

"You were the person, the blue eyed, White haired man who saved me from that man, and those Creatures?"

"Yes, I am"

"And your name is Yu..Yu.."


"Yes, this..this all is true?"

"Yes it is, drink this soup,it's getting cold"

"Why did you save me? What is just going on?"

"I am a senior officer of the Interwordly Security Force or the ISF, the creatures you saw, we call them Demons, you donot need to know further, just live a life quitely here in this new world, I will get you a Job"

"What? No, tell me, tell the bigger picture"

"Why do you insist?"

"Any normal person would, do you have any idea how I feel now?"

"Listen then, The ISF was created in order to counter the demon invasions, it's an alliance between different Worlds of mortals to repel and defeat the Demonic invaders"

"So my world fell victim of one of those invasions? But why mine one only?"

"Not only yours, many of other worlds are under the control of Demons too, the gate from which demons entered your world is one of the many Gates which opened all over the Human world. My rescue division along with the rescue divisons of this world and also of many other were assigned the task of saving your world but I failed miserably, I feel terrible."

"So I am a refugee in this world? What about the other people from my world, what about my family, my friends? They were taken to this World as refugees too? Probably they are not even in this world, Probably they are not even alive"

"I will sound harsh but the reports that came out last night said not even half of the population of the habitable human world was saved, chances of what you said are very high"

"I am in this strange world, all alone, I choose to die, like what will I do now? I am.. I am nothing more than..burden"

With that Kanito burst into tears, ofcouse to save his society imposed view of masculinity, he covered his face, so that a fellow man is not disgusted by the sight of him crying. It was a miserable sight,

The sight of a helpless boy shaking in vague and obscure fear, Yuriel's stony heart full of rational cruelty was somewhat awaken from it's deep Slumber, he felt a mild pain in his heart, he felt keeping his eyes open was difficult, he saved countless lives before but never had a personal empathy towards any of them but this time, he felt like he has a greater duty to fullfill. He found his body moving at its own will, he went up to Kanito's bed, gave the agonised and shivering boy a hug and caressed his hair, like an older brother.

A streak of tear graced Yuriel's Warrior like rough cheecks. This face of Yuriel was only stained with blood and dust to an extent that his cheecks forgot the touch of tears, how they feel when they run through them, his hands which always were the reason of Death of many insane demons and only held weapons and spells now was holding a boy, how to calm this boy down? Yuriel forgot, but he did everything on instinct anyway. His cruel and cold body like a blizzard was now a warm blanket for Kanito. Kanito clinged more to Yuriel's body. Yuriel's Angelic embrace was restoring and reviving, when Kanito calmed down he finally asked

"What am I supposed to do now?"

"Live a quiet life"

"It's hilarious to even hear words like that"

"Die then !"

Yuriel finally shook off that kind demeanour and let the cruelty inside speak for him

"If you are here crying, nothing is going to change"

"You're right, I should accept it as my fate, give me a week, I'll find a job and move out, this place, it's your own house right?"


"I see, can I ask you something?"


"If you don't mind, can I join the ISF?"

"What was that again?"

"Can I join the ISF, the alliance between worlds which fights demons"

"Did you hit your head again?"

"I am serious, if I can make lives of others a little better than mine then what is the problem? I lost everything but I can protect what others have"

"Sorry but no, you can't and you should value yourself more"

"No, teach me, teach me, war stuff, how to join it"

"No, it's a dangerous job"

"And that's why, I should do it, the one who has nothing to loose is not afraid of anything"

"Why are you so stubborn, you don't value this new life you got?"

"This is a life? What life? No aim or anything, no purpose, live as a lifeless stone, It's ridiculous, no I canot live like that, give me a gun, pierce me with your sword, if I don't..."

"Enough! So what do you mean? People who fight all day and night, living amidst battle all the time, have a life? You ungrateful idiot, how dare you? You have no idea what it is so don't you dare compare it with your life"

"I have no idea how it is? You really think that? Nothing can be worse than sitting idle, living off another person's money, I want to fight in the ISF"

"Great then,I will train you personally, lets see how many days you can make it, the training, worse than hell, lets see"

"Got it"

"Good then, we will start from next week,

I will be off my duty for a pretty long time from now unless an emergency occurs, in this time of one week recover completely and rethink your decision, once you start there's no going back, you will bid your normal life goodbye"

"There's no way I'll change my mind but thank you for gifting me this life"

"I hope you don't regret it"

A week has passed since Kanito recovered and now they are heading to the Training Grounds. On their way, they were shocked when all Chariot refused to give them a ride. The common chariots are the most prominent source of public transport in this world, while they were in the busy marketplace, a sentence, a news, an information, like wind that touches everyone, was heard by them too,

"The King is out" was the wind which was blowing in the marketplace and then soon they saw everyone bowing down, one by one like falling leaves,all the heads in the marketplace were lowered

"Kanito quick bow now"

"Wait what?"

Kanito was beyond shocked and was trying to say something when another man said to him "Are you crazy, you want to get beheaded?"

Suddenly A group of people riding some wierd horse like animals came closer, one of them wearing a red cloack and a golden crown, that was the the King. Kanito bowed too

"How are you doing my subjects of Ashfelt? I thought of checking on the condition of this trading market and I am delighted by the fact that you all are bowing respectfully and doing your Job"

There was a woman wearing torn cloths, the King threw few gold coins in her direction

"Go woman, buy some decent attire, women in my land should not wear torn cloths"

Saying that he started laughing hysterically

"My Lord should we return to the palace?"

"Yes I think so, now we should, I am too tired anyway. Sirrah, pour wine"

The slave tied in dark steel chains, struggled to move but still somehow poured wine however while doing so, he dropped the Jug of wine. The king looked furious and gave somekind of signal to one of his officials, That official out of nowhere started hitting the slave with a whip until he bleeded. Kanito was enraged, he couldn't keep on watching this. He in his world, was a staunch supporter of human rights, he forgot that he is in an another world whose moral values were completely different. He couldn't take it anymore, he raised his head and stood tall, the king's old cruel eyes looked upon him.

"You are in the presence of your King, don't you think you should bow boy?"

"I am sorry but the actions you showed are unbecoming of a king"

"Are you even sober ?"

"No my Lord, He is not, Please forgive him, I beg you"

"What the hell are you saying Yuriel ? Why should he forgive me? What wrong did I say?"

"Please shut up Kanito,My Lord, He is not in his senses. Take my head but forgive him"

"Oh you? your face is a known face now? aren't you..? Yuriel ? Yuriel the tiny angel, aren't you ?"

"Yes my Lord, Yuriel is my name"

"Your Rescue Divison and our nation Ashfelt has become the Central Subject of all international meetings.The least successful recuse mission which saved only one human? Seriously one? Not two, not ten, but one? it was performed by your team right ? People of other nations are all looking down upon us, You are a senior officer, such Carelessness is not expected from you"

"I am Sorry My Lord, I will pay extra attention in the rescue missions that are yet to come"

"To think that you filthy angel from myths is even standing infront of me makes my skin crawl"

The King gave Kanito a threatning gaze and left

The heads slowly raised and everyone got back to their work.

"Hey why did you say that I was drunk?"

"Why did you even pick a fight with the King?"

"He tortured the poor slave, Don't you think the people should've done the same?"

"It doesn't matter, Even The King is not safe, how can the Slave be safe then?"

"What do you mean by the king is not safe?

Isn't there any law in this world?"

"Law? All of law and order are negated in a war, there is no Law which stops the King from exerting his control in whatever way he deems fit"

"What an inhumane world is this?"

"Nothing, atleast not of your concern, we are leaving now"

After that they went to the Training grounds, It is a land owned by royals but is made public in the afternoon. It was the place for the training of various arts and also the common place for many new commers, when Yuriel and Kanito went there they found no one other than themselves in the training grounds even though it is always filled with people

"Alright Your First lesson in this world, are you ready?"


"First I want you to try to cast a spell, for example lets start with the easiest of all, the most basic of all, Fireball Spell, stretch Your hand, focus on your wrist, Do you feel your hand getting heavy ?"

"Yes, I feel like, my lower arm is getting filled with some fluid, it feel heavy, very heavy, why?"

"Try to push this fluid forwards, concentrate it in your wrist and project it outwards"

Kanito did the same And he casted a Shining white ball , he was scared and flinched and recoiled back. His arms felt heavy and ached many times before but nothing as supernatural as this happened before.

"What is this thing ?"

"This Thing is Life energy in it's true form, the energy that is found in all living beings, using a Chant you can coat it into Magical energy, use the Chant : O Holy Spirit of Fire, Grant me your flames, burn those who stand in my way, Come forth Fireball, by using this place, you will be able to cast a fireball"

Kanito chanted it

"O Holy Spirit of Fire Grant me your flames, burn those who stand in my way, Come forth Fireball"

The white glowing ball of life energy was converted into a firey, yellow sphere made of magical fire. Kanito kept his hand stretched and directed the flow of the fireball towards Yuriel, Yuriel intercepted it easily

"Wow, how did you launch it ? I didn't say anything about this"

"It did on its own, all I had to do is chant"

"No, nothing in sorcery happens on its own, you did it unknowingly? Launching a spell is harder than actually casting a spell"

"I guess I am really talented"

"It's not about talent, you can't just do anything without knowing how to do it, anyways leave that, atleast you did it in the first attempt, that's really impressive"

"Well about my arm feeling heavy when I stretch it why did it never happen when I was back in my world? Didn't my body contain life energy then?"

"Life energy in your body was always there. The existence of magic was considered fictional in your world so the Truth of your world didn't allow it to exist."

"Truth? Why ? They decide what remains?"

"Ofcourse, with time, the knowledge of magic probably didn't pass on in the human world, so the Truth was modified in a way that it no more allowed magic to exist in your world"

"So multiple Worlds exist only because of multiple and differnet Truths exist?"

"Yes you're right, why did we need different worlds if we had the same truth"

"But I really dont get the terminology"

"Kanito, I know you have lots of questions, but can you not discuss them during practice and its your first day, pick a sword now let's see your Sword skills"

Kanito picked up a sword and attacked Yuriel, He ofcouse did it in the begginers manner, straight up charging, while holding the sword with both grips and going for the head, with multiple openings.

"Too close"

Yuriel knocked out Kanito with a kick at the back of the neck, Kanito Stood up and charged at Yuriel again, Yuriel dodged it effortlessly a couple of times, finally Yuriel gave a chop at Kanito's wrist, disarming him

"You're gonna charge at your enemy with a pose that literally says "come behead me" and you think you can be in ISF, go back, you are better suited in that lifeless life"

"swordsmanship is hard but still easier than living an aimless life, so I will continue, no matter how many times you knock me and my sword down, I will stand up"

While saying that, Kanito threw his sword towards Yuriel

"What a wierd tactic"

Yuriel blocked it with his own, but that made Yuriel swing his sword And come in a position where he was exposing his whole upper part of the body right in front of the enemy, Yuriel was casual, wasn't paying much attention to the duel anyway so he didn't anticipate this, Kanito came in with from mid air, with a kick, however, Yuriel grapped his feet and slammed him on the ground

"Nice move there, considering that you're fighting seriously for the first time, but it's nothing"

"Oh really?"

Yuriel felt a slight cut on his forehead,his forehead bleeded as a thin wound spread above both his eyebrows.

"What?You didnt see this?"

Kanito revealed that he hid a smaller dagger under his shoes,

"When did you? When did you attach this behind your shoes"

"When I was talking about how difficult swordsmanship is, you focused more on what I was saying than what I was doing"

Yuriel became serious, he tossed Kanito's sword towards him while also taking a serious pose for attacking, both were expecting a serious duel now but then

suddenly some other men entered the grounds, the three men in red clothing with spears in hand entered the area. They saw Yuriel and Kanito in the grounds and went towards them.

"You two over there,What are you two doing here?"

"Who are they Yuriel ?"

"The Royal Guards, stay back"

"Are you aware of the fact that this ground is only for the use of Royalty?"

"Yes and I am also aware of the fact that this ground is made public in the evening and afternoon, so we haven't breached into the Royal property"

"You have a lot of guts to talk to us like that, we are Royal guards you know"

"Yes and ? We haven't done anything which goes against Ashfelt's law"

"So what are you going to do? Oh wait now that I have seen you, you? Yuriel?"

"Yes, now that you have taken the name, you are the tiny angel? Yuriel?"

"Yuriel is my name"

"Oh my God, a real life angel, are you out of a story book? Do such spells exist?"

"Really, when I first saw your face in my casting screen I was rubbing my eyes,an angel in real life? You look just like the angel in my 4 year old son's picture book, ain't I right?"

The two other guards started laughing, they laughed at Yuriel's appearance, as if it is the biggest joke they havr ever heard or seen in their life.

"Oh wait you are a senior officer, Oh you are..uh.. oh, Yuriel aren't you? The leader of the least successful recuse divison that is what happens when you keep a tiny angel in a rescue team"

"I would like you to stop bringing my race into it"

"We got orders to take this boy with us, donot obstruct our work"

"I'm sorry but he is under my care and you can not take him away, take another step and I will attack you"

"You weak angel what did you just say? You want to die?"

Another man wearing the same dress as of the Royal gurads was passing by in his horse, he came into the ground as he heard some noises in the training grounds

"Enough stop it !"


"What are you three doing here?"

"Sir, this, they are in the Royal property"

"Sir this Angel is arguing with us, let me give him what he deserves"

"Yes Sir, We even got orders to arrest this black haired, yellow eyed boy, he insulted the King today in the morning"

"Didn't you hear me? Are you defying my orders?"

"B-But.. Sir, the orders?"

"The order has been withdrawn, you three leave right now."

The royal guard which later came in was a higher post and apparently the other three were his subordinates, the training grounds are for the usage of Royalty but for a particular time period, they are made public for the usage of common people.

"You three leave now"

"But, Sir, these two"

"Leave !"

The three guards left the training grounds.

"You both, I'm sorry for the problem caused by my subordinates, but please donot exceed the time limit"

"We know that well Sir, Let's Go Kanito enough practice for the first day"

Yuriel and Kanito both left the training grounds and so did the senior guard,