Nobles and Normals

After yesterday's incident Kanito And Yuriel went home and didnt talk about the incident that happened, after that they trained every day at those training grounds at that same time. Kanito made stunning progress, To Yuriel's surprise, Kanito achieved new skills with little training and soon climbed the ranks of sorcery, from a boy who lived in a world which thought of magic as fantasy  now could teach magic  to someone else, however he was indeed far inferior compared to many others in this World and has a long way to go. They were heading to the Training grounds, they came across the market, Kanito saw different shops, different foods, different people and different architecture and lifestyles.

"Kanito, you think you want to buy this sword? It's a Fiard class sword, I think you can wield it now"

"I know you taught this before but what is Fiard?"

"The lowest class in sorcery,  sorcerers, spells, magical tools like weapons, Items and Potions are given ranks according to their efficiency, they are : Fiard, Tendus, Julial, Derias and finally the strongest, Sly"

"Woah, what class are you, you seem really strong are you Sly class?"

"No dummy, no sorcerer be it our world's or any other World's has ever reached Sly class since Toeh Era, So unofficially Derias is the strongest class and for the record I'm Julial class"

"That's cool, Well good for you. How long do you think I  will take to reach Julial"

"Depends, but with the progress you're showing, I think you'll make it in a year, I am not really talented, everything I am today is because of sheer hardwork. It took me three years to reach Tendus"

"I see, Well this sword you're talking about, I don't have any money to buy it"

"I'll buy it"


"Yes, It would be a shame to not own a sword since you achieved a rank now"

they bought the sword from the local inventory, they left the store and were heading towards the training grounds as usual, however, not to that training ground where they had to encounter the Royal guards, they decided to go to another training ground, as they were about to go to chariots, they saw some  kids the same age of Kanito,  dressed in a way that easily told that they are from a wealthy family,

"Hey Fiona, why don't you come and play with us?"

"Leave me alone"

"You owe us money, you forgot?"

"I told you that I will pay it back in a week"

"We are hearing the same thing for 3 weeks now"

"Now now, Fiona, are you even planning on returning the money?"

"I am, just leave me alone, I will pay it off"

"You Elves are damn cute, like all this pain and suffering couldn't ruin that face, huh?"

One of those boys caressed Fiona's cheecks, another one grabbed her hand, they were circling around her in an inappropriate manner. Fiona is an elf, a teenage girl having long brown hair that reaches her waist, round and widespread eyes with a brown iris, a small nose and a thin face, she wasnt too tall and had a lean and quiet slender build, wearing a cheap white Robe and over it was a brown overcloth.

"Hey, Let me go"

Kanito And Yuriel arrived at the spot. They saw this happening to that Elf girl, they knew what was happening to her is not right, of those boys, one grabbed Fiona's arms and Pulled her hair, with one of the other boys saying "Tiero, umm stop, you're going too far". Kanito interrupted

"I don't know the details but you can not do that"

"Who are you?"

"It's not necessary to know"

"Then just buzz off, it's our matter"

"What are you trying to do with her?"

"How is that your business? Get Lost"

"So you will do anything that comes in your mind with her? And you all, why aren't any of you doing anything about it"

Kanito said this to the public, it wasn't like this repugnant activity was happening in a scarce, unexplored alley. It was happening in a busy place and yet people chose to not do anything about it. Why one may wonder? It's because those kids are from Noble families, yes, who cares if that thing which is so crude that it doesn't even deserves to be mentioned happens to a poor Elf girl ? Who cares if this happens again and again and to different children? Who cares if they get away with everything they do? A rouge world full of spineless people !

The spoiled boys cheered up their group leader Tiero, they said "Yes, undress her"

"Let me have a look at her"

"Donot take another step"

"How dare you stop us?"

"How dare you touch this girl, she is not your property"

"You should shut up and let me do what I am doing or I will make sure you have a fate worse than this girl"

"Yes Tiero Let's have some fun with this poor elf"

The kids started touching Fiona inappropriately, the public, which was acting like nothing happened started looking concerned. At this point, Kanito couldn't take it anymore

He went towards them, grabbed the insolent boy by his collar and punched him in the face, that boy fell back hard

"Just what..what are you thinking you're doing?"

"Teaching you to behave"

"What is your probelm and Just who on Earth are you?"

"I am the lesson you will learn now"

Saying that, Kanito rescued Fiona from the grip of another boy by kicking him in the abdomen,  Kanito casted a spell

"O Holy Spirit of Lightning  Grant me your Thunder, Electrify those who stand in my way, Come forth  Thunderblitz"

A Yellow ball of lightning was casted and it propelled towards the kids, It exploded as soon as it touched them, leaving behind a thick fog of smoke and dust created by the aftermath of the spell. The Public was stunned, a sorcerer was  present amidst them?  All three of those boys were hit with it and were injured. Luckily Fiona's mother  came in time and Pulled the girl out so she wasn't harmed by the impact of the spell.

Yuriel came and smiled at Kanito while also patting his head

"You did the right thing"

The three boys lied there in the dust like idiots, their handsome faces covered in bruises, their fancy clothing ripped apart, their Well maintained skin and hair all ruined by the dust

"What...what the hell did you"

"Did you learn your lesson now spoiled brat?"

"You will pay for,that girl,her mother your damn angel partner and this damn country, remember my name Tiero Nephnis"

"You're looking great, your face covered in dust, your hair in mud, it matches your heart now"

"What did you..say?"

The public as if a new hope was instilled in them, cheered, they clapped, they denounced the Noblety and laughed at Tiero.

The spoiled kids knowing they are outmatched ran away, out of them, Tiero, the one who tried to undress Fiona, wasnt even able to walk straight,  the poor kid was hurt too badly. The mother of Fiona, came to Kanito and Yuriel

"Thank you so much for saving my daughter, I don't know how to thank you enough"

"You don't have to ma'am, but I wonder what is even going on in this country, arent there any laws here? Hey Yuriel what is even going on in this country"

"Don't act like this didn't exist in your world"

"It did,but not on such a scale  that people see injustice happening and do nothing about it"

"I told you before that in times of war, all Laws and morals are negated"

Fiona's mother was listening to their conversation and then turned to Kanito and asked him

"Wait you are from another World ?" 

"Yes it was.."

"From another World huh Kanito? Are you sure ? There was only one person who was saved from the human world and he too didn't survive"

"I mean, I heard you too talking something about 'other world' so I asked"

"No, nah, you heard it wrong, we both were born in this world, Kanito played in this alley when he was little, Kanito? You forgot those memories just like that?"

"What? What are you saying Yuriel?"

Yuriel through his spell 'mind chain' was able to send Kanito a telepathic message, it  said "donot reveal the fact that you are the refugee, they don't know and they don't have to" Kanito understood why Yuriel is trying to keep his identity as a refugee a secret.

"No you must've heard it wrong, I am Kanito Aramishi and I am from this world"

"Oh I see, I thought we were on the same page"

"What do you mean?"

"You see, me and my daughter are  refugees as well from the Elf world but unfortunately I think me and my daughter are the only Elves who were brought in this World."

"The Elf world?"

"Yes, We are from the Elf world, even though it is called by this name, a  minority of humans and Fairies lived in our world too and we all lived happily without any discrimination, it felt like life would probably be like this forever but no, one day, the news said that multiple magical portals are opening all around our world and then demons came in and in front of my eyes, I saw my world burn and

in that situation, I was helpless. Many other portals opened as well and people wearing White military uniforms who are apparently the soldiers  of ISF came in to save us, at that moment I decided to jump in the Destruction, I never wanted to become a refugee in any other world, I would've rather burned in that fire along with my world, but, I was forced to become a refugee, in this new place. It felt so Otherworldly, so unkind, this world, it was in the air that something about this world is so wrong, when I asked them where we are, they said we are in a country named Ashfelt. Something about this nation and this world seems very off"

"I don't know how it feels but it sounds terrible, I am sorry for it"

"You dont have to, My name is Harinis and this is my daughter Fiona nice to meet both of you"

"I'm Yuriel"

"I'm Kanito Aramishi nice to meet both of you too"

Kanito And Yuriel went to the Training grounds after that, trained, sweated and returned home

"Yuriel, like any other world does this world have a name too?"

"Yes, it is  the Human-Beast world with having some other minor races. However since the demon Invasion started and refugees of different Races came in and were given shelter in our world, the proportion is disturbed. At this point the names of all the other remaining  habitable worlds don't have any meaning since they all are taking in refugees from other Worlds. The last thing I want to happen is discrimination within the natives and the refugees"

"I see and why were you called an angel? I was thinking about it"

"Well..that is something I don't know, they say I look like one? Because of my white hair and blue eyes.The existence of the Angelic race is  a myth in this world, they are seen as a  peaceful tribe, living unattached from any worldly affairs"

"So have you not seen any other 'angel' before?"

"No, atleast not in real life, only in picture  books meant for children"

"I see, but Yuriel what was the use of hiding my  identity infront of Fiona and her mother?"

"It's dangerous, you see what Fiona went through right?"

"Yes but that is not what I'm asking,  I am the only refugee from Earth which you all call 'human world' right?"

"Yes, proceed"

"Isn't it very probable that since I'm the only one, they would know my name too? Like it was all over the news, the news that only one person, with emphasis on the word 'one' was saved from the human world"

"That is where my influence over the hospital comes in. Say, did you ever hear your name in the news? yes the media was all speaking about it but you missed the fact that the media also said that the name of this 'only refugee from Human world' is not known"

"Oh, yes, now it makes sense, so even if they know my name, they will never know that I am that 'only refugee from Human world'  unless I mention it myself"

"Exactly, I told the hospital exclusively to not leak your name, age or anything else"

"You clever man"

"Ofcourse I am, I'm a pro in this"

"Uh 'pro' ? From where did you learn this term though?"

"You say it every time you beat me remember? In the training grounds"

"Don't use that term, it's embarrassing and outdated"

Yuriel and Kanito walked away talking to each other in a casual manner. In the meantime, the Guards who came to stop Yuriel and Kanito in the Royal training grounds entered the Royal  Palace, in the Royal Court of the King of this nation.

They reported to the King that the black haired Yellow eyed boy who insulted him was not arrested. The king was furious. The Royal Palace is a big widespread mansion located in the Centre of a huge garden.

A flight of concrete paved steps leading up to The King's court, and below was a garden with beautiful fountains and flowers, the garden was surrounded by a beatiful cloister on all four sides with numerous rooms connected to it mostly for the use of Royal maids and butlers who filled the cloister managing the everyday work.

Behind the King's court stood a tall mansion Where stays The King and his son. The king sat on his throne and said with a deep elderly voice

"What? The orders, the orders were withdrawn? Who did it? I never withdrew the orders of arresting the boy"

"My Majesty, Young Lord did it"

"Kuruth did it? Really Kuruth did it?"

"Yes my majesty"

"Go to your work you guards"

"Right now"

"Messenger, messenger"

"At your service My Majesty"

"Where is my son?"

"I saw him in the Royal mansion doing some paperworks up his office"

"Send word to Kuruth, I want to talk to him, send him to my court now"

"As you desire"

The messenger left the court. The King held his forehead with two of his fingers as if this news gave him a headache. Kuruth, the Crown prince of Ashfelt is not on good terms with his father. Their ideals never match, they both in the eyes of public are a duo, a team which leads the nation but both know the real truth, always trying to undermine each others plans while also pretending to be each other's allies. The king opened his eyes, still squeezing his forehead, he glanced at a distance from his throne.

A tall and handsome young man of dark brown hair and warm hazel eyes of muscular built elegantly dressed in a deep red robe confidently climbed up the last step and entered the court.

"Kuruth, are you aware of what you have done?"

"What are you talking about father?"

"Don't act innocent, why did you reverse my orders? Why did you let those rebels go?"

"I don't think you have any reason to arrest them. People would loose faith in royalty"

"You should not speak against your father Kuruth, I am your father and your king mind it"

"What do you know of kingship? whipping a slave? Wearing a crown? Holding a spectre?  There's no surety if you will be the King tomorrow, so be grateful that I saved you from going one step towards ruin"

"How dare you speak like that !"

"Don't shout, did you take your medicines today?  you will fall sick again. Whatever I am doing is for your best. I am helping you to defeat your opposers and make sure our family stays the Ruling family but there you are, doubting your own son"

"Help me? By what ? Messing up my plans and you are calling me your ally?  Kuruth, You are the rival of whom I should be the most careful of"

"I am your son and successor, trust me"

"I don't trust you one bit. A rival teaching a rival of how to get rid of other rivals, remember Kuruth I outmatch you in both wits and experience, don't take me lightly"

"Pride is heaviest thing one carries, it is a wierd invisible force, it has the power to induce  buoyancy on a man which usually keeps a man's head high but when it exerts its weight on him, the man's skyhigh gaze comes down to the ground"

"You should say this to yourself"

"Farewell father, I don't have any thing else to talk about"

"Wait I'm not done yet"

"But I am"

"Wait Kuruth"

"What is it?"

"You really think that this was a good decision?"

"It was better than any decision you take"

"Really? What good did you do?"

"My administrative  zone is second best in the nation incase you forgot"

"And the best of all? Whose zone is that?"

"Your zone, but who are the biggest investors in that zone?"

"You little brat !"

"You can't even counter my logic, farewell, unlike you I have work to do"

Kuruth left the court leaving his father in Wrath and worry. The king broke the wines glass served to him by a maid, he was too worried, he wanted to use his son as a catalyst to increase his sphere of influence but, Kuruth is now working against him? Or is he just trying to help his father out? What are Kuruth's true motives? These questions are The kings utmost concern these days.

Kanito And Yuriel as usual before coming to the training grounds, visited a local magical spell shop, this was not the shop from which Kanito bought his sword, but a different and a comparatively smaller shop, a spell makers shop as it is called, spell crafting  is a branch of Sorcery and it used to be the  most popular study of Sorcery before but since the demon invasion started, no other branch is as popular as Battle oriented  Sorcery.

Usually, Chants are words which react with life energy to create a magic sphere of a specific kind. These Spells are needed to be memorized in order to be used by a Sorcerer. However, rote learning, memorizing are outdated concepts, the world is more sophisticated now with better magical technology. Magic codes now act as replacements for chants, they are special codes imbued with magic which are written on a Sorcerer's wrist. Mordern spell makers make use of Magic codes to craft various hybrid magic spells, often combining or removing or reshaping codes in order to reap new results.

"Yuriel, do you think this code will come handy?"

"A storm Code ? I won't suggest you to buy it, Storm spells are not that useful in long term"

"Yeah I guess you are right, a fire or lightning based spell would be more my type"

"Oh youth, full of flashiness"

Kanito and Yuriel were looking around, seeing different Magic codes, written in various colours, the language very different, they also saw many magic items, Potions, weapons and books written by excellent Sorcerers. They, more specifically, Kanito saw a familiar face, it was that Elf girl he saved that day

"Hey, you are? That girl? Fiona?"

"Um..Yes, Kanito? You remembered my name?"

"I am surprised I remember it, you remember my name too. How are you doing?"

"quite good, thank you for saving me that day"

"It's nothing"

"You're here? You're looking for something to buy?"

"Yes, a magic code, You? You're here to buy something as well?"

"No, I work as an assistant here, nice to meet both of you again"

"Nice to meet you too"

"You are? Sir Yuriel, right?"

"Yes but don't adress me like that, it's awkward"

"You're a lot older than me so.."

"Fiona, are you somewhat related to sorcery  too?"

"I help Mr. Riandro in modifying the magic codes or advice him on making the potions, I can use a few spells"

"Mr. Riandro?"

"The owner of this shop"

"Oh, I see"

"Yuriel, will you advice me? What code should I buy?"

"I will suggest you to buy a barrier type spell,  you have enough attack type spells so why not focus on your defense too?"

"A barrier type magic code? Let's see"

"These are the best barrier spells we have"

"Uh, they are all above my rank, Yuriel can I not buy a code if it's above my rank?"

"Yes you can buy but you need more skills and experience to use it efficiently"

"Yeah, I was expecting that"

Kanito's eyes were searching for a barrier spell code of his rank but couldn't find any, when he asked Fiona, she said that most sorcerers only buy Barrier spells when they reach atleast Tendus rank so they don't have a barrier spell of Fiard rank. Kanito's eyes landed on a Status type code. Its code seemed was nothing special, no wonder it was very cheap, it wasn't a barrier type spell code but was defensive in nature, it was Fiard ranked so there's no problem in Kanito buying it.

"Yuriel, what do you say? Should I buy this one?"

"That's ok but don't you think that there are better defensive spells out there? If you want a defensive spell why not buy any barrier type spell then? Why a status type one?"

"I could've but I'm still at Fiard you know"

"That's okay, if you practice like this, you will reach Tendus in a month, you'll be able to use then and there's not a big power gap between Tendus and Fiard anyway"

"I thought so too and it's only logical to buy a barrier type spell code for defense but this code seems nice"

"This code? The code....its not that good..The spell is called 'Tolerant'? What a lame name, are you sure you want to buy this?"

"I just think this Would come handy, we should buy it"

"What does it do, miss Fiona?"

"Umm, it, absorbs damage taken from enemies be it physical or magical"

"Alright we are buying this one"

"Fiona, you have customers there?"

"Yes, Mr Riandro"

A old man in a blue Robe who was the owner of the shop came outside, he is a jolly ,honest and hardworking man.

"Oh You both, aren't you the man who saved Fiona from those Noble brats? Your name was? I remembered.."

"Kanito, Kanito Aramishi"

"You are from some Noble family too?"

"No Sir, why would you think that?"

"Nah, no reason, what are buying though? And you Sir, would you buy something too?"

"Uh, No, maybe next time, I'm here for my student Kanito"

"Oh I See, Fiona take their order"

"Yes, please come this side"

Yuriel paid the money and Kanito bought that code, the Code of the Spell named Tolerant. The code was like a band with some writings on it, but when he bought it, Mr Riandro took the band and put it on Kanito's hands like a wax strip and after sometime peeled it off slowly. The code on the band was now tattooed on Kanito's forearms.

Kanito was about to ask whether this mark is permanent or not but then, on its own, it vanished, Yuriel added  that the ink used in the codes when applied on skin is absorbed readily by the skin and from then exists as an extra feature of that person. They on their way to returning home from the training grounds discussed

"Kanito, mind if I ask you a question now?"

"No, what is it?"

"You are doing all this because you want to save our world right? But why should you? I know we had this talk before, you are doing it to live a purposeful life but is that the only reason which propels you?"

"It is not the only reason,  I want to save people, I would never let what happened to my world happen to other worlds anymore"

"Really? Since when did Humans become so  Virtuous?"

"It depends, the humans in this world gave you a wrong Idea of what humanity is"

"I never saved any humans before, this was the first time I saved a  human. Other than my master who taught me Sorcery, you are the second human who I find different, but really do you do it only because of you want to save others? You are the only human from the human world, nothing of your world is present  and still you want to save  this world's humans?"

"Yes, that is the reason, not only humans, other races, every race ruined by demons, all of them"

While saying this, Yuriel saw a vivid vein popping up on Kanito's face and wrist. He could hear Kanito's gnashing teeth. He knew what he said was true but this truth hid a bigger truth. Kanito was angry, he is burning all the time inside, his interior was burning, like his world was on that night, Yuriel said to himself "How can you be so kind after everything that happened, no one  can be that kind, no human can, you are doing it for revenge, you're  raising this hungry monster named Revenge inside you. But whatever are your reasons or your goals, you still are here trying to save us?  I wish I saved  more humans, more and more patient humans like you,more and more kind humans like you, and more and more humans worthy of being called human, like you"

Over the time, Kanito completed his basic training of Sorcery, he in a month or two would reach even Tendus rank. There was no reason to go to the training grounds now. The awkward enviroment between a student and a teacher was no more present in the case of  Yuriel and Kanito. Kanito's tone with Yuriel became more informal, Yuriel's tone became more sweet. Yuriel helped Kanito to be accustomed to this new world, Kanito helped Yuriel become accustomed to his real self.