Royals and Rebels

King of Ashfelt, his son Kuruth and the heads of the three Noble families

in the Royal Court, the King is tensed, the nobles with a disappointed look and Kuruth in a serious mood, an uneasy, concerning atmosphere. Kuruth reads a letter.

" To ,

        King Sarstin Eurashio King of Ashfelt, Representative of the Human-Beast World.

I hope you, your country and your world are doing well amidst this demonic war.

My reason for writing you this letter is to be certain whether you are  aware of the fact that the remaining worlds of our Isomer and the nations which they consist have signed a non aggression pact with each other or not.

Since the eve of the invasion, we the mortals of Vyum, have  always been each others biggest allies, supporting each other in every way in order to fight this common demonic enemy, however, some unfortunate events which took place lately were so concerning I couldn't help but write this letter to you. 

A team of Security patrol  guards mostly consisting of Elfs and Fairies were checking and reinforcing troops in the border of the Fairy world, everything was fine but then those guards went missing. It was later found through the spell 'Rewind' that those guards were killed. The people who were seen killing those guards were wearing clothes woven from Skellan fur, Skellens are animals found only in your world and especially worn only in your country

Ashfelt never exports that cloth, so it's evident that those murderers were from your country,so we are left with no choice than to be suspicious of you, I hope you will look into it, as the leading nation of the Human-beast world, we see Ashfelt and the Human-Beast world as a valuable ally in keeping the rising power of demons in check. We look forward to working with you.

Yours truly

King Iansvern Liheit,

King of Reisheim,

Representative of the Fairy  world,

Acting chief  of The Interwordly Security Force.

This is the letter which came, what does it even say? Is all of this true?care to explain what they are saying father?"

"Yes King Sarstin, what is going on ? We gave you administration not to ruin our name, whatever they are saying, is it true?"

"I don't know, what they are talking about"

"Enough, I guess we need to seize power again"

"No, no my Dear Nobles, have mercy on me, I don't have anything to do with it"

"We always hear the same thing, you are just of no use king Sarstin"

"Give me another chance Nobles..Kuruth, I beg you, don't do this to me"

"Sarstin, you really want to remain the representative of our world ? Imagine the pressure we will get from the other nations of our world if they know about this"

"Exactly Mr Nephnis, King Iansvern is generous enough to not make this into a big news"

"Father, even though I respect you, I hate to say this policies are backfiring"

"Kuruth you too?"

"Well King Sarstin, we will give you one last chance, you know your son is well capable of being the King right now, one more mistake you do and you will find yourself adressing your son with "my lord". Off you go. Our work is over, another

unproductive day"

The three  Noble men left the court disappointed, but their frowns became smirks as soon as they set their feet out of the court.

"Think about it father, I hope you don't want what Mr Nephnis said"

"Damn it..damn you.. my own son of all to shake hands with the nobles"

"I shook hands with my nation, for my nation's and my world's good, I neither shake hands with you nor with the nobles. I shake hands with my nation and my nation alone"

"Kuruth, help me, Iansvern must be plotting something"

"I don't think so father, since the beggining of the Demonic invasions, The Fairy world is the only world keeping the ISF alive. They account for 35% of ISF's total military and of that 35%, 59% army is of  Reishiemian army, The Fairy world makes up for a good amount of the ISF's budget too? Why would they spend so much if they are plotting something"

"That is the thing. The country of Reishiem or  the Fairy world in general, spends so much and yet never takes in any refugees, why so then Kuruth?"

"How much do you think is the Fairy world supposed to do? They have Done more than enough, for themselves and for the Vyum"

"You're taking their side now?"

"I told you, I only take my country's side"

"The other two major kings of Fairy world, King Trevor and Orthos, they didn't say anything, why only Iansvern?"

"He is the representative father, the representative of Fairy world, so any statement that comes out from the Fairy world will come through King Iansvern. Im sure he must've consulted with the other kings before writing this letter. Unlike you, he knows what he is doing"

"Kuruth, you're really doing this to me?"

"Handover your crown and I'll say nothing to you anymore"

"Just shut up"

Kuruth leaves the Court room feeling tensed,  worried and angry but before leaving he says,

"No matter how bad be our relation, In front of the nobles, please appear strong, don't let them think that they can have their way, if they insult you, protect your dignity, it's not very proud to see my own father being disrespected in front of me"

King Sarstin, upon hearing this was a little reliefed "So he cares for me afterall" is what he interpreted from his son's words.

The nobles were in the garden, leaving the palace, they were chatting with each other, the three men laughed, talked about how Sarstin is easy to control.

"Well Mr. Nephnis, that was some humour there, poor old King"

"As you said Mr. Ionder, Mr. Nephnis as always knows how to bend the Royalty to our will"

"Mr Tajid, Mr Ionder, you know well yourself that we will win, this country has nothing good to offer anyway, Once a trade gaint  known as 'Honey of Merchants' , now filled with insects growing within, eating away that honey"

"True words there, ever since the Eurashio family came, Everything went downhill"

"And don't mention their policies, the bad policies were so backfiring Well I feel bad for them"

"Oh really Mr Tajid? That's really nice of you"

"Yes, Mr Nephnis, my heart pains from within"

"Mine too Mr Tajid, the Ionder family will never forget the hardships of this ridiculous Royal family ever"

The three men laughed again at each other's ironical statements with evilness dripping face.

"Jokes aside, his son, Kuruth is also very naive, he is under our claw"

"Yes, this letter incident was serious though, King Iansvern really showed Sarstin his place"

The nobles were chatting among themselves but then suddenly they saw a man coming towards them, who is that? A messenger of Mr. Nephnis?

"Master, Master"

" What is it Sirrah?"

"Young master has sent word"

"Tiero? What does Tiero say?"

"The poor Elf family which owed you money, Young master as he said was asking back the money generously but the Elves hired some goons and attacked Young master with as he said 'some wierd spells' which he never saw before"

"What.. What did you say? He was hit? How is he now?"

"He is safe now"

"When did this happen ? Why did you not inform me before?"

" A few weeks ago, and Young master was in too pain to talk to anyone, I got my orders a few hours ago only"

"Well who are they? Who dare hit my child? Who are they?"

"The rebellious boy and the infamous senior officer"

"The senior officer ? The infamous one? You mean the least successful recuse team which saved only one human? What was his name, Yuriel? The angel looking man? Yuriel?"

" Yes my Lord"

" How dare they? Arrange for my arrival in the Nephnis estate, I will see my son there first and then will deal with the lowlives"

"Umm..Mr Nephnis, should we tag along?"

" No Mr Ionder, with all due respect, it is not necessary"

"I hope they get what they deserve"

"Thank you for your words Mr Tajid, I must Go now"

They left the Palace with Nephnis heading towards the Nephnis estate,  meanwhile in the  royal court, Sarstin in anger smashed another glass on the floor and a messenger came in informing Sarstin that he is been called by  the Royal Bureau, a powerful group of people within the Royalty working behind the scene , controlling the Internal workings of the Royal palace, the nobles are aware of the existence of the Royal Bureau, but they don't know that this group is powerful enough to make decisions for the King.

King Sarstin was Called in for confrontation from the Royal Bureau. Sarstin enters a room, the room was nothing less royal than the court, it had a bright pink carpet,  blue and white wall with beautifully designed White Yellow curtains. One woman and two men, in front of Sarstin, were sitting

The three of them frowned in a way which tells Sarstin "Why are you standing? Kneel !"

Sarstin sat on the sofa, eye to eye with all of them at the same time.

"Well Sarstin, It's true?"

"The letter from Iansvern"

"You want to play with us?"

"I don't have anything to do with it, the nobles didn't believe me, atleast you three do"

"The nobles are wise"

"Since when did you three come on good terms with those three nobles"

"We were never on bad terms to begin with"

"As if !"

"Sarstin, you remember when Carthy was the queen, you sat here, among us, as a member of this Bureau, you want to relive those days?"

"Shut up Nephrid, I don't take orders from you"

"Your words hold no meaning, if you donot do something to recover the damage to our reputation"

"Then what?"

"You see me Sarstin?"

"What Carthy?"

"You will handover the Crown to me"

"What did you say?"

"You heard it"

"It's evident that Sarstin is not fit for dealing with this country"

"Sarstin, why did you think that dismissing relations with The Beast kingdom was a good idea, also the over taxation over refugees? They could've been used for different works"

"They are living in our world so ofcourse they should pay an extra ransom"

"What a foolish man, upsetting them would ruin our image internationally and interuniversally, if they report this behaviour to the ISF, then what? We will stand no chance as of ISF'S 5th Act stated that refugees should receive the same treatment as the citizens, the other worlds will use this as a pretext to issue sanctions on us"

"I....I never..thought of it like that"

"Because you are a bad King !"

"Whatever I'm sure the Nichodian empire will come to our aid if that happens"

"Oh really? The empire which also tried to steal our Magic analysis research reports, that empire?'

"That was a misunderstanding...they are our biggest defence exporter remember?"

"They do it because we control the flow of the Taiga river, nothing for free"

"Seriously Sarstin, are you that naive or are you secretly plotting something and putting on a dumb act?"

"Look, The Map of our habitable World"

The Bureau's head Olhiem, in a giant screen projected the map of this world from his magic orb. It was a pretty big map of the habitable zone and recognised nations in this world. There were two big continents in the far extreme north and south, as per the population density colour coding, the southern continent was more populated  and fertile. From  the very coasts of the Northern continent till the last bit of  unfrozen land was the Great Nichodian Empire which as history narrates 'was initially a small yet strong tribe' whose expansion further  northward was halted only  because of the widespread snow covered mountain range named 'Great slumbering Ice of the North'.

Towards the South was a more warmer and comfortable continent whose most Notable country was the human nation of Emirage  and the Beast Federation Haravis. Both nations initially were two small kingdoms along with several other smaller  kingdoms in the Southern continent but both  conquered it's respective neighbours and emerged as the onlyremaining Sovereign nations in the Southern continent. What seperated these two giant continents was the Great sea Romanov and between these two continents was an Archipelago, a human nation Ashfelt.

"This was the main route through which Haravis traded with Ashfelt but since our dear Sarstin has withdrawn our embassy from there they have seemed to close all trade portals along the gulf of kanberi"

"Thats still acceptable Olhiem because the kingdom of Haravis was reported of commiting atrocities against Ashfeltian toursist there, but Nephrid, I want to  ask you something"

"What Sarstin?"

"This trade route between Nichodia and Ashfelt, this got closed during your rule didn't it Nephird?"

"Well that was... that was because the savage Nichodians..they insulted my  Carthy"

"You let your personal bias decide your policies and you three call me unprofessional?"

"Shut up Sarstin what do you know? It was an act of unmatched love and sincerity. An old and prosaic man like you won't understand"

"I don't take opinions from a promiscuous woman like you"

"Shut up !"

"Sarstin you piece of sh*t"

"Now now, what's this? control your crude tongue Nephird and you too Sarstin you both are not sweepers of slum"

"I'm sorry Olhiem

"Whatever, the final decision I come to is a counter measure"

"What is it Olhiem?"

"It would not be very pleasant for you Sarstin, I will seize Sarstin's Private Sorcery room ! "

" you say? You can't do it"

"I can and I will, today's sitting is dismissed"

"Well served huh !"

The three left the room leaving Sarstin on his knees, he was helpless and excruciated. The Sorcery room served as Sarstin's main research lab where he conducted his own magic experiments which will now be seized. Sarstin realized that this was a well thought out move to ruin the future prospects of Sarstin ever trying to expand his influence over the palace and the country.