
A sunny morning , In Yuriel's house , Kanito and Yuriel talk over breakfast. Kanito talked about what he normally  used to do during this time when he was in his world. How the food is different yet similar to his own world. The culture and the language of this world.  Kanito asked Yuriel as how he is able to Interact with the  the people of this world, to which Yuriel replied that he casted a 'tounge alter' spell on Kanito the moment he was shifted to his house. Kanito long completed his training in magic and today was his last training day with which he will officially be promoted to Tendus rank. 

If we were to measure time in the conventional system as we know  then  it has been atleast a month and a few weeks since Kanito started his training. If we also count in the days when Kanito was still  recovering from his injuries then he is here in this world for more than 2 months , to summarize, Kanito is somewhat acquainted with this new world. Yuriel heard a loud sound outside, it was the sound of someone screaming for help.

"Kanito, did you hear a  sound?"

"Yeah, was it someone's  scream?"

"I was about to say that, lets go and check out"

They went  and opened the door and found Fiona standing outside. She was almost crying , she seemed  helpless and worried. Seeing her miserable state, Kanito and Yuriel  rushed outside.

"What happened?"

"Please help me, I am sorry for disturbing both of you at this time, but please help me"

"Whats going on?"

Because of the wide door, Fiona was able to see inside their house, from the dining table on which food was kept, she  could make out that they were having breakfast , she was  feeling  embarrassed, she was reluctant to ask for help but still couldn't turn away because she needs help

"Come with me please"

Yuriel and Kanito followed Fiona as she walked through the street , they found themselves in  Riandro's shop, that shop where Fiona works, they see Mr. Riandro talking with some men. Riandro was worried and it was evident that those men where not here for some good cause.

"Mr. Riandro, but you did get the notice right?"

"Yes, I did but why? I never failed to pay tax and then why?"

"This land is to be taken under the authority of The Magic Academy."

"You can't just show up and tell me to close my shop like that"

"We sent you a notice remember?"

"That didn't mention any such condition and also even if it was then also, you don't have any valid reason"

At this point, Kanito asked Fiona about what is going on, even though it was evident from the talk , Fiona said that when she was working , these men came here and claimed themselves to be the representatives of the Magic Academy. They said that they have orders from higher ups to bring this piece of land under their premise and Riandro's  shop was in their way so they are here to take it down. Yuriel spoke up

"Wait you three, who gave you these orders and what are your reasons behind it"

"Well who are you ?"

"It doesn't matter who we are, you three  leave and donot create a fuss here"

"You can't decide for us, we will not go until we take up this shop..You Mr. Riandro, why don't you start packing things up?"

"I won't , this is injustice and there is no law that vests the magic academy with such powers what will you do?"

"I see, you want to do it this way"

"Gentlemen, please leave my sir alone, I am a refugee and I need to feed my mother and myself. I can't afford to loose this job, Mr. Riandro's  shop is an oasis for new Sorcerers, closing it will only bring loss to the Magic Academy itself"

"Ahh you elf, shut your annoying voice up"

One of the men pushed Fiona away and she was held by Kanito.

"Enough talking, if you don't do it yourself, me and my men have to start  taking this shop down on our own"

"No wait, My shop!"

The men went inside the shop and started taking things off, the  spell cards, books, codes ,  crystals and items, they started taking them down.

"Stop it"

Yuriel grabbed the man's hand, the man shook his hand away and let go off him

"Wha is this idiocy, atleast listen to us"

"You are in the way of the Magic Academy"

"You can't do it, just leave"

The men and Yuriel engaged in a hand to hand  combat

"Get out of our way"

One of the men tried to punch him but Yuriel grabbed him and slammed him on the ground. Another man tried to knock Yuriel off with a kick but Yuriel evaded him and got him down with an elbow at the neck.

Suddenly the third man who didn't go inside took Fiona hostage by keeping a dagger at her neck.

"Don't move !"

"You coward !"

"Mr.Riandro, she works here right? If you want your assistant's  safety then leave this shop right now or else this dagger will pierce this Elf's cute face"

Kanito charged towards that man  in speed in an attempt to free Fiona, The man threw Fiona away  and attempted to stab Kanito in the face, Kanito evaded it skillfully, manoeuvred behind the man and jumped, the man turned his face around only to met a  mid air roundhouse kick from Kanito, right at the cheeck. The man fell flat on the ground , he tried to take back his dagger but Kanito stomped on the man's wrist

The three men crawled back, they realized they don't stand a chance against them

"You don't understand, you did a huge mistake ,  you will pay for this !"

"We will see about that later, let the law look after it"

"The law? Did you forget ? In a state of war, all laws are negated in a war"

"Negation of all laws does not give you any extra authority, it's just the absence of laws and not addition of unfair laws"

The representatives ran away unable to take over Riandro's shop, the man who took Fiona hostage, gave a glare to Kanito as they ran away.

"How can I thank you both, you saved my shop and you too Fiona, I can't thank you enough for calling them"

"No, it's fine, Im glad that your shop is alright, they disarranged the items, they are all over the place, they can be put back into their places though, let me help you Mr. Riandro"

"You will? Thank you Kanito yet again"

"Yuriel, this magic academy. What is this? Some sort of magic learning place?"

"It was the principal insitute of learning Sorcery , it deals with teaching   sorcerers to refine their hold over any  category of Sorcery"

"I see , what a generic fantasy world"

"By the way, check your terms , magic is the phenomena which takes place whereas  Sorcery is the act of performing magic, it's wrong to say 'learning magic' ,  'learning sorcery' is  more appropriate"

"I told you that I don't give a damn about the terminology, it's the same thing"

"No it's not, however I must mention that since the demon invasions started, Battle Sorcery is laid more emphasis on to recruit more sorcerers in army"

"Where is that located?"

"Adjacent to Saint Lucas Lake"

"Kanito, aren't you planning to go to the academy?"

"No Mr Riandro, why?"

"Wait, You want to join the Interuniversal Security Force right?

So isn't it compulsory to receive formal education from the academy in order to join the Interuniversal  Security Force?"

"Is it Yuriel? You never even mentioned it before"

"Well let's talk about it at home"

"Wait why?"

"Just come along...Alright have a good day Mr. Riandro and you too Fiona"

"But what about today's training, it's my final one"

"We will do it later on, it's already afternoon"

"So what?"

Yuriel sort of dragged Kanito out of there towards home , as if he wasnt comfortable talking about it, Kanito was confused.

"Why did you not tell me this before, I never heard you even mention it's name before , but why? If it wasn't for Mr Riandro I would've never known that going to the academy is compulsory to join the ISF"

"Well it is , but I don't want you to go there"

"But why?"

"Whatever I am teaching you is not enough?"

"It is, but will they accept me if I don't have a formal education?"

"They will, I will convince them"

"You will use your influence again?"

"If you have influence then why not use it? One should not hesitate to  use any kind of resource at his disposal to get their way out"

"All of this trouble won't even happen if you enrolled me there, oh wait, is the fees too much?"

"No, it has been made into criteria for joining the ISF only because its fees is very low, otherwise why should it be compulsory, besides I earn more than enough"

"Then why don't you enroll me there?"

"The quality of the academy has reduced greatly over the years, the teachers are not well versed with sorcery themselves, it's a waste of time and money, it's compulsory but I will talk my way out, there's no need to go there"

"But Yuriel, I wont be accepted in the long run , my enemies will probably use this as a pretext to plot something against me in the future"

"Plot against you? What are you? Some big politician?"

"Whatever you say , I want to join it"

"Why are you so eager to join it anyway ?" 

"If I don't meet more people then I will never know whom I am protecting and then I will never be able to give everything I got" 

"You are so stubborn, but you have to promise me that you will study hard and  most importantly,  not make any more enemies, the King already has his eyes on you"

"I promise"

"Alright, I'll register your name in tomorrow"

"Thank you so much Yuriel"

"Well...You have to promise me another thing"



Yuriel felt embarrassed saying this but he said it anyway, ofcouse he canot be caught saying soft things like this since he was in Kanito's presence , it was  easier tor him to say it.

"That...I will be...your favorite teacher"

Kanito laughed at Yuriel's innocence

"Don't think about it"

Next day, Kanito and Yuriel went to the academy for Kanito's admission in the academy. It is a huge estate with a Fountain  in between and  different concrete grass lined paths leading to different buildings and classes.

They arrive in Magic Academy's  Principal's office.

"Sir Pears, as you checked everything, is there any other paperwork remaining?"

"No, certainly not. Kanito Aramishi, Guardian : Yuriel, Current class : Tendus, Wing : Army,  Spells known : 6, standard weapon : Sword, that's all correct I suppose?"

"Yes they are"

"luckily new term is starting from next week so you can join from then"

"Alright Sir"

"Kanito, you  already have a rank in sorcery, mostly others start their journey at this academy from nothing, they build their very base here, but you are already in Tendus rank, you seem to have an edge over others, wont you get bored since the teachers will be starting with basics"

"I dont mind getting a revision sir"

"Great then, hope to see you from next week"


They walked out from the hallway towards the exit gate, a man was coming towards the office with a scroll in hand, Kanito and Yuriel passed by as you normally do when you see a stranger, but that man turned around and stared at them and said

"Wait, you two, aren't you those two from yesterday? The one I think I have seen both of you before"

"Yes we've seen you too but we have no intentions of talking to you"

"Wait, don't tell me that you enrolled in this academy"

"Yes I have"

"No, You can't you obstructed our work, I think sir is not aware of it, I will tell him right now"

Principal Pears who heard arguing outside, came out to check  and Interrupted ,

"What am I not aware of?"

"Si-Sir, this kid and this angel like man are the ones that stopped us from  taking over Riandro's shop,  this kid shouldn't be allowed here"

Principal Pears looked and went silent  for a while, he thought something and said

"It doesn't matter, Kanito qualifies as a student"

"But Sir that is clearly an enemy!"

"Go back to your work"

"But Sir, they hindered our work"

"Enough, I am a sane man and Iknow what I am doing"

"I'm sorry sir"

"Sorry for the troubles caused by my subordinates"

"It's okay, may I ask you something?"

"Yes Kanito is it something academic?"

"No, sorry for sounding insolent but were  you the one  who gave orders to remove Mr Riandro's shop?"

"Yes I was one but why?"

"Sir Pears you cannot legally do something like that"

"My apologies for the inconvenience caused but what does that have to do with you?"

"It would be great if you donot take such steps in future without any proper reason"

Yuriel could easily tell what was about to transpire next, just like Kanito made enemies with the King the first time he went out of his house, it would be better for Kanito to not be on the bad books of the Principal, so he interrupted,

"Kanito what does that have to do with you? If the academy desires so then who are we to stop them?"

"Yuriel what?"

"I'm sorry Sir Pears, Kanito can be a little rude sometimes but he is good at heart"

"Its okay I didnt mind, such behaviour is usual in this age"

"Fairwell then Sir"


Yuriel grabbed Kanito hands and left the academy, Pears with a smirk turned around and went inside his officed, he  said to himself 

"They are our enemy?How engrossing"