The Temple's Choice

In the meeting room of the Holy Azure Temple, Priests gather in Cinoplaza mansion.In between rather towards the end of the meeting, The Priests were interrupted by a messenger, he handed over a few magic scrolls to the Priests.

The Priests upon seeing the scroll turned pale, they got worried. Some priests face-palming, some looking at each other's face, others going through, replaying the magic scroll continously as they are still refusing to believe what seen in the scroll is true. Soon the Priests were joined by their temple's leader, Sylvan Ros Arches, all the other priests looked at him with dismay and hope.

"Priest Arches, you read these scrolls too right? what should we even do in this situtation"

"We need to cook up  some story  convincing enough to cover it, otherwise it will create panic in the masses"

"Has The Amahala expanded again Priest Arches?"

"Priest Arches, can God not guide us in a way?"

Priest Arches who recieved this scroll  beforehand knows that not all of this is true, he as the leader of the faction has the responsibility to ease the tension of his fellow priests

"Holy men, calm down ! Please donot make much noise inside this noise inside this mansion and this frustrated demeanour doesn't suit you"

"How can we calm down Priest Arches, the rumours which we hope are not true are not calming or hopeful at all"

"Dont be decieved  by this message, let me tell you all how dilute this message is, Firstly the Demons entering our world and Rehjar's space  intersection with  our world are all false. They are spread by the some pro demonic factions residing under disguise, The Lantern world's army  being pushed at the Northern  front  and the ceasefire at the edge of the  Human only world being broken are lies as well"

"What a relief"

"But then there are the Harsh Truths. The Demons now are invading from the south due to an unknown reason. The Magic outburst which killed more than a thousand elfs in the conquered Elf only  world are True"

"What? That is really sad, among all demon conquered worlds, the Elf world has by far been the most damaged one yet and now this"

"Great and now they are attacking from the south? As if this was not enough pain to deal with"

"But are you priests aware of the exclusive news which came directly from  Carman's Lab this morning?"

"No Priest Arches, what is it?"

"You will be delighted. Remember the news about Amahala expanding thrice in diameter recently?"

"Yes what's about that?"

"That was an even worse news. Its a good thing the public has no idea about it"

"You all  are right,but now, by the grace of the Science Research and Development Society, the Fairy world has finally created a portal which  connects us  to Amahala, they even said that if we cooperate they are willing to share this technology with other worlds"

"What a relief, that was such a relief"

"Indeed , so tell me holy men, amidst  this snowstorm does God not offer us a Cloak? There are  some fools who doubt  his plans we cant do anything about it"

"No heresy spoken. Priest Arches, I heard the Royal family is unstable, King Sarstin  has earned a bad reputation  in the world"

"Yeah and I heard that The Nichodian empire and Emirage are planning to remove Ashfelt as the representative of our world"

"The infamous Least successful Rescue team's commander, Yuriel, he has become an international joke in the world. Sarstin tried his best to silence this news but it will slowly spread to other nations eventually."

"My fellow Holy men, with this I conclude this week's meeting, Thank you all for joining and also sorry because I joined late, I was too busy and also I need to attend this year's  Anti Demon summit today, I must go on to  our Temple first and from there I will make my arrangements to join the Anti demon summit, Fairwell everyone"

"Fairwell Priest Arches"

"Fairwell everyone"

Sylvan left the room and with him other Priests started to pack their things up to leave, meanwhile in the royal court, in the dressing  room, maids help him dress up,

"Andreya, have you brought the red cloak?"

"Here it is, Lord Kuruth"

"Good, my Chariot will be here any minute"

Saratin who came down from his Hall, came by Kuruth's open room by the garden, he heard Kuruth talking about taking the Chariot so he asked him

"Are you going somewhere Kuruth?"

"Oh Father? You are here? Yes I am"

"Make your Chariot ready? Don't you have your swords class now? Where is your Swords trainer?"

"I told him not to come today"


"I am busy today, I will be going somewhere"

"What is that place?"

"The Anti demon summit"

"What...did you just say?"

"The Anti demon summit"

"I heard it well, I am asking why are you going there? I will represent the Royal family and not you"

"Not happening father, take rest"

"You Maids Leave, me and my son need to talk"

"Heard you Loud and clear My Majesty"

The Four maids leave the room giggling and talking to themselves.

"My God, He is so Handsome"

"Isn't he? I on purpose touched his face again"

"Ahh lucky you"

"What are you blushing for father? Those comments were directed towards me"

"Shut up I'm not"

"What are you here for father? You want to ask me something?" said Kuruth while fixing his hazel bangs, looking at the huge mirror in front of him.

"You are supposed to stay in the palace  and look after the inward affairs"

"Don't think about that, I have left it to Jaronair, he will take care of it"

"What do you mean? You're not supposed to be here in the palace, anyways where are you even going?"

"The Anti demon summit"


"The Anti demon summit"

"I heard that well, I will represent the Royalty in the summit not you?"

"Not happening father, take rest"

"What do you know?What are you going to do there?"

"And You? what are you going to do there? Get influenced by the other participants and take horrible decisions? Mess with this nation even more?"

"What  will you do? You cannot go there, it's not in the laws"

"Not in laws? When did laws even start to exist in this country and if they exist,  when are they obeyed"

"I have more experience than you and I know what to do, you don't know how hard it is to balance  the Royal Bureau and nobles"

"Then why don't you just sit at home and let me deal with all of it, because of your reckless nature, I was deprived of my childhood, I was trained about royal works by mother, only so I could clean after your mess, I will not let all that hardwork go in vain" 

"I understand that you are sad and worried about our nations future but you can not go there"

"Ah there, my chariot is here"

"Kuruth, Listen to me !"

"Not another word"


Kuruth left his room and entered garden  and then exited the Royal palace through the main gate,  Saratin glared at Charioteer as Kuruth sat inside the coach box,  Kuruth told the Charioteer to ignore the King. Sarstin followed Kuruth outside but before he can talk, the chariot took off while Kuruth looked at his father with daunting eyes.

"Ahh...this idiot...Sirrah? Sirrah?"

"Yes my majesty"

"Prepare my carriage now! I will leave for the anti demon summit right now"

"Your Vehicle is ready my Majesty"

"Great !"

"Tell me Majesty,where are we headed to"

"Saint's Estate"

In the Saints Estate, with time, everyone in the Anti Demon Organisation gather, It is Ashfelt's own organisation which discusses on how to keep  the demonic influence away from their country. The members of this Organisation are ofcouse the Royal family itself, The Noble families, the Magic Academy along with  the Holy Azure Temple.

The High Saint's Private Estate is a beautiful mansion with an enormous garden and a Fountain. This Mansion as the History books suggest, was  built by the Sixth  King of Ashfelt,as a tribute to  Saint Lucas. He who reformed the Internal workings of the Holy Azure Temple.

It's existence predates the Eurashian Revolution and is revered as a holy place as it serves as the burial of Saint Lucas.

"Oh King Sarstin is finally here"

"We were waiting for you father, why did you even come? It's not like your presence matters anyway"

"Kuruth shut up"

"I told Priest Arches to start the summit but he was generous enough to wait for you"

"Now now my Majesty, please have a seat, we will start right away"

"Thank you for waiting for me Priest Arches"

"Mr. Ionder, I can't see Mr. Nephnis or Mr. Zionsviel here? They usually are never late to our yearly summits"

"You are right Sir Pears, Mr. Nephnis wont be able to attend this year's summit, due to some personal reasons and as for Mr. Zionsviel, Mr. Tajid will you say?"

"He left the our organisation however only Priest Arches can confirm someone's entry or exit in this alliance"

"Yes they left our alliance, enemies of God !"

"I see, that was harsh"

"Anyways, let us begin  this years meeting, I request everyone  to stand up for a prayer to Saint Lucas"

All of them stood up and offered their prayers, after that they went inside the mansion in a conference hall to discuss this year's summit, First entered Priest Arches, followed by The Noble Ionder and Tajid who were followed by Pears.

At the end entered Sarstin and Kuruth. When Sarstin was about to sit down, Kuruth sort of ordered him "other than nodding and saying yes to what I say, you will do nothing". Sarstin for the first time felt afraid of Kuruth, he was on bad terms with his son but wasn't afraid of him which he was now, he sat down in fear of no idea what will transpire next