The so called 'Summit'

The Anti demon summit was in the midway and King Sarstin didn't speak anything till now other than supporting his son's ideas, he only nodded and went with the flow of the meeting as his son suggested.

While discussing about the economic conditions of the country, the nobles tried to target the Royal family. "The Ruling family is unfortunately dependent on the donations done by the Temple and from the Noble families, it is not in a stable condition" said Mr.Tajid, to which Mr. Ionder added "The Magic academy's low fees structure is another factor for the declining revenue generation of the country". Sarstin made a smiling face to hide his shame, he rubbed his both palms, then looked up and down, trying to come up with a way to divert the topic only be interrupted by Kuruth.

"Well, Mr. Tajid, you are an educated person and I would assume that you are well versed with Ashfelt's law system. It was established by the Founder of this country that in times of war, Noble families of the said time would have to surrender one third of their business. But none of you have complied by that law, may I ask why?"

"Kuruth, stop this insolence"

"Lord Kuruth,it's because, your father has also not complied with the Laws of our nation, he is supposed to treat refugees right, maintain and shape our external policies which clearly are not happening in his rule"

"I see, I'm sorry Mr. Tajid for sounding rude"

"Mr Ionder, as the representative of the Magic Academy, I can say, the comment you made about us is true, it really doesn't generate enough revenue to support Ashfelt's finance. However under King Sarstin's rule, Soldiers are being recruited at a very high rate which never happened before"

"Everything has two sides to it. Nothing comes free, there's always an exchange of something of an equal magnitude"

"And that is why Mr. Ionder, I don't see any reason you and Mr. Tajid trying to target the Royalty and The Magic academy"

"Lord Kuruth, everyone else, I don't know how you all can argue among yourselves even after hearing the news about Amahala which I shared with you"

"There's nothing to worry about Amahala we are now connected to it, aren't we?"

"Mr. Pears, you dont get it, It's still a bad omen, even though I fully trust God's plans"

"You are again there, blabbing about your God"

"Kuruth, soften your words !"

"Young Lord, even though I am a non believer like you, but I still will never hurt someone's belief"

"I'm sorry Mr. Pears I couldn't hold myself"

"King Sarstin, unlike you, Lord Kuruth is a staunch non believer. You are a frail and boring person while your son is a verile and robust man, why do you two have nothing in common? Is he even your son?"

Ionder said this jokingly, while others laughed, the ones with decency like Pears quickly held their laugh in, only showing a mild smile. Priest Arches was silent but Tajid and Ionder were laughing like lunatics. "So this is what happens in this summit every year ? This is what father has to go through every year and yet he always wants to come back here? The so called Anti demon group more like Anti Sarstin group" Kuruth said to himself.

"Mr. Ionder, you don't have to say it like that?"

"Well it's nothing wrong though Sir Pears, I said nothing wrong, Queen Shaoruth would say the same if she was present"

"Mr. Ionder, have you lost your mind?"

"No, now you're going too far, stop it and can you focus on the summit"

"I'm sorry Priest Arches, I just cannot stop saying the truth when I start"

"Enough of it"

"Yes Mr. Ionder, Queen Shaoruth was a better administrator than Sarstin, the tribal girls never disappoint"

"Mr. Tajid, you forgot to add 'bloodstained' should've said 'bloodstained tribal girl' instead"

The nobles kept on ridiculing Sarstin and his family. An angry man would rise up and slap the hell out of anyone who dares deride his family.

A clever man would leave the scene immediately without a word displaying his irritation while also making it clear that he doesn't engage in talk with the likes of his carpers.

A dignified man will retaliate back with a straight face showing that he is not an easy prey.

But Sarstin, unlike any of the aforementioned men, sat there, like a frivolous, unschooled man, still like statue, only sipping his wine time to time to distract himself, looking down, he knows he is helpless, he canot anger the Nobles even if they do go too far as they have now.

Priest Arches was sitting there annoyed beyond words, facepalming.Pears sat there not knowing whose side to take now. But Kuruth, he had enough

"Well Mr. Tajid, the joke was good"

"Wasn't it? Uhh..I think we went too far, don't mind me though"

"No it's fine"

"But I didn't get your description of my mother vividly, will you take the pain of showing it to us rather than just explaining?"

"Huh? What do you mean Lord Kuruth?"

Kuruth got up, looked at Tajid in his eyes, the next moment, grabbed his glass aggressively, splashed the wine right at Ionder's face !

Everything went silent for a second, it felt like an eternity, Sarstin couldn't believe his eyes ! The cruel and non stop flow of surfeit possibilities of what will transpire next flooded his mind all at once, his brain was unable to keep a track of all of them, he just shouted his son's name out loud.

Pears, beyond shocked, however came back to his senses, thanking himself silently that he didn't side with the Nobles. Tajid shouted at Kuruth and tried to Protest but Kuruth hurled the hard empty glass at his face,the glass fell down and broke, Tajid's forehead was bleeding, his face got covered in blood

"Mr. Ionder, Mr. Tajid, bloodstained did you say? Did she look like that?"

There sat the two reddened men, one with wine soaked robe and other with a blood dripping face, the maids who heard the noise of the breaking glass hurried into the room with medicine to treat Tajid's wound.

"Lord Ku..leave it, Kuruth ! You Royal brat"

Sarstin grabbed his son's hand and said "If you don't want to feel Hell then Apologise immediately". Kuruth who had nothing but rage in his eyes, nothing but pure rage. He let go of his father's grip. Sarstin tried to bring Kuruth under control,

"Why did you do it?"

"Mr. Tajid, isn't it natural to react to hate Like this?"

"You can't do it, brat. Sarstin, you didn't teach your son any etiquettes"

"I can not express how sorry I feel, I ask your forgiveness, have mercy on my wretched son oh Nobles"

"It's unforgivable !"

Ionder, all of a sudden, took out his dagger from his waist belt and tossed it towards Kuruth.

"Kuruth ! Look out"

Kuruth noticed the flying dagger directed at him, he glared at the knife,the knife in mid air, burned, the ashes of the dagger fell down on the table between them before it could pierce Kuruth's face.

"Don't talk crap about my mother ever again". By saying that, Kuruth left the room.

Sarstin followed Kuruth outside shouting his name and begging him to come back and apologise. Priest Arches discontented by the bizarreness that took place in this Holy mansion left the hall by another door only saying "St. Lucas, have mercy on these uncouth infidels"

In the Nephnis mansion, arrived the man of the house upon hearing the news of the injury of his son. Mr. Nephnis who just arrived, sweating, tensed, angry.

"Sirrah? Sirrah?"

"Yes Master, you arrived, Young master and Mistress were waiting for you"

"I know that, send three cups of tea immediately, to Tierro's room"

"Won't you have your lunch first? It will turn cold"

"You will use a heating spell then, I don't care, I need to meet Tierro"

"As you say"

Nephnis went hurriedly towards Tierro's room upstairs to find Tierro on bed and his wife by his son's side.

"Oh my boy, what a peasant like condition you are in"

"Dad, you are here finally?"

"Oh dear why did you arrive so late? What slowed down your journey?"

"The traffic in the Aunick's strait, even a Noble like me had to bear it"

"Dear, I told you to ditch this Archipelago country, I even have Emiragian citizenship, this ugly nation is draining my beauty"

"Mom, you are more concerned about yourself, even though I had to go through all this"

"Well you kind of deserved it, why did you have to mess with that Elf ? We have more beautiful girls lying around here than there"

"She was cute though"

"Well stop you two , Tierro, I had my Anti demon summit today back in the Captial island but I dropped it, came all the way here, only to see you, you have still not recovered?"

"Dad, I told you not to lend money to the elf, to take it back, I had to go all the way to the capital island and had to share the same breathing air with,uhh....commoners"

"Be a little considerate of me too son, I spend most of the year in the Capital island with commoners, dont you know how it pains me to stay away from my family? Anyways, did you get the money back?"

"Yes the money came yesterday, but that elf, Fiona is her name,she hired some goons, I sent you word through the messenger"

"Yes I heard this, those goons,those goons were none other than the angel man and the rebellious boy right?"

"Yes, I didnt know this back then but after I heard this whole news about 'the least succesful rescue team officer' and the news of this 'rebellious boy', I can say that the boy who hit me was that 'rebellious boy'. I dont know why that boy and that 'least successful officer' were together"

"Yeah, I see. Did you inform the Magic Academy that you won't be able to join the first few classes due to this injury?"

"No I didn't , it pains me to think that I will have to go back to the Capital island to attend that Academy again and also why would I pain my hands or my mind to write one, just inform Pears in his mind sphere with mind chain spell"

"Yes I will"

"That idiot rebellious boy, my poor Tierro, I told you not to be around those of the capital island"

"I will not be at home from the next week, because of that stupid Academy's stupid new term is starting"

Dear, did you plan some revenge on him? Why don't we make the royal guards arrest him?"

"Well will that work? Our dear son made a move on that elf first, to be honest, Tierro is in the wrong here"

"Dad, I'm right here, in this state, on this bed, you're saying that we can't accuse him?"

"Honey, your dad is going mad with age, we can just accuse him of Noble assault, he already is on bad terms with the King and the judicial structure is a joke anyway"

"Well do you two know why the guards who went to arrest this 'rebellious boy' couldn't arrest him?"

"I heard the orders were withdrawn but I don't know why that happened though"

"The Kings son, Kuruth was the one who withdrew those arrest orders"

"Oh dear !"

"What dad really? It was Prince Kuruth who withdrew those orders?"

"Yes Tierro, did it make you feel better"

"What a great rivalry between Father and son of the Royal family, huh clowns, ouu, ouu, ouuch and my back, still hurts from that fall I took, but dad you need to do something about it"

"I will son, don't think I will let them go, they will pay for it"

"They? Only they? This whole nation will pay for it"


"Dear, since you came back home after so many months, will you stay for a week or two?"

"I can't say for sure"

"Dad, why?"

"Tierro, I have work to do in the mansion, that is another reason why I came back"

"You spilled the truth finally, you're not here for me?"

"I didn't say that, take rest"

Nephnis left the room along with his wife. Nephnis a bit relieved that Tierro is not in a state as he imagined him to be in. His wife, happy that her husband returned and the family can be together again but still upset because he said he has no surety of staying in the Northern island. Tierro however commented to himself

"I'm looking forward to meeting Fiona again" with a sinister grin on his face