The Purple Petals

The First day of the new term of the Magic Academy began and was greeted by a bright sunny morning. The Academy's facade was adorned with floral patterns and magical glowing items and a banner hovered over it containing the emblem of the Academy : A flower with four purple petals. The long illuminated Pavillion built in the centre of the garden where all students mostly gathered was richly festooned with prestigious magical inscriptions and had walls where hung paintings of highly revered Sorcerers.

As soon as Principal Pears took the stage for a speech, the students in the building promptly queued and rose to attention while students loittering elsewhere breezed inside. Kanito fixed his unbuttoned navy blue blazer and took his hands out which were tucked in the trouser's pocket and stood in the que.Principal stood on his podium and started a speech.

"Future Sorcerers, welcome to the esteemed halls of the Purple Petals Academy, be proud as you stand on the threshold of this nation's most respected and renowned institute of sorcery. I encourage everyone of you to unlock every door that comes in your way with courage and awe. Embrace the life energy inside you, make it bend to your will and move the world with it"

Kanito showed scant interest in the oration as he hates the usage of grandoise words. His gaze aimlessly wandered through out the surrounding.

Pears noticed his disturbed eyes and in between his speech added a line "Bear this boring speech with me you all" Kanito knew very well that it was directed at him, his attention returned to the podium as the students giggled. The speech ended soon with the principal guiding the teachers below the stage in picking up their classes.

There were Four rows in the army department with four teachers. The row in which Kanito was standing was a class assigned to Miss Laurel, A tall woman of short blond hair and red eyes wearing a long white jacket. Pears told the teachers to take the students to their classes. One by one the rows left the Pavillion with their respective homeroom teachers. The row of Kanito followed Laurel out of the Pavillion to the inner building.

The group of students went to the second floor and entered a wide classroom on whose door was engraved 'A-3' it was a medieval brown classroom with wooden chairs and shelves with different books in them, it had two sides with an aisle in between. Kanito didn't bother to sit with the popular kids on the left side, he chose the side along the windows and sat in the first row. A few seconds after he sat down, he felt a tap on his shoulder,he turned around and saw a known face,

it was Fiona who was sitting behind him.

"Fiona? You?"

"Hey, Kanito, I didn't know you come here too"

"This is my first day, are you new too?"

", I joined a few months ago and the new term came along a few months after my enrollment"

"Oh I see, I'm glad to see you here Fiona"

"I'm glad you are here too, I feel at home now"

"Why? Weren't you comfortable before?"

"No, it's not that, I just.."

Before Fiona could finish, Laurel who was speaking to another teacher, entered the class, Students stood and greeted their teacher and sat down.

"Hello students, a very good morning to you all, I am Miss Laurel, your homeroom teacher for this term, hope you all will work hard, the Army Department demands more hardwork than any other department since on your shoulders lies the safety of our country and our world from demonic invaders"

Among the diverse applications of Sorcery, the branch that deals with application of magic in War and military purpose is dealt by the four classes of the Army department.

"I will be taking your basic's class and other classes will be taken by teachers whom you will meet with as the day goes on"

A student sitting in a carefree posture among the popular kids on the left side of the aisle spoke in a loud and casual tone

"Hey, Miss Laurel, when will your class start?"

"According to your weekly routine, I don't have a class with you today"

"So bad, who the hell makes these routines"

"Lower your tone in class"

Kanito turned his head towards them and saw that the student is none other than Tiero.

"Excuse me? Are you telling me to watch my tone?"

"Yeah, who else is talking like you?"

"Is this shining badge invisible to you?"

Tiero pointed at a green badge on his collar, the green emerald badge is a symbol of nobility in Ashfelt. Normally if you watch someone owning an emerald badge like that, you would not want to mess with them but Miss Laurel didn't care. She said with no hesitation.

"No, it's perfectly visible, it is greener than your eyes, you went through so much pain to acquire it"

An emerald badge isn't bestowed upon a person for their merits, they are simple symbols of nobility which are passed down to any descendant of any Noble family. Tiero understood the irony and got angry. He slammed his feet on the table.

"Huh? What is this gesture?"

"What? I just asked who the hell makes these routines, what is the problem?"

"You can not talk like that"

"O yes I can"

Kanito sitting on the other side had enough, he stood up. "Stop your nonsense !" was screamed at Tiero by Kanito. Tiero turned his head at the right and looked at Kanito who and saw Kanito.

"My oh my ! Looks like we have a hero here, oh wait, you are? That boy? The rebellious boy?"

"Yeah, the boy who taught you a lesson remember? What's your name though?"

"Tiero is my name, Tiero Nephnis, I told you to remember it, you aren't an obedient dog it seems, what's your name?"

"Its Kanito Aramishi, I didnt feel it was necessary to remember your name, anyways if you let Miss Laurel speak, the class can proceed smoothly"

Tiero added nothing to it only his smirk was seen to be vanishing, he pulled his feet down from the table and looked down in a somewhat serious mood. Kanito sat down as well. Miss Laurel could've questioned both of them for their behavior but she realized that it would only eat up the class's time so she didn't.

The school day proceeded and Kanito met new teachers and their way of teaching. Their poor way of teaching and knowledge of Sorcery was apparent to him, he could tell that he was already on par with the teachers, their way of teaching was far inferior to Yuriel's, Yuriel was right, the quality of teachers has surely degraded over the years. Kanito got a chance to speak with Fiona in recess, they walked through the garden and sat on the ledge of the fountain.

"Fiona, you never told me that you go to this academy"

"That question never came so I never got a chance to,did you join the academy so that you can join ISF?"

"Yeah, even though Yuriel's teaching is far better"

"I agree, it is either that these teachers don't know anything or they just don't care"

"I already learned everything that is taught so far in one single lesson from Yuriel. You? What about you? Why did you join it?"

"I joined because my mom forced me to, it's true that I had a knack in magic before but she doesn't understand that we are refugees now and paying the fees is challenging"

"Did you join Mr. Riandro's shop to afford the fees?"

"Yeah, the fees may not be that high but still for refugees like me, it's quite difficult to make ends meet"

Ofcouse he knows how Fiona feels, unknown to Fiona is the fact that Kanito is also a refugee, the difference was that Kanito was taken in by a great man like Yuriel otherwise he would've ended up in a situation worse than Fiona's. Kanito held Fiona's hand.

"When you have a dream, chase it, if you don't run, you will not see what awaits you beyond the finishing line"

"I'm afraid, what if I fall ?"

"Don't birds trust their wings when they fly? Don't they trust the wind? They do right? They know they will fly if they flap their wings, so don't give up before you even start"

"When I know that I will fail, why would I even start then?"

"Who told you that you will fail? Probably no one told you that other than yourself"


"Nothing can stop you other than your own will, rewards are always found at the end of the race, the rewards are less in number and are harder to achieve because there are few who find it, why not be one of those?"

Kanito hates dramatic speeches but it was clear to him that people in this world donot consider it embarrassing rather they find it motivating and inspiring.

Fiona's hollowed heart filled up with newfound courage which was clear from the genuine smile she flashed. Kanito noticed that unlike their previous meetings, Fiona's speech has become clearer and that she spoke more than before. This time, she really felt at home.

Yuriel was in Tenshire, one of the major cities in Ashfelt and also the city where the Ashfelt's Military Headquarters are located. He is the General and the Chief Instructor of the Ashfelt's army. The long strategy meeting ended and the Generals, strategists and other higher ups left the conference building. Yuriel was invited to stop by at an Inn by his best friend Ribero, a tall man with dark blue hair and sharp black eyes.

They entered a dimly illuminated tavern, soft music was played by the magical radio player, wooden tables and chairs everywhere with waitresses roaming around. The place reeked of alcohol and meat which made Yuriel cover his nostrils in disgust, but still the smell came and went in circles since fruity fragrance was emitted from the magical vents attached on the walls.

"Two mugs of beer and two lambs"

"Right now gentlemen"

"'am, only one beer and a glass of water please"


"Ma'am? Seriously Yuriel? Why one beer?"

"I'm not into liquor you know that"

"But come on, today too? It's my treat. The meeting went so well and looks like my days of becoming a General is close and when that happens, who knows? Maybe I will become a senior officer in ISF's rescue team"

"Celebrating too soon aren't we?"

"Ahh, no, why are you like that all the time?"

"It's good that you're moving ahead in life but splurging is something I dislike, and you should have control over alcohol"

"Ah, okay Mr. Saint, I won't break your purity"

"How is Stella ? I heard she changed schools?"

"She's doing alright, she turned 7 a few days ago, yeah I enrolled her in a school closer to our place and as you mentioned it.."

Ribero took out a small iron trove and placed it on the table and slided it to Yuriel's end and pointed at his lid telling him to open it, he opened it and saw uncountable silver coins.

"There's a total of 300, don't worry, I will pay back the rest 200 Quasars in a few days"

"When did I tell you that I'm worried?"

"No, it's just that doesn't feel good to.. you know..borrow"

"I told you that it's okay, if it means Stella can study, I would happily lend you money, I know that since Mrs. Clider passed away, things have been tough for you"

"Thank you Yuriel"

"Don't mention it"

The food came in and they started tearing apart the soft, juicy and dark red flesh and by 'they' only Ribero is meant, Yuriel being the 'gentleman' he is, cut the sizzling red meat and held it with a fork and ate without making any munching noise. Ribero said as he grinded the meat

"The finance council said that the military expenditures will be increased meaning that our salaries will be reduced"

"I guess so, if you know and understand all that then stop wasting money behind things you cannot afford and also stop setting a bad example for Stella"

"Its fine, its fine, don't worry, I don't drink infront of her"

"The last time I saw her, she came with you, waiting in the play area in the town nearby. When our meeting was over, she was asking and looking for you everywhere"

"Oh no, don't start that one"

"you were so loaded that I told her that her beloved elder brother was still at the meeting"

Ribero laughed out loud and people around him watched, he guzzled his beer and ordered another as old memories came back to him, only Yuriel tried to stop him saying that it is embarrassing and he is never coming out to eat with him ever again.