St. Promius' Lake

Stepping out of the Hoffman residence, Kanito once again stared at the orange sky suspiciously and quickly caught a few glimpses of the overall vibe and atmosphere of the Rose Park Street and it's inhabitants. Cornheil was seen to be talking with some gentlemen of his age, he handed them over the manuscript he signed earlier.

"Ahh.. that must be the carriage dad arranged." Aerian pointed to an elegant open-roof carriage, it's sleek, curved body was painted in turquoise and had a deep black lining.

Cornheil bid the gentlemen goodbye and turned towards his son and his new companion,"Kids, make sure you send me a message after you reach there, okay?"

"Yeah yeah dad, we will send a smoke signal if we see a snarling dragon." Showing a languid smile, Aerian grasped the handle and swung into the carriage, settling into his seat. He tucked his leg under him and leaned back.

'Aerian thinks he is being cool, he really should respect his father more.'

"Umm... where is the driver, Mr. Hoffman?" Kanito asked politely.

"Well he is..." Cornheil showed a playful smile as he pointed to a man infront of him, he was wearing the standard uniform of a driver, as any coachman of Luge would wear in his working hours : a crisp navy blue coat adorned with brass buttons.

"Now now, is your business over?" Cornheil aksed the coachman. The man was buying a bouquet of yellow and white flowers. In this world, white was the considered the colour of love and yellow symbolized loyalty.

"Your anniversary cannot get any better, Milano," Cornheil chuckled, "Better hurry."

The warmth of the scene added a smile on Kanito's and Aerian's face. "How romantic, O Lord Love !" As it was expected, Aerian left a teasing remark.

Kanito grasped the door-handle to pull himself up on the carriage, he looked at Aerian expecting that he would proffer a hand. However, as soon as he extended his hand, he saw that Aerian's expressions changed very rapidly and oddly. His smile vanished, the glee receeded and he crossed his arms as if it was freezing cold outside.

'Atleast lend a hand like a gentleman, will you?'

Thinking that Aerian might get more annoyed, Kanito seated himself on the upholstered seat at a distance from him.

The coachman, Milano, quickly paid the florist four tarze and sheepishly got inside the driver's seat, keeping the bouquet in a safe place exposed to sufficient air.

Before the carriage took off, Cornheil looked at Kanito and said with troubled expressions, "You really want to get involved with mythology? Your parents really allowed this?"

Earlier, an almost overwhelming desire to survive and blend in flooded his mind, giving rise to determinination and resolve.

These desires were also the driving forces behind Kanito involving himself with mythology, he thought that having access to those supernatural abilities will increase his chances of survival in this unknown world. However, Kanito was too quick to make a decision, but there were no seemingly convenient ways to turn back now.

"Yes they have, Mr. Hoffman." Kanito said naturally without any hesitation as he shrugged off the previous melancholy. However, a thread of fear now began to weave its way into his mind.

Milano cracked the whip and the carriage lurched forward. Kanito caught one last glimpse of Cornheil and before flashing a warm smile, he noticed that Mr. Hoffman's expressions grew even more somber as the distance between them increased.

Suddenly, both Kanito and Aerian felt a subtle yet uneasy feeling. Both of their attentions were absurdly drawn away from the scene of the city as it was seen from the carriage. As if the world itself didn't want itself to reveal to them. The outside world seemed motionless and dormant.

Ignoring the strange feeling, Kanito averted his eyes and pondered, 'Why was Mr. Hoffman so concerned about me? Was it because he got to know that I am an "inhabitant" of a world they honour, or are the consequences truly that dangerous?' Kanito once again clutched the mysterious candle in his robe's pockets.

Aerian who was still crossing his arms, smiled and questioned, "So you are from Ashfelt?" A mix of jealousy and mockery was seen in his face,"The archipelago with four primary islands divided as zones, with all control currently being in the hands of Eurashio royal family while the Nephnis, Iansvern, Tajid and Zionsviel noble families having partial control over random zones in certain islands. Even if you are commoner, people would adore you if they knew about you, but if you happen to be from one of those snobbish families, people might as well declare you the king of this nation."

'Nephnis? Wait, isn't that the surname of that chamberlain who accused me that day? His name was... Marcus Nephnis! Ofcourse I remember that name.' Kanito gritted his teeth when he remembered the one who gave him the criminal tag.

He calmed himself down and was about to ask a question but got interrupted by Aerian's inquiry, "From your looks, it doesn't seem like you are from the tribal Red Island or anywhere in the eastern stretches of the nation. You carry more off an elegant and noble aura. From which part of Ashfelt are you? The royal capital Tunicster I suppose?"

Kanito smiled pensively at Aerian's question, 'If I told you that I am from Earth, would you believe me? You will probably just stare at me thinking what new world that is. I think I have to use a little bit of my imagination here.'

Kanito's mind wandered back to the several fantasy novels he had read on Earth, he thought about a protagonist and recalled his backstory. Using that, he crafted a nice narrative, "I'm from Bakerheim. I hate to disappoint you, but no, I'm not a noble. I find it ludicrous that you got a 'noble aura' from me. Anyways, I don't have much memories of my childhood and whatever memories I had left weren't worth preserving. I am the eldest among my siblings and my mother works tirelessly every day for us to scrape by. As for my father, whenever I try to imagine about him, I only see a man with a blurred face. I don't think much about him actually."

'I am so dramatic.' Kanito covered his face as he couldn't help but let an embarrassed smile slip.

But the humourous mood faded away as he saw Aerian's bored and indifferent eyes.

Kanito at this very moment realized a striking difference, 'Wait... what even made me a refugee in the first place? The demon invasions ! Not once did Aerian or his father mention the demon invasions, Why? I remember what Yuriel said very vividly, he said that demons are a mysterious race whose origins remain oblivious. They have unleashed a full scale "war" on every world, shouldn't that be a global issue that should concern the inhabitants of this world as well? I should wait and let Aerian speak.'

"What's troubling you?" Aerian's voice cut through Kanito's reverie.

"I'm very new to this world, can I ask you some questions?" Kanito responded hesitantingly.

"Ask me, I'll mislead you if I find fun." Aerian smiled softly.

Returning a smile back, Kanito asked, "What is this country and what city are we in, what is the political structure of this country?"

Aerian's face lit up with a proud grin as he declared profoundly, "Behold, my friend! You are now within the majestic borders of our beloved motherland, Luge. Nestled in the southeastern quadrant of the Central continent. To the west lies the realm of Raygurd, while sharing a mountanious border with Simia in the north, in the north-east lies the Storm Kingdom, and the isle of Saulgor lay afloat in the southern waters of the Holy Sea. And, if I may be so bold, you are presently ensconced within the opulent confines of a carriage driven by Lord Love, gracefully traversing the historic streets of the city of Siyoto."

'Whether he is being patriotic or sarcastic remains a mystery to me.' Kanito assumed a respectful yet joking expression, however one thought again lingered on his mind, it made Kanito question, "What is the danger posed by mythology? I somewhat forgot about it."

Aerian was confused by the fact that Kanito wasn't aware of the peril but still was "interested" in mythology anyways. However he simultaneously thought that informing him about the dangers will scare him away in the final moments so he sugar-coated, "It's nothing, people like my father exaggerate it and give non-mythologers a wrong idea. It's just that people who become mythologers just have to be a little more... responsible."

Kanito was about to ask more questions, but suddenly, he and Aerian were jolted by an inexplicable feeling, as if they were enclosed in a bubble that just popped. Their attentions were no longer drawn inward and they haphazardly casted glances around their surroundings with newfound awareness.

"There you go, St. Promius' Lake." The carriage slowly came to a stop and Milano let go of the reins. Kanito and Aerian exchanged a glance and slowly exited the vehicle. Kanito beheld the sacred scenery.

The valley floor was a gentle, virid expanse of yellow and brown stones with wildflowers swaying in cool breeze. The deep and warm orange light trickling down from the sky added to its essence. The Sun Temple dedicated to the Sun God Akhmis perched atop a small peak, oversaw the depression below. The place was filled with chants, prayers and praises from the followers.

Aerian smiled as he inhaled the fresh air of the valley, "I was Baptized in this lake as well. I remember this place."

'This god of the sun, Akhmis, is most probably a very renowned deity, look at the crowd of the pilgrims. I mean isn't it very obvious? Even on Earth, the deities who personified sun held significant places in their respective pantheons. I guess that is the case in this world as well.'

Milano tipped his hat and handed Aerian a small, intricately carved wooden case containing a scroll.

"Your father has told you to meet up with the Light Baptist here, he must be inside the temple." Milano said sincerely.

"Yeah, his name was... Lucius." Aerian said with a straight expression.

"Priest! Priest Lucius, sir. Don't forget to use the honorary titles here, not everyone is as forgiving as your father." Milano said with concern. "I must go now and inform your father about your safe arrival. Is there something you want to tell your father?"

"Wait..." with a serious face, Aerian thought deeply for a brief moment and said, "Tell him to arrange for a royal meal when we return."

Milano cracked a laugh before driving away, "I will !"