Chapter 24: Meet the cast of Orochimaru

Chapter 24: Meet the cast of Orochimaru


Survive the Chūnin Exams: 

Reward one level 


Ghosts: Save at least 5 people who die during or (semi-)before the Chūnin Exams. 

Reward: 3 Revive charges. 


Twisted Fate: Gain the trust of Orochimaru. 

Reward: one level 

Bouns: Trust of his subordinates. 

Major subordinates (Kabuto, Guren, Kimimaro. And ,,,: One free skill 

Lower subordinates = 50 pints 


[Day 1]

The next day, Malik woke up early, filled with renewed energy and determination. He put on his apron and headed to the makeshift kitchen he had set up in the chamber. The aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering stew filled the air, a testament to his culinary prowess.

Kabuto comes walking in, "Your job is to feed all the subjects of Orochimaru this includes the . . ."projects" in the lower base, you will do this every day, until your 7 days are up and Orochimaru decides to throw you away," she says walking away without giving him any directions most likely hoping he would get lost. Too bad for her his skill already mapped out the entire base for him, he knew where all the rooms were but not what there meant for.

"You're cute when you're bossy," he says to Kabuto as she leaves.

 Kabuto raises an eyebrow at Malik's comment but says nothing. Instead, she turns and leaves the room, leaving Malik to tend to his culinary duties.

As Malik begins preparing the meals for the day, he reflects on the tasks ahead of him. Feeding all of Orochimaru's subjects will be no easy feat, but Malik is up to the challenge. He knows that every meal he prepares could be the difference between life and death for these individuals, and he takes his responsibilities very seriously.

He begins by gathering all the necessary ingredients for the day's meals. As he moves through the chamber, he takes note of the various rooms and passageways, memorizing their locations for future reference.

Finally, he arrives back at the kitchen and begins preparing the first meal of the day. He opts for a simple yet hearty stew, made with fresh vegetables and tender chunks of meat. As the aroma of the stew fills the air, the doors to the kitchen slowly open, and in walks a group of ninjas. Malik recognizes them from the Chūnin Exams:

Dosu Kinuta with Kin Tsuchi and Zaku Abumi as his teammates. Yoroi Akadō and Misumi Tsurugi followed them.

In the heart of Orochimaru's base, the kitchen was alive with the sound of sizzling and the aroma of spices. At the center of it all was Malik, his focus entirely on the dish he was preparing.

As he stirred the pot in front of him, the kitchen door swung open. The first to enter was Dosu Kinuta, his bandaged face and the large, conical device over his ear making him instantly recognizable. He paused at the doorway, taking in the sight of Malik cooking.

Malik looks up to meet his eyes(eyes), "Yo, wha sup," he says.

Next came Kin Tsuchi, her long, brown hair tied in a ponytail. She looked surprised to see Malik in the kitchen, but a small smile played on her lips as she moved to join Dusu at the table.

"I don't have to cook for them anymore," she says, giving Malik a good look.

"Like what you see angle," he says winking at her.

"You wish," she says with a blush, turning away.

Following closely was Zaku Abumi, his silver hair and bandaged arms standing out. He raised an eyebrow at Malik and Kin, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Fair, warning, she's a total Bitch," he says getting a glare from Kin.

"Who said I didn't like that," Malik said while looking straight at Kin a soft smile playing on his lips, Kin only blushed more while trying to keep eye contact.

The door opened again to reveal Yoroi Akadō, a tall, burly figure with a mask covering his face. He carried a bag of groceries, setting them down on the counter with a nod at Malik.

Lastly, Misumi Tsurugi stepped in, his lean figure and slicked-back hair completing the group. He held a stack of plates and utensils, ready to set the table.

Malik greets them with a friendly smile, "Hello there, I'm Malik. I'll be your chef for the next week." He serves them each a bowl of the hearty stew, watching as they dig in with relish. They seem to enjoy the meal, and Malik feels a sense of satisfaction.

 "How ya'll like my food," Malik asks them. Dosu Kinuta is the first to speak up, "This is delicious! I haven't had a meal like this in a long time." The others nod in agreement, their mouths full of food.

Misumi Tsurugi adds, "Yeah, this is really good. Where did you learn to cook like this?"

Malik grins, "I've been cooking for a long time. It's a passion of mine."

Kin Tsuchi looks at Malik with newfound respect, "Well, you're definitely good at it. Keep it up, and maybe we'll let you live past your week."

Zaku Abumi chuckles, "Don't listen to her, she's just grumpy because she lost the last sparring match."

Yoroi Akadō chimes in, "Ignore them, Malik. Your cooking is much appreciated here." "You're going to make me blush," he says, "now who wants to help me clean up, I'll give them a special treat as a reward." As Malik offers to let someone help him clean up in exchange for a special treat, he looks around the room, making eye contact with each of the ninjas. They all seem to consider his offer for a moment before Dosu Kinuta speaks up. "I'll help you," he says, standing up from his seat.

Malik nods and hands Dosu a dish towel. "Alright, let's get to work. The sooner we clean up, the sooner you can have your treat."

Together, they work efficiently to clean up the kitchen, with Malik giving Dosu instructions on how to properly wash and dry the dishes. Dosu seems to appreciate Malik's teaching style and listens intently, asking questions whenever he's unsure about something.

Once they've finished cleaning up, Malik pulls out a small container of his famous cookies from his pocket. He offers them to Dosu with a smile. "Here you go, a special treat for all your hard work. I hope you enjoy them." Dosu's eyes widen in excitement as he takes the container, eagerly opening it to reveal the cookies inside.

"Wow, these look amazing! I can't wait to try one," he says, taking a bite of a cookie. His eyes light up in delight as he chews, savoring the flavor. "These are so good! You're an amazing cook, Malik," he says, praising Malik's culinary skills.

The other ninjas gather around, curious to see what the fuss is about. Malik offers them each a cookie, and they all take a bite, their faces lighting up in pleasure as they taste the delicious treat.

"These are incredible! How did you make them?" Kin Tsuchi asks, her eyes were wide with curiosity.

"It's a secret recipe," Malik says with a wink. "But I can tell you that it involves a lot of love and care."

The ninjas nod in understanding, impressed by Malik's culinary skills. They thank him for the cookies and go back to their rooms, leaving Malik alone in the kitchen.

As Malik looks around the room, he realizes that he has made a good impression on the ninjas. He knows that winning over Orochimaru's subordinates is an essential step towards gaining her trust.

He thinks to himself, "Maybe I can use this to my advantage and gain their trust as well. After all, they are the ones who will be fighting in the Chūnin Exams."

Now it's time to feed the Sound Ninja Four, this should be fun.

The aroma of the freshly cooked meal wafted through the corridors of Orochimaru's base as Malik carried a tray laden with food. His destination was the quarters of the Sound Ninja Four and their leader, Kimimaro.

As he entered the room, he found the Sound Ninja Four in their usual formation. Jirobo, the largest of the group, was sitting cross-legged on the floor, his muscular frame a stark contrast to the slender Kidomaru who was leaning against a wall, six arms folded across his chest. Sakon and Ukon, the inseparable twins, were whispering to each other, their heads close together.

In the center of the room, separate from the others, sat Kimimaro. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the dim light, and her calm, stoic demeanor set her apart from the rest. Her spine-length hair was as white as bone, a chilling reminder of her deadly bone-manipulating abilities.

Malik cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "I've brought food," he announced, setting the tray down on a nearby table. The room was filled with a momentary silence as the ninjas took in the sight of the steaming dishes.

Then, one by one, they moved towards the table. Despite their intimidating appearances and reputations, there was a sense of camaraderie among them, a bond forged through shared experiences and battles.

As Malik serves the food, he notices Tayuya sitting in a corner of the room, her flute resting beside her. Her fiery red hair is hard to miss, and her sharp eyes are focused on the food. Despite her usually abrasive nature, she seems to appreciate the meal, a small nod of approval directed at Malik.

As Malik watched them eat, he couldn't help but feel satisfaction. He was in the heart of enemy territory, serving food to some of the most dangerous ninjas in the world. Yet, in that moment, they were just people, enjoying a simple meal together. 

"Hello there, I'm Malik. I'll be your chef for the next week." Kimimaro looks up at Malik with her cold, calculating eyes. "I know who you are, Malik," she says in a low voice. "You're at least one of the richest men on the continent and infiltrated Orochimaru's base. What brings you here?"

Malik swallows hard, feeling a chill run down his spine. "I'm here to cook for all of you," he says, trying to sound confident. "Orochimaru has given me a week to prove myself, and I'm determined to make the most of this opportunity."

Kimimaro raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Is that so?" she says. "Well, we'll see how long you last. But for now, I suppose we could use a good meal."

The other members of the Sound Ninja Four nod in agreement, and Malik begins serving them bowls of steaming hot stew. "Well, I'm glad to be so popular, especially with some as beautiful and Kimimaro, but let us not forget the pretty redhead, Tayuya." he says winking at them both. Kimimaro raises an eyebrow at Malik's comment, but her expression remains unreadable. Tayuya, on the other hand, rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath. The other members of the Sound Ninja Four chuckle, but they seem to appreciate Malik's attempt to lighten the mood.

As Malik serves the rest of the food, he notices that Kimimaro is watching him intently. He can't quite figure out what she's thinking, but he knows that he needs to stay on her good side if he wants to survive in Orochimaru's base.

Once everyone has been served, Malik takes a step back and watches as the ninjas dig into their meal. They seem to enjoy the food, and Malik feels a sense of pride. He has managed to win over some of them, even just alittle. As Malik observes the Sound Ninja Four, he notices that Kimimaro remains quiet, seemingly lost in thought. Malik decides to approach her, hoping to gain her trust and learn more about Orochimaru's plans.

"Kimimaro, I couldn't help but notice how calm and composed you are. May I ask you a question?" Malik asks politely.

Kimimaro looks up at Malik, her cold eyes meeting his. "What is it?" she asks curtly.

"What brings a skilled and powerful ninja like you to serve under Orochimaru? Is it her research, or is there something more?" Malik inquires, trying to hide his curiosity.

Kimimaro hesitates for a moment, contemplating whether or not to answer. Finally, she speaks. "Orochimaru has something that I want. Something that will allow me to fulfill my true potential, he is my master" she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

Malik nods, understanding the gravity of her words. "I see. Well, I hope that you find what you're looking for. And if there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask," he offers sincerely.

Kimimaro looks at Malik with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Why do you care?" she asks bluntly.

Malik takes a deep breath, weighing his words carefully. "Because I believe that everyone deserves a chance to reach their full potential, no matter the cost. And if I can help someone like you achieve that, then I consider it a worthwhile endeavor," he explains, his eyes locked on Kimimaro's. Kimimaro nods, a glimmer of respect in her eyes. "I appreciate your sentiment, Malik. But remember, not everyone shares your view. Orochimaru is a powerful and dangerous individual, and she will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. Be careful not to get caught in her web."

Malik nods, taking her words to heart. "Thank you for the warning, Kimimaro. I'll keep that in mind."

As the night wears on, the Sound Ninja Four finish their meal and go their separate ways. Malik is left alone in the room, deep in thought. He has made progress in winning over Orochimaru's subordinates, but he knows that the real challenge lies ahead. He must continue to prove himself to Orochimaro and gain her trust if he wants to uncover her plans and save the Village Hidden in the Leaf and Grass.

With a tray laden with food, Malik descended into the depths of Orochimaru's base. The air grew colder and the atmosphere heavier as he made his way down to the cells. The faint sounds of the occupants echoed off the stone walls, a chilling reminder of the base's darker purpose.

As he reached the cells, he saw faces pressed against the bars, eyes wide with a mix of surprise and hope. These were Orochimaru's test subjects and prisoners, people who had been taken against their will. Despite their circumstances, they managed to muster weak smiles as Malik approached with the food.

He moved from cell to cell, offering each occupant a portion of the meal. Some reached out eagerly, while others hesitated, their trust was hard to earn. But Malik's gentle demeanor gradually won them over, and soon enough, the once silent corridor was filled with the sounds of grateful murmurs and quiet eating.

Among the prisoners, Malik met Gen'yūmaru, a man with a distinctive appearance due to Orochimaru's experiments. His body was covered in a pattern of black lines, a stark contrast to his pale skin. Despite his fearsome appearance, Gen'yūmaru was surprisingly soft-spoken and polite. He thanked Malik for the food, his gratitude evident in his eyes.

As Malik was about to leave the cells, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the prisoners. He knew he couldn't change their past, but he was determined to do whatever he could to help them in the present. Gen'yūmaru looks at Malik with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. "I didn't expect to see a new face down here," he says, his voice quiet but steady. "Especially not one bringing us food. It's been a long time since anyone showed us kindness."

He pauses, studying Malik for a moment before continuing. "You're different from the others here. I can see it in your eyes . . . and clothes. You're not here for power or immortality. You're here because you care."

His words hang in the air, a simple truth that resonates with Malik. Gen'yūmaru then offers a small, sincere smile. "Thank you, Malik. Your kindness won't be forgotten." Malik meets Gen'yūmaru's gaze, his expression sincere. "Everyone deserves kindness, no matter their circumstances," he replies. "I may not be able to change what's happened to you, but I can at least make your present a little more bearable."

He pauses, then adds, "And as long as I'm here, I'll do what I can to help. You have my word on that, Gen'yūmaru."

His words echo through the cell, a promise that brings a glimmer of hope to Gen'yūmaru's eyes. Despite the grim surroundings, there's a sense of camaraderie in their exchange, a shared understanding that resonates deeply with both of them. After hearing Malik's words, Gen'yūmaru gives him a nod of appreciation. He then turns his attention to the food Malik brought, beginning to eat with a newfound sense of hope. Despite the grim circumstances, the simple act of sharing a meal seems to lift his spirits.

While eating, Gen'yūmaru also shares some of his experiences and knowledge about the base, providing Malik with valuable insights. He speaks in a low, careful voice, ensuring their conversation remains private.

Once he finishes his meal, Gen'yūmaru thanks Malik once again. "Your presence here has already made a difference, Malik," he says. "Thank you."

With that, Gen'yūmaru retreats to the back of his cell, giving Malik a respectful nod. Despite the harsh reality of his situation, it's clear that Malik's kindness has given him a glimmer of hope

 Malik made his way to the showers, needing a good wash. Entering naked he saw Kabuto Yakushi her back to him. Not knowing this was a co-ed shower Malik tried to mind his own business until she spoke to him.

Kabuto turns around, noticing Malik's presence. She raises an eyebrow, seemingly amused by his expression of surprise. "Oh, I didn't realize I had company," she says, a smirk playing on her lips.

Malik quickly turns away, trying to maintain some semblance of modesty. "I, uh, didn't know this was a co-ed shower," he stammers, feeling his cheeks grow hot.

Kabuto chuckles softly. "Yes, well, Orochimaru isn't exactly one for traditional gender norms. But don't worry, I won't bite… unless you ask me to," she adds with a wink. 

Caught off guard by the unexpected encounter, Malik quickly gathers his composure. He decides to handle the situation with grace and respect, acknowledging Kabuto's comment with a nod. "I'll keep that in mind," he replies, maintaining a polite distance.

"Did you want me to wash your back?" Malik asks her, turning around no longer shy, and taking a good look at her body.

As Malik turns around and looks at Kabuto, he sees a tallish and slender woman with short, dark hair and piercing green eyes. Her body is toned and muscular, a testament to her training as a ninja. She has a few scars on her body, hinting at the battles she has fought and survived. Despite being in the shower, she still has a serious and focused expression on her face, exuding a sense of determination and strength. Her wet hair sticks to her head and her body glistens under the water, making her look even more formidable and captivating.

Kabuto raises an eyebrow at his suggestion, a smirk playing on her lips. "Well, aren't you bold," she says, her voice teasing. She turns around, presenting her back to him. "Alright then, if you insist."

He grabs the soap and begins to lather her back, his hands moving in slow, gentle circles. Kabuto's muscles tense up at first, but as he continues to wash her, she begins to relax. He can feel the tension in her body slowly dissipate, replaced by a sense of calm and tranquility.

As he washes her, he can't help but notice how smooth and soft her skin is. He feels a strange sense of intimacy between the two, but he brushes it aside, focusing instead on the task at hand.

Once he is done washing Kabuto's back, she turns around to face him.

"Malik," she says, her voice softer now. "I must admit, I didn't expect such kindness from you but it's going to get you killed." She looks at him with a thoughtful expression, as if considering something. "You're an interesting person, Malik. I'll be keeping an eye on you."

Malik nods, meeting her gaze. "I appreciate that, Kabuto. And I hope to prove myself worthy of your attention."

With that, Kabuto turns off the water and steps out of the shower. Malik follows suit, grabbing a towel to dry off. As they get dressed, Kabuto speaks up again.

"I heard about your interactions with Kimimaro. You're making progress, but be careful. Orochimaru's subordinates are not to be underestimated." Once she's done, Kabuto dries off and dresses in her usual attire. She then resumes her duties, her mind already focused on the tasks ahead. Despite her playful demeanor, Kabuto is a dedicated and formidable ninja, always ready to carry out Orochimaru's orders. The encounter with Malik, while unexpected, doesn't seem to faze her. If anything, it adds a bit of intrigue to her day, a reminder of the unpredictable nature of life at the base. As Malik walks through the halls of Orochimaru's base, he can't help but feel a sense of unease. The air is thick with tension, and he knows that any misstep could mean his demise. But he also feels a sense of purpose. He is there to gather information and gain the trust of Orochimaru's subordinates.

He makes his way to the training area, where he sees several ninjas sparring with each other. Among them is Kimimaro, who catches his eye. She is a formidable opponent, and he knows that if he can gain her trust, it will go a long way in furthering his goals.

As he approaches her, she turns to face him. "What do you want?" she asks, her voice cold and unyielding. "You look kinda sick," Malik tells her. Kimimaro raises an eyebrow at his observation, her expression unreadable. "Sick?" she repeats, her voice barely above a whisper. "I assure you, I am in perfect health."

He nods, taking a step back. "I see. Well, I just wanted to check on you. You seemed a bit off during our last conversation," he explains, trying to sound sincere.

Kimimaro studies him for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly. "I don't need your concern," she says, her voice sharp. "But I appreciate the gesture."

She pauses, then adds, "I have been preoccupied with some matters. It's nothing for you to worry about."

He nods, understanding the gravity of her words. "I understand. But if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know," he offers sincerely. Kimimaro looks at him with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Why do you care?" she asks bluntly.

He takes a deep breath, weighing his words carefully. "Because I believe that everyone deserves a chance to reach their full potential, no matter the cost. And if I can help someone like you achieve that, then I consider it a worthwhile endeavor," he explains, his eyes locked on Kimimaro's.

Kimimaro nods, a glimmer of respect in her eyes. "I appreciate your sentiment, but you've already said that."

He nods, taking her words to heart. "Find me, so we can talk about your condition." "When you are ready," he says walking away. Kimimaro watches as he walks away, her expression thoughtful. He can sense that she is considering his offer, but he also knows that she is fiercely independent and unlikely to accept help easily. Still, he is determined to build a rapport with her, even if it takes time.

As he moves through the base, he notices a group of prisoners huddled together in a corner, their eyes filled with fear and sadness. They are the victims of Orochimaru's experiments, and he knows that they have suffered greatly. Despite their circumstances, however, he also sees a glimmer of hope in their eyes, a hope that he might be able to help them.

He approaches them cautiously, not wanting to startle them. "Hello," he says gently. "I'm Malik. I brought you some food."

The prisoners look up at him in surprise, their eyes widening in disbelief.A young woman with long, unkempt hair and a slender build speaks up. "Food? Really?" she inquires, her voice quivering with emotion.

Malik nods, presenting the tray of food to her. "Yes, really. I understand it's been hard, and I want to assist however possible."

The woman accepts the tray with hesitation before distributing it among the others. They consume the food with eagerness, their faces showing deep appreciation.

While they dine, Malik engages them in conversation, discovering their histories and the events that resulted in their captivity. He listens with care, providing words of support and optimism when possible.

In spite of the dire circumstances, Malik feels a profound sense of fulfillment from delivering a measure of solace and happiness to these individuals. "One day down," he says to himself while watching them.