Chapter 25: Making the rounds

Chapter 25: Making the rounds

[Day 2]

On the second day at Orochimaru's base, Malik wakes up early. With a sense of purpose, he starts his day by preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Despite the tension in the air, he remains focused on his mission, using these small acts of kindness to build trust and rapport with the inhabitants of the base. His actions, though simple, are a beacon of hope in the grim environment.

Instead of waiting for them, Malik goes to find them starting with the lower-level ninja, Dosu Kinuta, Kin Tsuchi, and Zaku Abumi along with the others.

As Malik headed down, he found their rooms(cells) and started to hand out food for them. "Here all go darlyns," Malik said in a country accent.

Dosu Kinuta and Zaku Abumi look up as he approaches, their expressions wary at first. But as he offers them the food with a warm smile, their expressions soften, and they thank him. He noticed that they seemed to be in high spirits today, perhaps due to the meal the provided yesterday.

As he moves on to the next cell, he hears Dosu Kinuta call out to him. "Oi, you! The one who brought us food yesterday. What's your deal?"

He turns to face him and replies, "I'm just a traveler passing through. I wanted to do something kind for all of you."

Dosu narrows his eyes, studying you for a moment before nodding. "Well, I appreciate it. It's not often we get treated so kindly here. What's your name again?"


Walking to the next cell, Malik finds Kin Tsuchi there training, so focused she doesn't notice him at first.

 "Do you always train so hard?" Malik asks her, putting her food on the floor and pulling out a towel for her face, "Here," he says while handing her the towel. Kin Tsuchi stops her training abruptly, startled by his sudden appearance. She looks at him with surprise, then at the towel in his outstretched hand. "What's this for?" she asks, her voice laced with suspicion.

"It's just a towel to wipe your face. You're working hard, and I thought you might appreciate it," Malik explains, keeping his tone friendly and non-threatening.

Kin Tsuchi hesitates for a moment, then takes the towel from him. "Thanks," she mutters, wiping the sweat from her face. "You're not like the others here. Why are you being so nice to us?"

Malik shrugs. "Man, what were all your lives like for people to keep saying that to me and the reason is Why not? Everyone deserves a little kindness, don't they? Besides, I have my reasons for being here. And I believe that treating people with respect is the best way to earn their trust. Also, I find you very cute" Kin Tsuchi looks at him thoughtfully for a moment before nodding in understanding.

Kin Tsuchi raises an eyebrow at his comment, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. "Cute, huh? Well, I appreciate the compliment but don't get any ideas. I'm not one to be trifled with," she says, her tone light but firm.

Malik nods, understanding her boundaries. "Of course, I respect that. I'm just here to help and make things a little easier for everyone."

Kin Tsuchi nods, a glimmer of gratitude in her eyes. "Well, I appreciate it. It's not often we get treated so kindly here. Thanks for the towel and the food," she says, offering you a small smile.

 "Have you maybe any gains in training?" Malik asks leaning against a wall. Kin Tsuchi approaches Malik, her expression troubled. "My training has hit a wall lately," she admits, her voice filled with frustration. Malik listens attentively, understanding the importance of her training.

"I can offer some help if you'd like," he suggests, his tone sincere. Kin looks surprised, but there's a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "I would appreciate that," she replies, her voice softer.

Wanting to ease her stress, Malik heads to the kitchen and prepares a snack for her. He returns with a tray of freshly made rice balls, their aroma filling the air. "Here, have a snack. It might help clear your mind," he says, offering the tray to her.

Kin takes a rice ball, a small smile appearing on her face. "Thank you, Malik," she says, her gratitude evident in her voice. As she takes a bite, He's not only helping her with her training but also building trust and rapport with her. It's a small step, but an important one in his mission at Orochimaru's base. "You know those are special, when you eat them it makes you stronger," he tells her. Kin Tsuchi raises an eyebrow at his comment, but she doesn't seem skeptical. Instead, she takes another bite of the rice ball, savoring the flavor. "Really?" she asks, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Yes, really," Malik replied with a smile. "I put a lot of care and effort into making them and maybe just a pinch of magic. And I believe that food can be a source of strength and nourishment, both physically and emotionally. And that is a genuine Super Snack."

Kin finishes the rice ball and looks at him with newfound respect. "I never thought about it that way," she admits. "But I can feel the difference already. Thank you, Malik."

He nods, pleased to have made a positive impact on her day. "You're welcome, Kin. I'm glad I could help."

As he turns to leave, Kin speaks up again. "Wait." She hesitates for a moment before continuing, "Would you like to train with me? I could use the help, and I think it would be good to have someone else to spar with."

Malik nods, grinning. "Of course, I'd be happy to. Let's get started."

The two of them move to an open area and begin their training session. Snapping his fingers two illusions of Kin appear, "I'm not a fighter but these should be more than enough." Malik tells her, allowing the clones to approach her.

 Kin Tsuchi looks surprised for a moment, but she quickly regains her composure and readies herself for the sparring match. She lunges at the first clone, striking it with a powerful punch. The clone disappears in a puff of smoke, but another one takes its place immediately.

Kin continues to fight fiercely, her movements swift and precise. Malik observes her technique, offering pointers and encouragement when necessary. He notices that she tends to favor her left side, so he suggests some exercises to improve her right side strength and agility.

After a while, Kin begins to tire, her movements becoming slower and less precise. Malik notices this and calls for a break. "Great job, Kin. You're doing really well," he tells her, offering her a bottle of water.

Kin takes a sip, breathing heavily. "Thanks, Malik." She looks at you with gratitude in her eyes. "I never thought I'd have someone to train with here. You've been a big help."

You nod, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I'm glad I could assist you, Kin. Just doing my part to make things a little better around here."

As you continue to train, you can't help but notice the change in the atmosphere around you. The once tense and hostile environment has been replaced by a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. The other ninjas start to take notice, and soon they are joining in on the training sessions.

Dosu Kinuta and Zaku Abumi approach you, their expressions no longer wary but curious. "Hey, Malik. Can we join in too?" Dosu asks, his voice friendly.

You nod, smiling. "Of course, Dosu." Malik focusing on Kin. Malik takes note of Kin's strengths and weaknesses, and offers her advice and guidance on how to improve. He focuses on building her confidence and encouraging her to push beyond her limits.

As they train, Malik notices that other ninjas are starting to take notice. Dosu Kinuta, Zaku Abumi, and even Yoroi Akadō are watching them with interest. Malik can sense their curiosity and suspicion, but he remains focused on his task. As Malik finishes training with Kin, he sees the other ninjas watching them. He approaches them with a friendly smile, holding out a tray of the rice balls he made earlier. "Hey there, I made these for you guys too," he says, offering them the tray.

Dosu Kinuta and Zaku Abumi look at each other before stepping forward to take some. Yoroi Akadō stays back, watching Malik carefully. "Thanks," Dosu says, taking a rice ball and eating it. "This is really good."

Malik nods, pleased. "I'm glad you like it. I believe that food is a powerful tool for building trust and rapport, and I hope to use it to help us all get along better."

Zaku Abumi grins. "Well, you're off to a good start."

Malik, carrying a tray of food, makes his way further into the base. His destination is the quarters of the Sound Four, a group of elite ninjas loyal to Orochimaru. Despite their reputation, Malik approaches them with the same kindness and respect he has shown to everyone else in the base. He knows that building trust with them is crucial to his mission. As he arrives at their quarters, he greets them warmly and offers them the food he has prepared. His actions continue to foster a sense of camaraderie within the base, slowly transforming the once-hostile environment.

As he approaches the Sound Four's quarters, he can feel the tension in the air. These ninjas are known to be some of Orochimaru's most loyal and deadly subordinates. But he reminds himself of his mission and his purpose for being here. Taking a deep breath and knocking on their door.

After a moment, Jirobo opens the door, his expression wary. "What do you want?" he asks gruffly.

Malik holds out the tray of food with a warm smile. "Hello, Jirobo. I brought you and the rest of the Sound Four some food. I hope you like it."

Jirobo raises an eyebrow, taken aback by your unexpected kindness. "Thanks," he mutters, taking a rice ball from the tray. "But why are you being so nice to us?"

("It is almost like these people can be tortured, abused, and experimented on their entire life.") Malik thinks to himself.

"Because I want to, now scooch over," Malik said walking into the room. Taking a lot around he saw everyone but Tayuya present. Kimimaro noticed this and she decided to tell him that he was in her room.

"Which one is hers?" Malik asks Kimimaro.

Kimimaro points towards a door at the far end of the room, a small smirk playing on her lips. "That one," she says, "But be careful, she's not one to be trifled with."

Malik nods, understanding the warning. He approaches Tayuya's door cautiously, taking a deep breath before knocking. After a moment, the door opens, revealing Tayuya with a scowl on her face. "What do you want?" she snaps.

Malik holds out the tray of food with a friendly smile. "Hello, Tayuya. I brought you and the rest of the Sound Four some food. I hope you like it."

Tayuya raises an eyebrow, taken aback by your unexpected kindness. "Thanks," she mutters, taking a rice ball from the tray.

"Why are you alone?" He asks her. "Because I want to be . . .," she answered her face sporting an impassive expression.

"I get that but you still seem just a little too lonely, maybe the company of another person is a little much but . . .," Malik said putting his hand to his chest.

Grubgrub popped out in their pink ball form, turning into a baby bird learning to sing. Malik walking over leans down to to meet her face while she's on her bed and hands her the small pink baby bird.

"You can sleep with Grubgrub, tonight . . . to have some company." He tells her with a soft smile.

Tayuya looks at Malik with a mix of surprise and suspicion, but she doesn't push Grubgrub away. Instead, she studies the small creature for a moment before setting it down gently on her bed. "Thanks," she mutters, her voice softer than before.

As Malik leaves Tayuya's room, he can feel the tension in the air beginning to dissipate. The Sound Four may be dangerous and deadly ninjas, but they are also human beings, and his kindness seems to have touched them in a way that nothing else has.

Later, Malik makes his way down to the cells again to feed the prisoners. Feeding them hot bread, meat, and clean water. He talks to Gen'yūmaru, handing him something special.

"When you eat these, they will slowly make you stronger, I don't know the conditions of your stay here besides this, but eat all of them, I bring more, tomorrow," Malks said to him handing him more than PLENTY of super snacks.

Gen'yūmaru takes them, seeing the look and fire in Malik's eyes, nodding in thanks.