Chapter 26: suspicious activity

Chapter 26: Suspicious Activity

[Day 3]

Waking up for the 3rd time, Malik got started on the day's food when he heard the kitchen door open.

In walked Kin Tsuchi.

Kin Tsuchi enters the kitchen, a hint of exhaustion etched onto her face. Despite this, she maintains a certain level of poise and dignity as she moves towards Malik. She seems to be surprised by his early presence, but quickly recovers, offering a small nod in greeting.

"Malik," she says, her voice steady and calm. "I didn't expect to see you up so early." Malik returns the nod, a friendly smile on his face. "Good morning, Kin Tsuchi. I figured I'd get an early start on the day's meals. It's the least I can do, considering everything you've all been through." Kin hesitates for a moment, then speaks up. "Malik, may I ask you something? It's about your intentions here." Kin looks at Malik expectantly, her eyes searching his face for any signs of deception. Despite her exhaustion, there's a determination in her gaze that's hard to ignore.

"Of course, Kin. You can ask me anything," Malik replies, keeping his tone light and open. He continues to chop vegetables for the morning meal, glancing up at her occasionally to maintain eye contact. Kin takes a deep breath as if steeling herself for what she's about to say. "Why are you really here, Malik? Why are you being so kind to us? It's not every day that someone like you comes along, willing to help us without any expectations. I can't help but be suspicious of your motives." Malik pauses in his chopping, looking at her directly. "I understand your skepticism, Kin." He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "I'm here because I believe that everyone deserves a chance to be treated with dignity and respect, no matter their circumstances. I'm not affiliated with the organization that's been holding you all here, and I have no desire to harm you in any way. In fact, I want to help you however I can."

Kin studies Malik's face, searching for any signs of deceit. After a few moments, she seems to relax a little, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "I want to believe you, Malik. But it's hard, after everything we've been through. Can you understand that?" Malik nods, empathizing with her feelings. "Of course, Kin. I can't imagine what you've all been through. But I assure you, my intentions are pure." Malik continues, "I'm not asking for your trust right away, but I hope that over time, I can prove to you that I'm someone who truly wants to help. I'm not here to judge you or to use you in any way. I just want to provide some kindness and support in whatever way I can."

Kin looks at Malik for a few moments, considering his words. She then nods slowly, a look of understanding crossing her face. "Alright, Malik. I'll take a chance on you. I want to believe that there are still good people in this world, and you seem to be one of them. But I'll be watching you, and if I see any signs of deceit, I won't hesitate to defend myself . . . meaning you die" Malik smiles, grateful for the opportunity to prove himself. "Thank you, Kin Tsuchi. I find out flirting fun," he says giving her a wink. "I'll make sure to grab you something nice today when I'm out," Malik tells her. Kin Tsuchi raises an eyebrow at Malik's response, but can't help but chuckle slightly. "I suppose I can't blame you for trying," she says, a small smile on her face. "But I'm not easily swayed by flirtatious comments, especially in a situation like this."

Malik holds up his hands in a playful surrender. "Fair enough, fair enough. I'll keep that in mind." He turns back to the vegetables, continuing to chop them with a renewed energy. Kin watches him for a moment, then speaks up again. "Malik, can I ask you something else? It's about my training. I've been making progress, but I feel like I've hit a bit of a wall. Do you have any advice for me?"

As Malik stirs a pot of soup, he notices Kin Tsuchi watching him. He smiles at her and says, "You know, Kin, cooking and training have a lot in common."

Seeing her curious expression, he continues, "Both require patience, focus, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. In training, as in cooking, it's important to understand the basics before trying to tackle more complex techniques. Just like how you can't make a good soup without knowing how to properly chop vegetables or simmer broth, you can't improve your ninjutsu without mastering the basic skills first."

He adds, "And remember, it's okay to ask for help. Just like in this kitchen, we're all part of a team in the training field. We can learn a lot from each other."

Finally, he hands her a bowl of soup and says, "And don't forget to take care of yourself. Good nutrition and rest are just as important as rigorous training. A well-rested and well-fed ninja is a strong ninja."

Kin nods, taking his words to heart. As she sips the soup, she can't help but feel a renewed sense of motivation for her training. Malik's advice, much like his cooking, has given her food for thought.

Kin Tsuchi takes the bowl of soup from Malik, a small smile on her face. "Thank you, Malik. I'll keep that in mind." She takes a sip of the soup, savoring the flavors. "This is delicious, by the way. You're quite the chef."

Malik grins, appreciating the compliment. "Thank you, Kin. I'm glad you like it. Cooking is just one of my many talents."

As they finish their breakfast, Malik and Kin continue to chat about various topics, from training techniques to their favorite foods. Despite the circumstances that brought them together, there's a sense of camaraderie between them that feels genuine and comforting.

After they finish eating, Malik begins to prepare for his daily outing to gather supplies.

Before that, he needed to check on Tayuya with Grubgrub.

After setting everything up in the kitchen, Malik made his way down. As he approached Tayuya's door, he could hear the sound of birdsong coming from inside the room. He knocked gently, and after a moment, the door opened to reveal Tayuya sitting on her bed with Grubgrub perched on her shoulder.

Tayuya looked up as Malik entered, a small smile playing on her lips. "Hey, Malik," she said, her voice softer than usual. "Grubgrub seems to like you." Malik returned her smile, feeling a sense of warmth in his heart. "I'm glad," he said, walking over to them. "I brought them some birdseed to eat. I thought they might like it." Tayuya nodded, taking the birdseed from Malik. "Thanks," she said, pouring some into a small dish. "I'll be leaving for some shopping soon, did you want to come along," Malik said while taking a look at her outfit. "Because honey those clothes aren't doing you any favors," he said looking at her up and down. Tayuya's face remained straight but the slightest blush appeared as she said, "These are the only clothes I have, and I don't think Orochimaru would love for any of her "bodyguards" to leave without permission." Malik smiled at her, "That's why we're going to sneak you out and do it well" Tayuya sat on her bed still holding Grubgrub, "I still think that's a bad idea." As they both continued to discuss the plan, Malik couldn't help but notice the spark in Tayuya's eyes. Despite her reservations, she seemed intrigued by the idea of getting out of the base, even if just for a little while. Malik reassured her that they would be careful and that they would return before anyone noticed she was gone. After a few more minutes of persuasion, Tayuya finally agreed to join Malik on the shopping trip. Malik knew Tayuya for her unique style that reflected her tough and rebellious personality. If Malik were to take her shopping, she might be drawn to clothes that matched her edgy aesthetic.

She might opt for clothing that is both practical and stylish, suitable for a ninja but with a touch of individuality. This could include fitted cargo pants, combat boots, and band-style t-shirts or tank tops. She might also be drawn to accessories that complement her style, such as leather bracelets or choker necklaces.

In terms of colors, Tayuya might prefer darker shades like black, deep red, or purple, which align with her character design in the anime. However, it's important to remember that these are just suggestions based on her character in the series, and the most important thing is that she feels comfortable and confident in what she wears. As Malik and Tayuya made their way through the market, Malik couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He had never taken one of Orochimaru's subordinates on a shopping trip before, and the experience was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

Tayuya, for her part, seemed to be enjoying herself as well. She tried on various outfits, while Malik was laughing and joking as he offered his opinions. Despite her tough exterior, she had a playful side that emerged as they explored the market together. As they browsed the racks, Tayuya's eyes lit up as she spotted a black leather jacket. "This is perfect," she said, trying it on. The jacket fit her like a glove, accentuating her toned arms and fierce demeanor. "It looks great on you," Malik told her, meaning it. "How about we get you some underwear, I have a feeling you're lacking some or any," he said to her. Tayuya raised an eyebrow at Malik's suggestion, but she didn't protest. Instead, she selected a few pairs of practical yet stylish underwear and added them to the pile of clothes she had chosen.

As they continued shopping, Malik noticed a small shop that sold various accessories, including jewelry and hairpins. He suggested checking it out, and Tayuya agreed. Inside the shop, they found a variety of elegant hairpins that would suit Tayuya's style. She selected one with a silver dragonfly design, which matched her personality perfectly. After paying for the clothes and accessories from the terrified shopkeeper who didn't expect them to pay, Malik and Tayuya made their way back to Orochimaru's base. Along the way, they talked about various topics, from her training techniques to Maliks favorite foods. As Malik walked back into the base, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction from the successful shopping trip with Tayuya. They both had a great time, and he could see a different side of her - one that was playful and lighthearted and not the killer music demon.

He made his way to the kitchen, and Kin Tsuchi was already there, waiting for him. She saw the bags in his hand and raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her face. "Looks like you had a good time," she said. "We did," Malik responded, holding up the bags. "I got some supplies, and I picked up a few things for Tayuya as well but I also got stuff for you." Kin's expression went wide when he mentioned Tayuya but softened, and she nodded. "I do deserve something," she said. "What did you get me?" Malik agreed and started unloading the supplies. He pulled out a bag of rice, some soy sauce, and a variety of fresh vegetables.

 Malik reaches into the bags they brought back, pulling out the items he picked out for her.

First, he presents her with the hair accessories. "Considering your long hair, I thought you might appreciate these," he says, handing her a beautiful violet ribbon and other hair ornaments. "They're similar to the one you often wear."

Next, he reveals the fashionable ninja gear. "Given your unique style, I thought you might like these," he says, showing her a new vest, snake-patterned clothing, and a stylish new forehead protector. "They match your aesthetic."

Finally, he gives her the books on genjutsu. "Given your proficiency in genjutsu, I thought these might be useful," he says, handing her the advanced genjutsu technique books. "They could be both practical and thoughtful for your training." 

Kin looks at the gifts, a hint of surprise in her eyes. It's clear that Malik has put thought into choosing items that she would appreciate and find useful. His actions continue to foster a sense of camaraderie within the base, slowly transforming the once-hostile environment. "How did you get a book on genjutsu," she asks blushing and running her hands over the gifts.

"Don't worry about it," he said winking at her.

She grabbed her hair pulled it in front of her, and took off the old hair accessor, Malik walked up, and brushing her hair with his hands, he clipped on the new one.

Afterwords their eyes met and they stared at one another for a while close enough for their breaths to meet.

"You . . . smell nice," she said to him looking into his pink eyes.

"I know . .," he said stepping back and taking out the rest of the ingredients.

Kin's eyes lit up as she saw the ingredients. "These will be perfect for making dinner tonight," she said. "I can't wait to see what you come up with."

As Malik started cooking, thinking of the shopping trip with Tayuya and the positive interaction with Kin. These small moments of connection were helping to build trust between him and Orochimaru's subordinates, and he hoped that they would ultimately lead to valuable information about her plans. However, he also knew that he must remain vigilant and focused on his mission. Orochimaru was a formidable enemy, and he could not let his guard down, even for a moment.


"So it true then," Orochimaru said to Kabuto in a very evil and dark-looking lab

"It seems so, the food has properties that somehow enhance their ability, if I'm being honest, even my own mind is clearly somewhat improving, not by much but it seems to stack over time," Kabuto said.

"Start keep a closer eye on him," she said