Chapter 36: Forest of What ?!

Chapter 36: Forest of What ?!

Malik decided to ignore Amora for now, that was a lot to swallow and he needed time to adjust to so much.

Spending the rest of the Night with Neji, he stayed at her house for a while before heading home because he knew the Chūnin Exam second phase was tomorrow. Lots of Death.

As the first part of the Chūnin Exams concludes, Malik finds himself walking alongside the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, and Danzō Shimura. Their destination is the location of the second part of the exams.

The atmosphere is tense with anticipation. The second part of the Chūnin Exams is known for being more challenging and demanding, pushing the young shinobi to their limits. Malik, despite not being a shinobi himself, can't help but feel a sense of excitement. He's eager to see how the participants will handle the upcoming challenges.

Hiruzen and Danzō lead the way, their expressions serious. They discuss the upcoming part of the exams, and their conversation is filled with strategic considerations and predictions. Malik listens attentively, gaining insights into the complexities of the exams.

As they arrive at the location of the second part of the exams, they are greeted by the sight of the young shinobi, their faces a mix of determination and apprehension. The second part of the Chūnin Exams is about to begin, and everyone can feel the weight of the moment.

Malik, Hiruzen, and Danzō take their places, ready to observe the next stage of the exams. It's a significant day for all of them - a day of competition, growth, and potential. And as the second part of the Chūnin Exams begins, they watch with anticipation, ready to witness the young shinobi's trials and triumphs.

As they settle into their viewing area, Hiruzen turns to Malik, his gaze thoughtful. "The second part of the Chūnin Exams," he begins, "is known as the Forest of Death."

He pauses for a moment, allowing the ominous name to sink in. "It's a survival test," he continues, "where teams must navigate through a dangerous forest filled with wild animals and deadly traps. The goal is to reach the tower located in the center of the forest."

Hiruzen goes on to explain the rules. "Each team is given either a Heaven or Earth scroll at the beginning of the test. The objective is to obtain both scrolls by any means necessary, including fighting other teams. Once a team has both scrolls, they must make their way to the tower."

He looks at Malik, his expression serious. "It's a test of their survival skills, teamwork, and decision-making abilities under pressure. It's not just about strength, but also strategy and resourcefulness."

As Hiruzen finishes his explanation, Malik nods, understanding the complexity and intensity of the second part of the Chūnin Exams. He knows that this stage will push the young shinobi to their limits, testing not just their abilities, but also their resolve and determination.

As the second part of the Chūnin Exams is about to begin, Anko Mitarashi, the proctor for this stage, steps forward. Her presence commands attention, her confident demeanor reflecting her status as a skilled jōnin of Konoha.

Anko begins to explain the rules of the Forest of Death, her voice echoing throughout the area. "This is a survival test," she starts, her tone serious. "Your objective is to obtain both the Heaven and Earth scrolls and make it to the tower located in the center of the forest."

She pauses, letting her words sink in before continuing. "You will face not only each other but also the dangers of the forest itself. Remember, this is not just a test of your combat skills, but also your survival skills, teamwork, and decision-making abilities."

As Anko sets the stage for the next part of the Chūnin Exams, Malik, Hiruzen, and Danzō watch from their viewing area. The anticipation is palpable.

Malik asks Hiruzen how they are going to watch when they all enter the forest.

Hiruzen turns to Malik, a knowing smile on his face. "Ah, that's a good question, Malik," he begins, his voice filled with amusement. "In the ninja world, we have various methods to monitor such situations."

He continues, "For instance, we have surveillance techniques that allow us to observe from a distance without being noticed. Some shinobi are also skilled in sensory techniques, which allow them to detect and track chakra signatures."

He pauses for a moment, then adds, "Rest assured, even though the participants will be deep within the forest, we'll be able to keep a close eye on the proceedings and ensure their safety."

Danzō, her expression stern, adds to the conversation. "While we do our "best" to ensure their safety," she begins, her voice steady, "it's important to remember the reality of these exams. They are designed to test the limits of these young shinobi, and the challenges they face are real and dangerous."

She pauses, letting her words sink in. "Many of them," she continues, "may not make it out with their lives. That's the harsh truth of the shinobi world."

Her words hang in the air, a stark reminder of the risks and sacrifices that come with being a shinobi. It's a sobering thought, but one that they all understand. After all, they live in a world where strength and survival are often a matter of life and death.

From their vantage point, Malik, Hiruzen, and Danzō watch as the young shinobi prepare to enter the Forest of Death. One by one, they step forward to sign the contracts, a testament to their resolve and commitment to face the challenges ahead. Each participant is then handed a scroll, a crucial element for the survival test that lies ahead.

As the last of the participants disappear into the dense forest, the entrance closes behind them, marking the beginning of the second part of the Chūnin Exams. The once bustling area falls into silence, the anticipation replaced by a tense calm.

The three of them continue to watch, their expressions serious. They know that the real test has just begun. The Forest of Death, with its dangerous creatures and treacherous terrain, will push the young shinobi to their limits. But it's also a test of their determination, their ability to work together, and their will to overcome adversity.

As the silence stretches on, they can't help but feel a sense of respect for the young shinobi who've chosen to take on this challenge. They may be young, but they carry the hopes and dreams of their respective villages on their shoulders. And as they disappear into the forest, they carry with them the hopes and expectations of everyone watching.

The Chūnin Exams have begun, and all they can do now is wait and hope for the best. It's a tense time, but also a time of potential and growth. And as they watch the forest, they can't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what's to come.

As the participants disappear into the Forest of Death, Malik spots Anko Mitarashi overseeing the proceedings. He walks over to her, a friendly smile on his face. "Anko," he greets her, his voice warm.

Anko turns to him, a hint of surprise in her eyes. But she quickly recovers, a playful smirk appearing on her face. "Malik," she replies, her tone teasing. "What brings you here?"

"I just wanted to wish you luck with overseeing the exams," Malik says, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "And maybe enjoy your company for a bit."

Anko laughs, clearly amused by his flirtatious remark. "Well, aren't you a charmer," she says, her smirk widening. "I'll take that as a compliment."

 "So? What do you think about the participants this year?" Malik asks her offering her a cold drink. Anko accepts the cold drink with a grateful smile, taking a sip before answering. "I think this year's participants are quite promising," she says, her eyes scanning the forest's edge. "There are a few who stand out to me, but I won't jinx it by naming them."

She then turns her attention back to Malik, her expression becoming more serious. "But I will say this, the Forest of Death is no joke. It's a harsh and unforgiving place, and not everyone will make it out alive."

Malik nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. "That's why I'm here," he says, his voice firm. "To support and protect those I care about, no matter what happens in the forest."

Anko raises an eyebrow, intrigued by his words. "You seem to have a personal stake in this."

Anko chuckles at Malik's response, shaking her head in amusement. "Well, I hope your future wives make it out unscathed. Just remember, the Forest of Death has a way of testing even the strongest of bonds."

As they continue to chat, a commotion arises from the forest's edge. A group of participants emerges from the dense foliage, their faces pale and their bodies covered in sweat. They appear to be shaken, but uninjured.

Anko turns her attention towards the group, her expression stern. "What happened?" she asks, her voice filled with authority.

One of the participants steps forward, her eyes wide with fear. "A giant snake... it attacked us," she stammers, her voice trembling. "We barely managed to escape."

Anko nods, her expression thoughtful. "Stay here and rest." "Wow, they quit that easily?" Malik said pulling out two pillows for them to sit on. Anko gives Malik a sharp look, "These exams are not a joke, Malik. The forest can be unpredictable and dangerous. It's not surprising that some participants decided to retreat."

The group of participants settles down on the pillows, still shaken from their encounter. Malik offers them some water and food, which they accept gratefully.

As the sun begins to set, more participants emerge from the forest, some visibly injured, others looking relieved to have made it out alive. Anko takes note of each participant, offering words of encouragement to those who look particularly shaken.

"Well, it seems like the first day of the exams is coming to an end," Anko says, turning to Malik. "I should report to the Hokage and see if there are any changes to the schedule."

"I'm sorry, it might be because I'm not a ninja, part of me will never understand," Malik says offering an apology to her. Anko chuckles and pats Malik on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, you're doing a great job supporting these ninjas." She then turns to leave, making her way towards the village.

Meanwhile, He decides to take a walk along the forest edge, watching as the remaining participants emerge from the dense foliage. Some are battered and bruised, while others seem unscathed but shaken. He offers words of encouragement and assistance to those in need, feeling grateful for their determination and bravery.

As the evening settles in, he finds a quiet spot to rest and reflect on the day's events. Malik's thoughts turn to Sakura, Ino, and Tenten, who are still in the forest (Rock Lee and Neji are most likely going to be fine). He hopes they are safe and that their bonds remain strong amidst the challenges they face.

As Malik strolls around the perimeter of the Forest of Death, he notices a young kunoichi approaching him. She looks a bit flustered, her eyes scanning the area anxiously. As she reaches him, she bows respectfully.

"Excuse me," she begins, her voice slightly shaky, "I seem to have lost my teammates in the forest. Could you possibly help me find them?"

Malik, understanding the gravity of the situation, nods. "Of course, Let's go find someone who can help you" he replies, his voice filled with determination.

"I've already asked them, all they said was that it wasn't their responsibility to find them," The girl said while starting to cry.

"Let's try to find your teammates." 

With that, they set off into the forest, the young kunoichi leading the way as she describes her teammates and their last known location, both of them girls like her. Despite the tension of the situation, Malik can't help but feel a sense of purpose. After all, helping others is what he's here for. And in the dangerous environment of the Forest of Death, every bit of help counts.

As Malik ventures deeper into the forest, the thick foliage casts shadows over the ground, making it difficult to see. The young kunoichi, whom he's learned is named Yoshino, keeps a steady pace, determined to find her friends. Malik follows closely behind, listening intently to her directions.

After a while, they hear the sound of water flowing in the distance. "Maybe they went to get a drink," Yoshino suggests, hope in her voice. Malik picks up his pace, making his way towards the sound.

As they approach, they find a small clearing next to a river, where a makeshift camp has been set up. A few bags are scattered around, and the remnants of a meal are still on the ground. But there's no sign of Yoshino's friends.

Yoshino looks around, her eyes welling up with tears. "They were here..." Malik says, trying to console her. They both search the area thoroughly, but there's no trace of the missing teammates. Suddenly, Malik notices a faint scent in the air - it's the smell of blood. His heart races as he follows the scent, leading him deeper into the forest.

After a tense search, they find them - Yoshino's teammates are lying on the ground, unconscious and injured. They appear to have been attacked by a wild beast. Malik quickly assesses their condition and determines that they need immediate medical attention.

Yoshino is beside herself with worry and fear, but Malik takes charge, using his healing abilities. He carefully dresses their wounds and applies pressure to stop the bleeding, all while reassuring Yoshino that everything will be okay.

Once they're stabilized, Malik lets them rest. "What are their names?" Malik asks Yoshino. "Thank you so much for helping us," Yoshino says, her voice trembling with gratitude. "My teammates' names are Hana and Miku. They're both skilled kunoichi, but I guess we underestimated the dangers of the Forest of Death."

Malik nods sympathetically. "Don't blame yourself. The forest is unpredictable, and it's easy to let your guard down. But you did the right thing by coming to find them."

He takes a moment to rest, knowing that Hana and Miku need time to recover from their injuries. As he catches his breath, he notices Yoshino staring at him, her eyes filled with admiration.

"I've never seen someone with such powerful healing abilities," she says. "Where did you learn to do that?"

Malik smiles softly. "Magic." He explains to Yoshino how he's learned to use magic through an "unknown" source. She listens with wide-eyed wonder, clearly fascinated by his abilities.

"I've never heard of magic before," she says, her curiosity piqued. "Could you teach me?"

Malik considers her request, knowing that teaching someone to harness magic is no small feat. However, he sees the potential in her - the determination and kindness in her eyes. He decides to offer her a chance.

"I might, not 100% sure I can teach you some basic principles, but it will require a lot of practice and dedication on your part," he tells her. "Are you willing to put in the work?"

Yoshino nods eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, absolutely! I want to learn everything you can teach me." 

**Yoshino**: Yoshino is a young kunoichi with a slender build and medium height. She has long, wavy black hair that she usually ties up in a high ponytail, with a few strands framing her face. Her eyes are a striking shade of violet, often filled with determination and kindness. She wears a dark blue tunic with a white belt and black shinobi pants, along with the standard Konoha forehead protector. Yoshino is known for her quick thinking and strategic mind, making her an excellent team leader.

**Hana**: Hana is the taller of Yoshino's two teammates, with a muscular build that speaks of her strength. She has short, spiky brown hair and sharp, green eyes. Hana wears a sleeveless red top with a pair of black gloves, and her lower outfit consists of dark shorts with thigh-length boots. She's a taijutsu specialist, known for her powerful and direct combat style.

**Miku**: Miku is the smallest member of the team, but what she lacks in size, she makes up for in agility and speed. She has shoulder-length blonde hair, usually kept out of her face with a bandana, and bright blue eyes. Miku's outfit consists of a light green dress worn over black shorts, and she always carries a large scroll on her back, from which she can summon various weapons. Miku specializes in ninjutsu and is particularly skilled in weapon-based attacks.

Together, Yoshino, Hana, and Miku make a well-balanced team, each member's strengths complementing the others. They share a strong bond, their friendship forged through countless missions and battles. Despite their differences, they work together seamlessly, their shared experiences strengthening their resolve and camaraderie. As the night wears on, Malik tends to Hana and Miku's injuries, using his magic to heal their wounds and alleviate their pain. Yoshino watches in awe, her violet eyes filled with admiration for the powerful magic user before her. As the hours pass, Hana and Miku regain consciousness, expressing their gratitude to Malik for saving their lives.

"I've never seen anything like this," Hana mutters, her sharp green eyes taking in Malik's every move. "Your magic... it's incredible."

Miku nods in agreement, her blue eyes shining with curiosity. "Will you teach us how to use it?" she asks, her voice trembling with excitement.

Malik chuckles, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "I might be able to teach you a thing or two, but it won't be easy." "We don't know how to repay you, but please, take this," she says, offering you a small pouch filled with gold coins." "I don't need or want your money," Malik says to them. Miku looks at him, her expression filled with gratitude and determination. "Then please, let us offer you our services as a token of our appreciation," she says, her voice steady and resolute.

Malik considered her proposal for a moment before nodding in agreement. "I appreciate your offer, what will you give me?" he says, a smile playing on his lips.

Miku tilts her head, curiosity piquing in her blue eyes. "What is it?" Miku thinks for a moment, then responds, "We could help you gather information, scout out areas, or provide support during battles. Whatever you need, we'll do our best to assist you."

Malik nods, not accepting their offer. "no". Malik shakes his head, "I don't need your services right now. But if I ever do, I'll make sure to reach out. For now, focus on recovering from your injuries and doing well in the Chūnin Exams."

Hana and Miku nod, understanding his sentiment. Yoshino looks at him with admiration, "You're so kind, Malik. I've never met anyone like you before."

Malik smiles, "I just try to help where I can. And in return, I hope you'll keep an open mind about magic and its possibilities."

As the night progresses, they rest and recuperate under the starlit sky, with Yoshino and Malik discussing magic's wonders. The trio of kunoichi, Hana, Miku, and Yoshino, gradually grow more comfortable around Malik, their curiosity piqued. "All of you are very sexy," Malik says to them. Hana, Miku, and Yoshino exchange glances, a little surprised by Malik's sudden comment. A faint blush rises to their cheeks, but they can't deny the truth in his words.

"Well, we do train hard to stay in top shape," Hana says with a small smile, flexing her arm slightly. Miku giggles and nods in agreement, her cheeks growing even redder.

Yoshino, however, looks at Malik with a more serious expression. "You're not just saying that are you?" she asks, searching his eyes for any hint of insincerity.

Malik shakes his head, maintaining eye contact. "No, I genuinely think you're all beautiful and strong in your own ways. And it's not just about your physical appearance, but also your abilities and the way you carry yourselves as ninja," he explains.

Hana, Miku, and Yoshino seem to be touched by Malik's words. They share knowing looks with each other, and he can see a newfound respect in their eyes. The night continues with stories and laughter, the group growing closer with each passing moment.

As the night wears on, Malik shares his own experiences, exploring different villages and meeting various shinobi. The kunoichi listen intently, captivated by his tales of adventure. Yoshino can't help but feel a strong connection with Malik, finding solace in his kind and sincere nature.

Suddenly, a loud rustling sound emerges from the nearby bushes, snapping the group back to reality. Malik quickly stands up, positioning himself in front of the kunoichi. His senses are heightened, ready to face whatever danger lurks in the shadows.